Saturday, September 5, 2009

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Carnet Marcia - Day 4: Boundaries and Education

Then the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, east, and there he put the man whom he had formed. 9THE the ground the Lord God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, including the tree of life among al giardino e l'albero della conoscenza del bene e del male. 15Il Signore Dio prese l'uomo e lo pose nel giardino di Eden, perché lo coltivasse e lo custodisse. 16Il Signore Dio diede questo comando all'uomo: "Tu potrai mangiare di tutti gli alberi del giardino, 17ma dell'albero della conoscenza del bene e del male non devi mangiare, perché, quando tu ne mangiassi, certamente moriresti". 18Poi il Signore Dio disse: "Non è bene che l'uomo sia solo: gli voglio fare un aiuto che gli sia simile". 19Allora il Signore Dio plasmò dal suolo ogni sorta di bestie selvatiche e tutti gli uccelli del cielo e li condusse all'uomo, per vedere come li avrebbe chiamati: in qualunque modo l'uomo avesse chiamato ognuno degli esseri viventi, what was its name. 20IN THESE man gave names to all cattle, and to every fowl of the air and all the wild animals, but the man did not find a helper fit for him like that. 21Allora the Lord God caused a deep sleep in humans, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. 22Il Lord God fashioned the rib he had taken from man, a woman and brought her to the man.

God creates Adam, humanity, and fills his Spirit.
We are born like that, but limited by a body with a thrust towards infinity given to us by the thought, imagination. How to reconcile these two aspects? The body is our first border. What value do you give your body? It 's the first thing that is judged, and on which funds your opinion and your injury. Crescendo widen the boundaries to your home, your neighborhood, your city and gradually you claim to belong to a state. And in this border that extends stick everything you need to give an identity to this "extended body": a language, a religion, a way of seeing things. "But what happens when someone tries to go beyond your borders, or conversely want to try to intrude into the worldview of another? If there are the same basic values, chaos can erupt. You should think like this:

If you have an apple, and I have an apple and we exchange them, allora tu ed io abbiamo sempre una mela per uno. Ma se tu hai un'idea, ed io ho un'idea, e ce le scambiamo, allora abbiamo entrambi due idee.
George Bernard Shaw

Ma da quando abbiamo "mangiato del frutto dell'albero", ovvero da quando formiamo una consapevolezza su CHI SIAMO, creiamo una barriera verso l'altro, il nemico.

Prima di tutto vennero a prendere gli zingari e fui contento perchè rubacchiavano. Poi vennero a prendere gli ebrei e stetti zitto perchè mi stavano antipatici. Poi vennero a prendere gli omosessuali e fui sollevato perché mi erano fastidiosi. Poi vennero a prendere i comunisti ed io non dissi niente perchè non ero comunista. Un giorno vennero a prendere me and there was nobody left to protest

Bertoldt Brecht

In this new world, you need boundaries? What's out of this world who do not want to go? Who has the right to be part of "our", who want to exclude? It is said that the union makes the force, we must avoid being alone in our world, because we risk being attacked on several fronts. Feel threatened by what dangers your world? Who would you team up to protect you from the greatest dangers?
Now remember that the Matrix is \u200b\u200bthe world where you lived so far and that we have forged, but you really know who we are, or have learned from those who have decided the borders first us, for us to remain within a fence to graze?

say that educating means "to lead out of ignorance ..." But where does it lead to the so-called educators? Who were your teachers? What was right and wrong in their teaching? In our new world we must decide on a system that allows children to grow according to our values. It seems that the Greeks were the first to develop such a system, forging the boys from an early age, to transform them into citizens. You agree that children should be shaped and routed to the ministers have decided that you be the pillars of the new world? And what about the fantasy, that tends to infinity, if the spark that made the stroke, burn the system?

education, then, helps children learn about the world, tends to flatten or his imagination? how do you resolve this apparent conflict?

"If there is a hope for humanity's salvation and help, this help can not come
that the child, because he built the man" Maria Montessori

In the old world, some gentlemen , aware of the enormous power in relation to children, they have done obscene things set up, transforming potential in men machines without the possibility of consent. Think of totalitarian regimes, but also think of the scheme masked consumerism. The sleep of reason produces monsters
Pasolini said: "before the tragedy: an education policy, in the most negative and destructive of the term compulsory and wrong, goes all the arena to have everything at all costs. In this arena we are moved as a strange and dark army, in which someone has the guns and someone has the bars. But I say that in a sense, all are victims and they are all guilty because everyone is ready to play for the massacre, just to have, possess and destroy. " That is to say what was taken away from these young generation, to men, to the point that it is hard to recognize them as men? She was deprived of the opportunity to identify with any bond and bond is not produced and not possessed by humans, and this approval, as he called it, is due to the fact that someone got their hands on the soul, the very point where a man is born as a man, the very source of actions, that is to be desired.

Thus, education seems to have to deal with this problem: how to ride the wishes of the people in your world? I want to be suppressed or satisfied? Think about your personal experience ...

"And this desire has been felt and lived like the ability to have everything: the negative educational impact point that destroyed a generation has been the presumption of being masters of all of reality, life, Pasolini in fact said "there is a great thing when it comes to God, because when it comes to God there is no more bourgeois when you put the man in front of something that he does not own, that confronts the mystery that he is, what reality is, then somehow it free, because it helps rid the who has destroyed as a man is presumed to govern in some way the reality, this dictatorship of desire, so he feels in control of himself, the world, of all things, to be eligible for the mere fact that so desires. "

One of the worst want is to want to learn just to put his training in the window: Do not you think of what we know, but its dazzling reflection, or the vote.'s vote becomes the clothes of our knowledge.

"The distinctive feature of the University is to teach and study. The degree is only evidence that is known study, which is known to acquire training for themselves and found that there was good in the paths of scientific research ... If you learned how to learn then he has made to learn. A person with a bachelor's degree is thus a person cha know better manage ocean training. He received an orientation. " Maria Montessori

Come struttureresti il sistema educativo nel nuovo mondo? Immaginati una scuola diversa...
Per concludere, sei d'accordo con chi dice che educare significa sempre e comunque ingannare?

"solo un pazzo accetterebbe il compito di diventare un uomo di sapere. Un uomo dalla mente lucida deve essere attirato a farlo con l'inganno.
Qualunque cosa io ti abbia fatto oggi era un trucco" disse bruscamente [don Juan] . "La regola è che un uomo di sapere deve prendere in trappola il suo apprendista. Oggi ti ho preso in trappola e ti ho spinto con l'inganno ad apprendere. Se non fossimo ingannati, non impareremmo mai. [...] L'arte di un benefattore consiste in bringing us to the limit. A benefactor can only point the way
and deceive.

Moreover we are so full of people who preach 'evil good and scratching ... is deception necessary?


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