Monday, November 29, 2010

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's commitments in December 2010 FLSD

1) Wednesday, 1 December 2010 , in the curia, 17 hours, the meeting of the Presidents Look of the diocesan lay associations ;

2) Domenica 12 , nella basilica di S. Francesco d'Assisi, ore 10, Santa Messa con la Famiglia francescana;

3) Martedì 14 , ore 21, riunione di Fraternita: commento dell'Esortazione apostolica post-sinodale di Benedetto XVI Verbum Domini ;

4) Wednesday, 22 , in the episcopal curia, 17.15, best wishes for Christmas and the new year the Archbishop of Palermo (See the initiative of the diocesan lay associations);

5) Martedì 28 , ore 21, riunione di Fraternita.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

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tired eyes ......

when they are fixed to the west, I saw something about the sky, at first seemed a little dot.
Then, a sheet of fog. And finally taken, unless some of my abbagglio, its some form.
It came near, approached, such as evading a fairy sea, pitching, or tacked tacked.
It came out a abbagglio, its some form: a speck, a mist, a shape.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

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..... To their right is the valley of life, and on their left the valley of death.
Both beings are endowed with reason, but one goes to the right and one left.
Because the former has made good use their discernment, while the latter has misused this power, lost in false reasoning.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Milena Velba Y Nadine Jensen

The year draws to a close

year draws to a close, I wish to speak to these areas or places of business but not of characters, those known in recent times and I know for years, but I've had, for there mot different way to better understand and share common experiences.

In particular I will focus on characters that physically I attended, because today we available means by which you can maintain relations contacts anche senza una conoscenza diretta, e questo serve quando ci sono interessi in comune e la distanza è notevole, ma sarebbe sbagliato privarci del piacere che nasce da un rapporto reale e sincero, sempre più raro da trovare in tempi dove tutto è sempre più finto e basato su conven ienze effimere e passeggere.

Inizierò dal mio amico Renato Ronco, conosciuto a Masino come molti altri, e dopo la scoperta che viviamo ad un quarto d’ora d’auto di distanza, le nostre frequentazioni sono diventate più assidue, nel suo vivaio ho trovato ciò che raramente si trova altrove, ma non solo, una alta qualità ad un prezzo più che equo, e questo mi ha permesso di arricchire il giardino di casa mia come il giardino del Baulino di piante insolite. Ma Renato ha anche altre ca ratteristiche, e alcune di queste ci accomunano, è un viaggiatore curioso, non solo di luoghi ma anche di piante insolite, raramente da un viaggio riporta in valigia solo panni da rassettare spesso ci sono semi e piante provenienti da paesi lontani che andranno ad arricchire le sue collezioni. Scrittore prove tto , cura il suo blog “”, scrive su riviste del settore e tiene una rubrica su Case&Country.

N el his I live in this these years ab BIAM or consumed some nice summer dinner, on the edge of the pond with water lilies and the Victoria amazonica, a next to the giant bambuseto .... where at a certain time when night falls, the moon is reflected in the water just above the Basilica di Superga, under which the crow flies is the place. In the nursery I met Renato Alessandro Corbellini, a teacher at the agricultural school in Biella: the plants are a fundamental part of its existence, especially roses, which he knows all species, genera, varieties, diseases, playback systems. On several occasions he was a member of the jury in floral competitions, more abroad than in Italy, where sometimes said to want to transfer, let's hope not, the botanical world needs a generational change and Alexander is definitely a character intended a great success. I met him recently in the latest edition of the "Autumn Masino, promised me that spring will come in boxes of roses and take me to speak to a small collection he had prepared: the wait! By Renato

we spend together the evening of Monday 15 November at 21.00 hours at the premises of the Tourist Pro Loco Via Madre Teresa di Calcutta, 55, during which we will also present his first book published recently "The Garden of the rules broken."

in the same location Monday, October 18 there was a meeting with the Japanese master Tamio Yagisawa, nutritionist, an expert in therapeutic fasting and feng shui. We were impressed with his knowledge and his observation of facial features and hands from which it draws an immediate response from the reading of them born, and his advice is simple and natural, depart from old habits that belonged to her as our ancestors.

The room available has struggled to contain them all and the sooner we will repeat the evening, we listened for two hours straight, and many of us have many questions to put to it.

From an organizational perspective, our association soon will offer its members a number of conventions, some already stipulated in the terms other, with some shops.

We are preparing for the construction of the crib and the lights in the garden of Baulino, perhaps will be the last, patience, this will not diminish our efforts, aimed at contributing to a pleasant stay of the guests.

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The temptations of a gardener's Choice

I hope I do not want Paolo Tasini, owner of the blog" Through Gardens "so that the headline on his latest piece, that represents the mood of garden lovers in this period.

The seasons are the most interesting from the botanical point of view, spring is the colorful butterfly from the cocoon that is born in winter, autumn is the hot color of the yellow turns to gold, the red becomes orange and then brown, green, fading.

E ' the period in which the desires of the new born, nurseries offer the best things, and in many schools of thought that I personally follow a number of years, autumn is the best season for planting new , travel, new projects. The wisdom of our grandparents read, "if it passes the winter is done," referring to plants placed in the fall, which in winter provided everything needed to survive, catching a season as "if it passes the winter," a plant is ready to give its best as early as the following spring.

At this time there are an infinite number of events Botanical Castle Racconigi, elected in 2010 from the site, the most beautiful Italian garden, is has just held an exhibition of "Potager Jarden" new trend of French origin with the inclusion of garden products to garden, if well-placed well fit by combining business with pleasure, especially when you have a small space. Some of the most beautiful gardens in France, for example, Villandry, the hedges have to wrap beds of lettuce, cabbage, herbs.

But surely the most important moment is the "Masino Autumn" two days on 16 and 17 October dedicated to plants, the fruits, the garden furniture. Plants from around the world, I can not think of anything that is not within Masino, most recently with a strong emphasis on old fruits, some restored, others reported on the market.

Masino is also a pleasant company of exhibitors from all over the place, with which it is easy to create network connections to the mail-order, visits, exchanges,

A Masino expose some of the characters' home Our "Renato Ronco, Maurizio Feletig, Mark Picca, until a few years, even our "Teacher" Maria Luisa below with his herbs. Right there we have known and began a journey together, Renato with the maples, the acidophilic, small-leafed shrubs, Mark is one of the largest Italian producers and also the recently breached border market, small roccaglia plants, Maurizio berry grown plants, roses and old fruits

and temptations to return to our gardens autumn offer the latest surprises flowers, echinacea, coreopsis, evansiane begonias, hydrangeas, iris re-bloom, the 'beginning of the berries on Nandini, cotton aster, pyracanta, e di tutte queste abbiamo ottimi esemplari anche nel giardino del Baulino che in questi giorni ha ospitato gli ospiti “autunnali” del Progetto Scuola, alcune classi del plesso di Via Rodari in visita.

Ma a parte gli ultimi piacere sul campo l’autunno ci offre con le sue serata allungate la possibilità di pensare al nostro benessere anche sotto altri aspetti, e per questo vi proponiamo la conoscenza con un personaggio che molto ha da dire sotto uno degli aspetti più importanti del nostro quotidiano: l’alimentazione.

Vi invitiamo, lunedì 18 ottobre presso i locali dell’associazione Turistica Pro-Loco in Via Madre Teresa di Calcutta, 55 alle ore 21,00 a conoscere e dialogare con il Maestro Tamio Yagisawa.

Tamio è nato in Giappone nel 1948 si è diplomato presso l'Istituto Westdeutsche Akademie di Lugano, vive e lavora in Italia da numerosi anni come Bioterapeuta e Naturopata. Si occupa soprattutto di alimentazione macro-vegetariana impostata sull'antica pratica cinese dello Yin e dello Yang e dei Cinque Elementi. E' esperto in digiuno terapeutico ed in diagnosi della casa per vivere in armonia. Per approfondire il problema individuale di salute, Tamio studia le persone anche mediante la lettura del viso e delle mani.

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Vi aspettiamo!

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Elisa Cirone I met at a dinner of solidarity in favor of his plans, something clicked immediately forced me to learn more about this girl Cirie who now lives and works in Kenya. I met her personally several weeks ago, a simple girl, beautiful and above all happy reached the most important goal for every human being to achieve its objectives.
A child who leaves home is a great sorrow for his parents when a child leaves home to chase the dream of Elisa's concern over the pain of the uncertain, the different risk but Elisa's family has always believed in his "dreams", although Stella, her mother, does not hide anxiety and nostalgia, but above all there is sharing and respecting the choices that are unfathomable, non-negotiable, and is she who tells us the choice of Elisa.
"Elisa dreamed of Africa, since she was a girl and I thought" change your mind .... "
Just managed to make clear to himself and to understand "what he wanted to do great" has reached and tried to realize his dream, leaving a secure job, a boyfriend and many services. Before the decisive choice there have been years of Holidays solidarity, Tanzania and Kenya in the last Eastern Europe, which has fallen in love.
Shared a year with the Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception of Ivrea, living in Macalder mission, to test themselves. Following this experience has chosen to live in the village experiencing the daily life of the population: the muddy roads to walk in the rainy season, lack of drinking water that requires the use of the river, or collect rain water, try to cook on a charcoal stove, polenta, vegetables, rice and meat on rare occasions, very different from that to which she was accustomed, to live with and care for the mosquitoes malaria.
Elisa è un’educatrice professionale che ha scelto di vivere dal 2004 nel villaggio di Macalder Mines, area rurale del South Nyanza, in qualità di missionaria laica. Il villaggio di Macalder, distante circa 460 km dalla capitale del Kenya, Nairobi, ha una popolazione di circa 20.000 persone dislocate su un’area piuttosto ampia e dispersiva, appartenenti alla tribù dei Luo. La provincia del South Nyanza, a cui il villaggio fa capo, è considerata una fra le aree più depresse e con un tasso di rendita più basso del Paese. Molte sono le problematiche che affliggono questa zona, tra la altre l’alto tasso di mortalità infantile, la presenza di numerosi orfani e vedove, la mortalità caused by the strong and growing scourge of AIDS or other diseases such as infections related to it, malaria, tuberculosis, leprosy, infectious diseases, or the scarcity of resources that the area has to offer.
During these years he has worked with the Passionist Fathers and the Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception of Ivrea to the implementation of some projects undertaken in that area. In particular, it has committed itself to the new secondary school female teacher as a professional occupation also took place during 2004-2005 in support of orphans and AIDS patients received the Baby-Home (shelter) of Macalder, structure launched and operated by religiose sopra citate. Al fianco delle medesime ha partecipato al progetto “Di villaggio in villaggio, una clinica mobile per mamme e bambini” per promuovere campagne di informazione e di prevenzione alle malattie infantili e neo-natali in sei centri rurali della regione, attraverso la somministrazione di vaccini e vitamine a bambini da zero a tre anni e a donne gravide, secondo il programma sanitario definito dal governo keniota.
Dal 2007 è referente dell’ Up4 (Onlus Urban Planning for participation & development) di Torino , in collaborazione con Kennedy Ochieng Ouma insegnante della Primary School di Macalder,
Currently coordinates projects:
"" - The continuation of training and upgrading of the computer lab built in the first phase of the project
Support for the study of boys Macalder Youth Polytechnic:
Since 2009 . Supports 45 are active in the study; (55 € per year).
for 2010 have been identified:
"Us girls and our body" - Meetings of training in health education and distribution of sanitary napkins for girls Macalder Primary School:
"TUSOM Pamoja" - Let's read together: construction of a laboratory for reading with the involvement of "street children" -
The project is sponsored by the City of Cirie and is being processed.
's concert Thursday, July 1 at Villa Remmert in Ciriè was aimed at raising funds for UP4, in particular to finance the project "TUSOM Pamoja" , a perfect evening, a musical group the "Out the World " , our fellow citizens, no longer green but loads of enthusiasm and energy, the songs of the 60s, they still do not creepy at all ages, masterfully executed: the music is always the best vehicle to share how these objectives, the memories that will inevitably emerge, often with a touch of nostalgia and regret bring us closer to our reality where the superfluous is the necessary that is often missing. The global world certainly needs people like Elisa, still too few and too in the minority against whom the problems are beyond debate without a deal in practice.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

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... within the mind of God, a little bit the 'old days' ( as St. John in his Revelation ) , light from passing into the minds of men: light falls on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let love stream forth into the hearts of men: He could return to Earth.
From the center where the will of God is known, purpose guide the little wills of men The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the center which we call the human race Let the Plan of love and light, and can seal the door where evil resides.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth .

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Cave of Lascaux

In the caves of Lascaux, France, have been found graffiti dating back to an average of 17,000 a. C.
The peculiarity of these paintings is that they were not made at the entrance of the cave, but a lot inside.
short, there has been a preparation, they went there with the torches, the colors, have spent a long time to the representations, taking it away from manual labor.
One theory says that best known at that time men believed in the existence of a Great Spirit, who showed through all living creatures, and whose presence was high in some places of the earth (eg. the caves).

A questo dio i nostri antenati si rivolgevano in preghiera, per le esigenze più varie: guarire da una malattia, avere una discendenza numerosa e sana, per non correre rischi durante la caccia e perché la stessa fosse ricca...

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Theory of plate tectonics

Lo spostamento dei continenti della superficie terrestre è dovuto al movimento di grandi porzioni di litosfera (placche), a forma di calotte profonde circa un centinaio di Km. 
Si possono muovere perché scivolano sul materiale elastico sottostante (astenosfera).
Le placche are about 20 and consist of: only oceanic lithosphere, continental lithosphere only or both.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

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... win with humility, pride , hatred with love , agitation with the calm, selfishness, generosity with , ignorance with knowledge , and ' concern with the peace that comes from deep meditation.

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....., one who drinks liquor, he who takes advantage of the wife of a teacher who strikes a Brahmana, fall, and the fifth is the one who associated with them.
But he who thus knows the five fires, man, even if it is set to them, no stain of sin: he is pure and blissful.

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.... and intimacy of creatures, the treasure of sublime, the guarantee of perfect.

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There is camping in bad places.
Ci si congiunge - con gli alleati - dove le rispettive vie si incrociano. 
Non si sosta in luoghi troppo isolati. 
Se la zona è accerchiata, si elaborano trame; di fronte alla morte si combatte. 
Vi sono cammini che non vanno seguiti. 
Vi sono eserciti che non vanno assaliti. 
Vi sono città che non vanno attaccate. 
Vi sono terreni su cui non ci si affronta.  
Knowing others and knowing oneself, in one hundred battles is not at risk.

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..... : Vain! Live happy, and nell'ingiusta way of your destiny, live von justice. For, in conclusion, this world is nothing, thinks he is nothing, and free live!