Saturday, September 19, 2009

What Will Disqualify From The Navy

Series Addicted: The blood is the blood back

Finisce la seconda stagione di True Blood, la serie migliore dell'anno a modesto mio parere.
Come il finale della scorsa stagione, si risolve tutto nella prima parte della puntata, per poi aprire la porta verso il futuro della terza serie. Con un cliffhanger che ci lascia appesi come degli idioti per almeno 10 mesi.. pazienza.
Per dei vampiri che ci lasciano, I get the others, but unfortunately a completely different pasta.
The Vampire Diaries, from the creator of Dawson's Creek (and already a whole program ..) gives the series a touch of Emo. Emo in this case there is good, as the blood flows in part, but even more the sadness flows between the characters: the protagonist is always sad for the death of her, the vampire is sad because he is in love with vampire and has a brother asshole, her brother is sad because in addition to being an orphan, the girl will not give them more spring, the girl is sad because she likes not the cool shit, the guy who likes to be sad because if she does the little guy with the orphan, the brother of the girl is sad because the protagonist is a vampire shit for him, the aunt of the protagonist's sad because it is unable to act as tutor to his nephews, Zach is still sad because I did not understand what role in the whole, the blonde is sad because it is bona blonde but then the idiot and no shit, the prof is sad because the vampire knows much more about him in history ... this is the only ones happy are the bad guy and his corvetto. Among other things, the bad and the dude Boone Lost.

So in this festival of sorrow, black eyeliner and dark colors, check the slightly gothic atmosphere that is still the envy of that sad crap Twilight. At the moment the sufficiency if it deserves , but the vote will fall if the following predictions come true

loser brother's friend is sucked
black witch becomes
zach .. does something useful to the plot as well bore you with absurd dialogue
smoking before Damon (the evil vampire brother) becomes useless as that of Lost


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