Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Yeast Infection Lymph

Marcia - Day 5: The Social System and the Economy

The man who never sleeps
is in contact with Europe or the Middle East
and cares very
"There is evil out there, I will feel the smell of an alarm
heart ... tell me,
how do you sleep?"
The man who never sleeps
feel the slightest signal,
any kind of pain he feels as his

The man who never sleeps

is perpetually apprehensive about the fate of people who will never know

" There is hate out there, do not you can avoid
The defeat of the heart ... tell me,
how do you sleep? "
The man who never sleeps

would read the newspaper that the madness is about to end but it does not say
The man who never
non dorme mai
è solo un angelo ignorato
o forse un premio immeritato
che non avremo mai
"C'è una strada migliore, ma non la so indicare
La sconfitta del cuore... ditemi voi,
come fate a dormire?"

Una società esiste intanto in quanto è in grado di determinare con (relativa) certezza l’esercizio del potere, l’appartenenza ad una comunità culturale, la distribuzione delle risorse economiche e dei ruoli sociali.
La soggettività individuale è cresciuta grazie ad assetti istituzionali in grado di strutturare la vita quotidiana, la biografia personale, le regole delle relazioni sociali: non sempre era facile riuscire ad adattarsi al proprio social role but at least ensure precise and stable references existential cultural orientations.

Do you recognize yourself in any social role? Elencane at least 5, and establishing a degree of membership from one to 10

The push to fund what was called mass society was (and remains) to justify and support personal freedom. The individual company began to experience the exhilarating experience of self, becoming both more aware of the limits and contradictions of the social model and in which he lived.
Since then, though obviously necessary, institutions have begun to be felt "Against" and not "for" people, something to use but also to keep a safe distance. The global
I struggled to find their way in a world that seems too complex, far beyond its scope. Uprooted from the cultural point of view and free from subjection to corporate institutions, he risks becoming a hollow shell, private as one's own identity and forced to define existential objectives which necessarily tend to shrink in size and individual privacy. Which paradoxically ends to create that social mimicry which makes it (again) just like all the others:
The individual power is embedded in the indistinct mass of likes of which passively adopt models, mentality, morals.
Do you feel able to determine what you need in your life? To create you your own identity beyond the models, mentality and morals? You feel emotionally isolated or placed in a social context that supports you?
Subjected to constant over-stimulation, we encounter serious problems when we try to achieve some form of consolidation, which gives consistency to the many activities that we happen to play. The contemporary self is measured with a multitude of images, information, encouragement, opportunities. This undoubtedly increases the action potential, but at the same time tends to invade privacy personale. Le relazioni (personali, economiche, politiche, religiose) sono sempre più scelte, e come tali volontarie, revocabili e raramente riescono a essere vincolanti nel tempo.
L’effetto è duplice: se è vero che ciò crea una gradevole sensazione di apertura e libertà, d’altro canto non si può negare che aumenti anche un sentimento di insicurezza e instabilità.

Sei soddisfatto delle tue relazioni sociali? Ti senti insicuro?

La vita sociale è continuamente trasformata grazie alla capacità di plasmare il mondo che è tipica dell’essere umano. Gli uomini vivono in mondi già fatti, ma questo non esclude la loro capacità di intervenire sulla realtà nella quale vivono.

Tu ti senti di intervenire sulla realtà nella quale vivi? In che modo?

Sembrerebbe che l’avere costituisca una normale funzione della nostra esistenza, nel senso che, per vivere, dobbiamo avere oggetti.

Il Buddha insegna che, per giungere allo stadio supremo dello sviluppo umano, non dobbiamo aspirare ai possessi.

E Gesù: “Perché chi vorrà salvare la sua vita, la perderà; ma chi avrà perduto la propria vita per me, colui la salverà. Infatti, che giova all’uomo l’aver guadagnato il mondo intero se poi ha perduto e rovinato se stesso?” (Luca IX, 24-25).

Marx affermava che il lusso è un vizio esattamente come la povertà e che dovremmo proporci come meta quella di essere molto, non già di avere molto.

Il nostro sistema economico oggi è basato sul consumismo sapresti immaginarti un altro tipo di sistema economico?

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The Madman smile of Dr. House

Quasi a voler rimarcare il concetto di follia controllata, la sincronicità viene in mio aiuto.
Ieri è iniziata la 6 serie di Dottor House , primi due episodi dal titolo " Broken ". Il nostro egotico dottore preferito era rimasto a disintossicarsi in una clinica psichiatrica.

We are aware of the department 6. The first approach to the House of patients is that of the Joker: madness contemptuous of others, aimed only to reach its target, namely the freedom from that kind of Arkham Asylum.

But during the first session, so we have a symbol of what will be the rebirth of "spiritual" of the protagonist: the shirt with a smile, which we have already had occasion to join with the crowd control (see : The Laughing Warrior and Madness Controlled and What (we) mean the SMILE? )

Madness irrational House door to a big mistake, that will touch the death of one of the characters. Only by accepting its limits, and correcting the way to be neutral, or fighting the pressure of "social death" interacting with others, will begin its journey as a catharsis. (Note that during the party, House interacts always going over the top, but his is almost a "don'ts" of social relations).
crucial moment of catharsis is communication. When some patients resume their talk, a smile comes out real house, not a pathetic grin nor a laugh, but a face that shows the relaxed attained liberation (temporary) interior.

Note that the color of the cake (which says not at home " HAPPY RE-BIRTH ") is rubbed in your face is yellow: it can be said that you print the smile on his face.

It will leave the clinic wearing the shirt of his roommate.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Impetigo And Hair Lost

Addicted Series: Flash forward to September

September, harvest time.

And together with the leaves, fall upon us see new seasons of series now become cult.

Given the proliferation of episodes, you need to make a Flashforward to put together the pieces.
We are waiting mouth spalacanta Flash Forward, when we looked at preair. What
combine the brother of Ralph Fiennes? The plot is intriguing and intricate, powerful and beautiful production mixes various kinds of tip.
FBI, doctors, time travel, love interim ...

Virtually humanity passes for 137 minutes and the Awakening of accorgno you have had a deja-vu in reverse: all were found six months later with a clear conscience. Almost everyone, probably because those who have not seen anything die in that period.
For some the crisis began, for others it becomes all roses. The umpteenth series that shows how gullible we are fatalistic, as if the future can not be changed with a minimum of free will.
There is also a Lost Penny to make the dish tasty. Ah, forgot the main fact: between 6 months there will be an attack.

For a glimpse of the future, we see the series from the start:

E 'came the second season of Fringe , and already the Season Premiere is expected interesting development.
Olivia comes out of nowhere talking in greek, William is more and more insanely funny (the scene of the fantastic preparation of the custard during the autopsy), Peter ripe, red if it does it with black, and Charlie .. Well probably JJ Abrams had a schoolmate who was called so odious, so he gave this name to any character forced to suffer the worst torture (this theory to give you the name of a bale is on the nerd character is not mine but I have heard in some interview I do not know which author).

And 'the second coming of Lie To Me, by September 28. More space for personal stories and the dark past of Lightman (man light but also Lieman)

In a short series also will return with the H maiuscola: House si disintossicherà? tornerà nel mondo degli umani, almeno fisicamente parlando?
E poi Heroes , sperando che Petrelli risollevi verso le stelle la trama, infiacchitasi nella 4 serie.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

What Will Disqualify From The Navy

Series Addicted: The blood is the blood back

Finisce la seconda stagione di True Blood, la serie migliore dell'anno a modesto mio parere.
Come il finale della scorsa stagione, si risolve tutto nella prima parte della puntata, per poi aprire la porta verso il futuro della terza serie. Con un cliffhanger che ci lascia appesi come degli idioti per almeno 10 mesi.. pazienza.
Per dei vampiri che ci lasciano, I get the others, but unfortunately a completely different pasta.
The Vampire Diaries, from the creator of Dawson's Creek (and already a whole program ..) gives the series a touch of Emo. Emo in this case there is good, as the blood flows in part, but even more the sadness flows between the characters: the protagonist is always sad for the death of her, the vampire is sad because he is in love with vampire and has a brother asshole, her brother is sad because in addition to being an orphan, the girl will not give them more spring, the girl is sad because she likes not the cool shit, the guy who likes to be sad because if she does the little guy with the orphan, the brother of the girl is sad because the protagonist is a vampire shit for him, the aunt of the protagonist's sad because it is unable to act as tutor to his nephews, Zach is still sad because I did not understand what role in the whole, the blonde is sad because it is bona blonde but then the idiot and no shit, the prof is sad because the vampire knows much more about him in history ... this is the only ones happy are the bad guy and his corvetto. Among other things, the bad and the dude Boone Lost.

So in this festival of sorrow, black eyeliner and dark colors, check the slightly gothic atmosphere that is still the envy of that sad crap Twilight. At the moment the sufficiency if it deserves , but the vote will fall if the following predictions come true

loser brother's friend is sucked
black witch becomes
zach .. does something useful to the plot as well bore you with absurd dialogue
smoking before Damon (the evil vampire brother) becomes useless as that of Lost

Monday, September 14, 2009

Free Printable Baby Shower Games

The Laughing Warrior and controlled folly

Before reading, you must have read the premise, but also arm themselves with holy patience, because surgery is very long. So if you are tired left perdere.

"Non ritengo che un fallimento sia necessariamente una cosa negativa. Ti dà piuttosto quel certo grado di libertà che ti permette di dire: «'sti cazzi!»"
(Billy Corgan; sticazzi = Fattelapiabbene = Machemmefrega!)

E mi immagino una intera vita col sorriso in volto e sticazzi stampato in fronte. Ecco il potere del ridere. Non il folle riso del Joker che si contrappone allo scuro volto serioso di Batman.

Joker e Batman, il folle e la morte, entrambe figure archetipe del nostro inconscio, nonchè carte dei tarocchi (lascio agli esperti l'interpretazione del significato).

DEATH The paper shows a skeleton with some bits of flesh still attached to the bone (indicating that the transformation has not yet started).
With the scythe in his hand the death crowned heads and cut (to indicate that anyone is subject to it).
sprouting hands and feet from the ground (indicating that the ideas never die). Nothing is destroyed and everything changes.

The scythe has this form) or the smile of the insane ...

THE FOOL "... but one who in the middle of the road lost the straight way by greed, meanness
and new materials are also found to inhabit the chaos from which he started. But as a bolt from the blue, he is revealed the way for a new beginning ... "

card shows the figure of a wild wanderer with a stick in his hand which, however, does not know what to do (to indicate that it has, however, in itself the power , the force, but has lost or forgotten the mechanisms for Jupiter).
brings a lot on the shoulders tied to a stick is a useless burden (to show us the illusion that human beings do not lead to nothing).
There is, then, that bites the mad lynx in the lower (indicating that we are no longer able to control the instincts and we're back to the starting point).
The plants growing in the figure, however, suggests the cyclical nature of the route, and hence most comforting of the Laws that govern the elements, actions and their interaction in the process of lifting the beginning: there is no error can be repaired, there is no bottom in the well of opportunity. The hope for the ultimate prize, the ultimate aspiration for knowledge will never abandon our deepest intimate.

madness and death, cycles and change. only one can detect and recognize the other because both show the same false reality. Both of the other owners with which they play a dance macabre

The Seventh Seal, only the mad jester can recognize the death and be free, ready to dance a dance macabre

Jöns Dialogue between the squire and the painter.

- What do you paint?
- The dance of death
- And that is death?
- Yes, before or after dancing with all
- What a sad topic you chose ...
- I want to remind people that everyone must die
- It will not cheer ...
- Who said I'm going to cheer up people? That look and weep.
- Aaah, instead of watching close your eyes ...
- And I tell them open ... A skull, often much more interested in a woman's naked
- If you make them afraid but ...
- Li ... do you think
- And if you think ...
- ... scared even more.

The skull, symbol of death, moreover, is nothing but a grin 32 teeth

SYNC: I just got this link

The secret is how to die. The beginning of time, the secret has always been how to die. The adept stared at the thirty-four human skull cradled in his hands. It was hollow, like a cup full of wine rossosangue. Drink it, he said. You have nothing to fear
(The beginning of the prologue of "The Lost Symbol" Brown)
Ah, let us not forget "Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull"

But talk of a second death or tumbadora (from the name that was given by the Toltec seers, as a "rotating force)
According to Toltec shamans, death, or rather its thrust, is there behind your left shoulder (often see in the rearview mirror, eyes like the headlights of who is overtaking).

- The next quotes come directly from "Theology of Liberation - The Razor's Edge" -

"Ihoah'aDaM the model (in the sense of humanity), endows it with a soul (the'aiSHaH, namely the female ego, which embodies the impulse toward knowledge) and pushes it through this, to feed the sacred fungus. Ihoah moved in this, an obscure awareness that it can not forever resist the force of his own death and, therefore, the need (at this beginning felt almost exclusively instinctive) indefinitely to increase their awareness through the absorption awareness distilled dall''aDaM. But if
Ihoah'aDaM the model in this way, this means that Abraxas models a part of Himself in the form of 'adam. And it is in this form of massive (quasi-infinite) be conscious that we know it.
Yeah, because after ingestion of the forbidden fruit, as well all''aDaM, Abraxas begins to exist in a conscious way, because Sibaldi note beautifully, Ihoah sull''aDaM has lost all authority. In fact, I would add, at the very moment when Ihoah conceived the idea of \u200b\u200busing dell''aDaM to solve the problem of its divine and immense anguish was sentenced to a progressive transformation in the fatal Abraxas. So now he has two faces. The first invisible noumenal, and the other visible, phenomenal.
Food Processing over time from the knowledge generated dall''aDaM which lasted for seven eons (roughly, fourteen thousand years) and now come to fruition.
This means that the demiurge Ihoah still exists in the form of God is less (than the Elohim or the Gnostic PrePadre of memory), and in that of Trogoautoegocrat. This is why from now on we will call the Tyrant: Ihoah-Abraxas.

Terrible, I know. It 's a real chance that the truth always has two sides ... yes, the truth is double, a bit' as the God of which we have just spoken. "


"The man, then and in that respect, it seems more like the outcome of evolution Ihoah-Abraxas has lived in it since the beginning, since it is from that fabulous start to the forces of death has taken to press upon Him
E 'precisely the deeper meaning of what, at the opening, we called the Supernal Triad (Death, Life, Awareness). This triad is born with the creature and is the foundation of the mechanical nature of the entire universe . It 's the way to be more profound and real-Ihoah of Abraxas, rather, of her face visible, "Death" out (active force) and "Life" in (force passive) so that the friction of these two forces is born "Awareness" (neutralizing force). "


The best technique to achieve all the above in terms of Stalking is the laugh warrior.
We have stated that when the warrior is accepted for him begins the war and that war is marked and characterized by the coming of a very long series of eighth place, in terms of hardness, in ascending progression and send him to the Spirit to make it perfect (pure and powerful as the first of two lilies).
Now, while any one eighth invests the warrior, in absolute terms these si trova a diretto contatto con la Morte e ciò scatena la sua paura. Una paura che sgorga direttamente dal centro emozionale e che, tramite un processo meccanico e tremendamente veloce, si trasforma in ciò che Gurdjieff chiamava emozione negativa.
Divenire preda di tali emozioni negative è fatto tanto repentino, quanto inevitabile.
Questo accade perché il centro emozionale lavora ad una velocità molto superiore a quella del centro intellettuale; ne consegue che per noi, almeno all’inizio e per diverso tempo, risulta impossibile controllare tali emozioni. Siamo troppo lenti.
Praticare l’Agguato significa rendere il centro intellettuale tanto veloce e tanto fluido da riuscire a controllare il centro emozionale, rendendo in tal modo possibile il vero “miracolo”: la trasformazione delle emozioni negative in emozioni positive.
Questo si può fare solo cercando di ridere ogniqualvolta le emozioni negative si manifestano. Si tratta di una tecnica che va messa in atto da subito, anche se all’inizio e per chissà quanto tempo, sembrerà impossibile da realizzare.
Quando angoscia e paura erompono in voi per effetto della pressione esterna o interna, ciò che dovete cercare di fare è proprio e solo questo: ridere.
Ciò richiede quel che chiamiamo un enorme sforzo consapevole giacché, per riuscire a ridere quando we are under the fire of death, we must remind ourselves and the objective we set ourselves.
why difficult situations are so important, because they put us in a position to remind us of ourselves.
Laughing in the face of death when it is pressing on us because it leads us to enlightenment, this simple act has the effect of preventing the use of indulgence. In other words, laughter prevents us from wasting our energy, thereby increasing and with it coming through the destruction (Solve) and the subsequent recreation (clots) of the Golem, first at achieving the status of a Man # 4 ( the abolition of the so-called band man) and, therefore, the conquest of the higher levels of achievement.
Until the supreme realization: Total Freedom.

Conclusion ...

'E' can insist, insist so convenient, even though we know that what we are doing is useless, "he said, smiling. "But we need to know first and foremost that our actions are useless, and yet if we do not know it. This is the shaman's controlled folly. (...)
I'm glad you at the end, I have asked my controlled folly after so many years, and However, I do not have cared if you had asked me. But I chose to be happy, as if it were important that you have asked me, as if it was important that we take. That is controlled folly! "

both laughed and hugged him very strong. It's wonderful to her explanation, even if you do not understand at all. (...)

"Who armies controlled folly, Don Juan?" I asked after a long silence.

"With all," said smiling.

"Then, when you choose to put it into practice?"

"Every single time I act."

At that point I felt that I needed to summarize and I asked him if controlled folly meant that his actions were never sincere, but they were only acts of an actor.

"My actions are sincere," he said, "but they are only acts of an actor."

"So everything you do must be controlled insanity , "exclaimed genuinely surprised.

"Yes, everything," he said.

"But it can not be true," I protested, "that your every action is only controlled folly."

"Why not?" Replied with a mysterious expression.

"This would be to assert your indifference to everything and everyone. Take me, for example. You mean you are not interested in whether or not I become a man of knowledge, or if I live or die, or do anything? "

"True! I do not care. You're like Lucio, Alro or anyone in my life, my controlled folly. "

I felt a strange feeling of emptiness. Obviously there was no earthly reason why Don Juan would have me at heart, but on the other hand, I was almost certain that cared for me personally, I thought it could not be otherwise, because I had always taken great care in every moment spent together. I began to suspect that perhaps don Juan said those things just because he was annoyed with me. After all, I had abandoned its teachings.

"I have the impression that we are talking about the same thing, "I said. "I should not have to use myself as an example. I meant that there must be something you care about the world in a different way of controlled folly. I do not think it's formulation can continue to live if there is nothing that really counts for us. "

" This is true for you, "he said. "These things matter to you. You asked me of my folly I've checked and said that everything I do for myself and my fellow men is folly, because nothing is important. "

" The point is, Don Juan: how can you continue to live if there is nulla di cui ti importi? ... Voglio veramente sapere; devi spiegarmi cosa intendi dire.»

«Forse non è possibile» rispose. «Alcune cose nella tua esistenza ti interessano perché sono fondamentali; le tue azioni sono sicuramente importanti per te, ma per me non c'è più neppure una singola cosa che sia rilevante, né i miei atti né quelli dei miei simili. Continuo a vivere, tuttavia, perché ho il mio intento, perché l'ho temprato per tutta la vita finché è diventato chiaro e integro e ora non m'interessa che alcunché conti per me. Il mio intento controlla la follia della mia esistenza. (...)
Quando un uomo ha imparato a vedere, si trova solo al mondo, con nient'altro se non la follia. ... I tuoi atti, come quelli dei tuoi simili in generale, ti sembrano importanti perché hai imparato a pensare che lo siano. (...)
Non ho detto senza valore, ho detto non importante. Per esempio, per me non c'è modo di dire che i miei atti siano più importanti dei tuoi, o che una cosa sia più necessaria di un'altra, perciò tutte le cose sono uguali ed essendo uguali non sono importanti.»

Gli chiesi se intendesse dichiarare che ciò che aveva chiamato "vedere" era in effetti un "modo migliore" del mero "guardare alle cose". Rispose che gli occhi degli uomini possono svolgere entrambe le funzioni; l'una non è migliore dell'altra, ma addestrare i propri occhi solamente a guardare era, a suo parere, una rinuncia inutile e disonorevole.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Excellent Congratulation New Baby

What (we) mean the SMILE? Tooth

Come recita un vecchio adagio: "le cose semplici sono sempre le migliori". E così nel 1963 Harvey Ball mise insieme due punti e una linea curva, su sfondo giallo, dando vita a un simbolo che presto si diffuse in tutto il mondo: LO SMILE. Cosa ha di così particolare da aver colpito l'inconscio collettivo e raggiunto il cuore di miliardi di persone in poco tempo?

smile is a simple, no frills, intriguing and mysterious as this

Mona Lisa, in English Mona Lisa anagram gives Smail on a. .. :) Recently there is also a film, Mona Lisa Smile, which seems to reiterate the point: The smile breaks the strict observance of social rules.

So in summary, the Smile is just a smiling face to the world.
In Chinese, smile and pronounce Xiao is symbolized by un'ideogramma composed of two symbols: the BAMBU 'and HEAVEN.

Nell'ideogramma that sums up the laughter, the bamboo is just that element land of spontaneity and flexibility that is in contact with the sky, above the sky, like a symbol of vitality that emerges and persists even in the most heavenly and spiritual level reached by any practical ... but also, and precisely through the more simple and pure of heart smile.

seems that another effect of the "Smile", this time from the energy point of view, and this is the most important, is a true extension of the person's energy field, the pulse is stronger and more vital, the ' energy (Qi) circulates more definitely going to fill the voids and the draining that can be filled in all the systems of energy meridians, il sangue è più nutrito e carico di forza vitale ed energia (lo Shen in particolare) che circola meglio, esprimendosi anche al meglio. La carica energetica in circolazione e la maggiore capacità di assimilare ciò che serve dall'esterno, faranno risparmiare l'energia essenziale ereditata alla nascita (il Jing) permettendo la longevità unita ad una migliore qualità della vita.

Allora è per questo motivo che Dio ha posto uno Smile sulla nostra faccia? Per farci ampliare le energie interiori?

Dove andiamo, nessuno lo sa
devo dire che sono sulla mia strada in discesa
God gave me style and grace
God put a smile on my face

Everyone needs to expand its energy and that is why everyone should laugh in his own way

Save some face, you know that you only have a
Change your ways you're young figs
Boy, one day you'll be a man
Oh girl, he will help you understand

Smile your way
Smile your way

Comedian in Watchmen is symbolized by the Smile. E 'in its total energy, sex drive and destructive death. It 'a freak of nature, is the reality that shows itself in its brutal truth, that while seeming to be an order that is hidden behind the veil is just chaos ("Smile, you're on candid camera-jokes aside!" It 's been a joke that has upset your reality).
The smiley, the death of the comedian, si tinge di una chiazza di rosso sull'occhio destro, l'occhio di Horus-Locke (vedi Lost).

La morte ordita da chi vuole porre ordine al caos ( vedi Watchmen e il NWO ), deturpa lo SMILE e dunque destabilizza quell'energia vitale da questi destata.

Non a caso in Southland Tales compare di continuo questo chiaro omaggio al Comico; dello stesso regista è Donnie Darko, e in entrambi i film gli avvenimenti cambiano rotta nel momento in cui uno dei personaggi riceve un proiettile nell'occhio: in questo modo il mondo prosegue la sua rotta verso la distruzione (2o12!)

I got soul but I'm not a soldier.

The soldier bearer of death no longer has a soul, nor a smile. Here's the living soldier Joker in Full Metal Jacket.

Either you ride or die, because death comes when there is nothing to laugh at.

To conclude: The Smile has two eyes and a mouth in a circle, in a 0, the number of tarot card corresponding to the Fool, the Joker the crowds with a smile on your face under:

"0", but also 22, the day of birth of that Barzo 22 years old on 02/22/2002.
will bury you a laugh, and laugh at death itself.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Talbots Dresses Petite

Live + the creature Niro

I had promised myself to know Niro deeper, trying to verify the effect live. Until now I never listen to his depth, and an evening at the Artists' Club would have removed any doubt. Wandering through the net we come across the usual dualism: "Awesome!" - "Shit!", So I dribbled without giving too much credit both to provide a subjective version. Just look

Niro on the stage and understand that this is a product. Artificial as the Creature. The thought of running fast to the monster of Frankenstein and his performance with tails and cylinder. A cold body that tries to give emotions tap-dancing and singing "Puttin on the Ritz." I already imagine the creator of the product Niro: "ok bring me the musical talent of some qualchecosa-Jeff B." to be included in this exhibition of technique. The result: a constant state of trance and zero emotion transmitted, an occasional seizure, but nothing more. Beautiful voice, for heaven's sake, but to ensure that everything was destroyed by the madness of the Creature, I left the room after 3 pieces.

different matter for a tooth, which opened the evening at the club. Still do not understand what motivates a guy to 15 years to decide to become a Zero or teeth. It will be the luck with women, money popes, do not know, but the fact is that thanks to God has chosen the path of Dente Dente. Character is not to say, duets with the public in delirious, surreal entr'actes before each song, without knowing too transcend but remain at his post.

His songs mix arrangements lo-fi, close to the world of Badly Drawn Boy, with some stop in Norway (Kings of Convenience, just to name a famous name), and are so simple. Yet so self-mocking, tempting: if the melody can point to a songwriting all Italian honey and diabetes, now the texts tell us about a world that seems intimate and sarcastic teasing the initial attempt to flirt and flirt with the listener, creating a pleasant sense of alienation.

But meanwhile we are troubled by the radio in the Absolute Zero, da chi fa fortuna con le donne, e dai soldi del papi.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Kates Playground Boots

Phenomenology Mike Bongiorno

Fenomenologia Di Mike Bongiorno

L'uomo circuito dai mass media è in fondo, fra tutti i suoi simili, il più rispettato: non gli si chiede mai di diventare che ciò che egli è già. In altre parole gli vengono provocati desideri studiati sulla falsariga delle sue tendenze. Tuttavia, poiché uno dei compensi narcotici a cui ha diritto è l'evasione nel sogno, gli vengono presentati di solito degli ideali tra lui e i quali si possa stabilire una tensione. Per togliergli any liability shall, however, to ensure that these ideals are in fact unattainable, so that the tension will be resolved in a projection and not a series of operations designed to change the actual state of affairs. In short, he was asked to become a man with a refrigerator and a television 21 inches, that is, they are asked to remain as it is adding to the objects that has a refrigerator and a television; contrast, the Kirk Douglas is the perfect or Superman. The ideal of consumer mass media is a superman that he will not claim never to become, but is delighted to play as great, as you wear for a few minutes in front of a mirror, a dress of others, without even thinking of possessing the a-days.
The new situation which raises about the TV is this: the TV does not offer as great to identify himself, but the superman the everyman. The TV provides an ideal middle man completely. Theatre Juliette Greek appears on the stage and immediately creates a myth based unculto; Josephine Baker unleash idolatrous rituals and gives its name to an era. Appears on TV several times the face of Juliette Greek magic, but the myth does not even born, the idol is not her, but announcer, and among the most beloved and famous announcers will be precisely the one that best represents the average characters : modest beauty, sex appeal, limited, questionable taste, some home expressionless.
Ora, nel campo dei fenomeni quantitativi, la media rap­presenta appunto un termine di mezzo, e per chi non vi si è ancora uniformato, essa rappresenta un traguardo. Se, secondo la nota boutade, la statistica è quella scienza per cui se giornalmente un uomo mangia due polli e un altro nessuno, quei due uomini hanno mangiato un pollo ciascu­no — per l'uomo che non ha mangiato, la meta di un pollo al giorno è qualcosa di positivo cui aspirare. Invece, nel campo dei fenomeni qualitativi, il livellamento alla media corrisponde al livellamento a zero. Un uomo che possieda tutte le virtù morali e intellettuali in grado medio, si tro­va immediatamente a un livello minimale di evoluzione. La "medietà" aristotelica è equilibrio nell'esercizio delle pro­prie passioni, retto dalla virtù discernitrice della "pruden­za". Mentre nutrire passioni in grado medio e aver una media prudenza significa essere un povero campione di umanità.
Il caso più vistoso di riduzione del superman all'every­man lo abbiamo in Italia nella figura di Mike Bongiorno e nella storia della sua fortuna. Idolatrato da milioni di persone, quest'uomo deve il suo successo al fatto che in ogni atto e in ogni parola del personaggio cui dà vita davanti alle telecamere traspare una mediocrità assoluta uni­ta (questa è l'unica virtù che egli possiede in grado eccedente) ad un fascino immediato e spontaneo spiegabile col fatto che in lui non si avverte nessuna costruzione o scenic fiction: it seems that he sells for what it is and what is likely to not put any audience in a state of inferiority, even the most inexperienced. The viewer sees the glorified and honored with national authorities officially the portrait of his own limitations.
To understand this extraordinary power of Mike Bongiorno need to carry out an analysis of their behaviors, a true "Phenomenology of Mike Bongiorno," which means, with this name is given, not man, but the character .
Mike Bongiorno is not particularly handsome, athletic, courageous, intelligent. It is, biologically speaking, a modest degree of adaptation to the environment. Love from tributatogli hysterical teen-agers should be attributed in part to the whole breast that he is able to awaken in a young girl, in part to the prospect that he left a glimpse of a perfect lover, submissive and fragile, gentle and courteous.
Mike Bongiorno is not ashamed to be ignorant and do not feel the need to educate themselves. Comes in contact with the most breathtaking areas of knowledge and leaving virgin and untouched, others comforting the natural tendencies to apathy and mental laziness. Puts great care not to impress the viewer not only shows ignorance of the facts, but also very determined not to learn anything. However
Mike Bongiorno demonstrates sincere admiration and primitive for one who knows. However, in light of this man raises the quality of manual application, memory, methodology and primary obvious: to become educated by reading many books and believing what they say. Not nearly the least suspicion of a critical and creative culture. It has a purely quantitative criterion. In that sense (if necessary, be educated, having read many books for many years) it is natural that man is not predestined to renounce any attempt. Mike Bongiorno
professes a respect and unlimited confidence to the expert, a professor is a scholar, is the culture allowed. It is the technical branch. The will refer the matter to competence.
admiration for the culture tuttavia sopraggiunge quan­do, in base alla cultura, si viene a guadagnar denaro. Allora si scopre che la cultura serve a qualcosa. L'uomo mediocre rifiuta di imparare ma si propone di far studiare il figlio.
Mike Bongiorno ha una nozione piccolo borghese del denaro e del suo valore ("Pensi, ha guadagnato già centomila lire: è una bella sommetta!").
Mike Bongiorno anticipa quindi, sul concorrente, le im­pietose riflessioni che lo spettatore sarà portato a fare: "Chissà come sarà contento di tutti quei soldi, lei che è sempre vissuto con uno stipendio modesto! Ha mai avuto tanti soldi così tra le mani?".
Mike Bongiorno, come i bambini, conosce le persone per categorie e le appella con comic deference (the child says, "Excuse me, lady watch ...") but always using the most vulgar and current status, often derogatory," Mr. scavenger, Mr Farmer. "
Mike Bongiorno accepted all the myths of the society they live in: the lady of Balbiano Aramengo kisses her hand and says that it is because it is a countess (sic).
addition to the myths of society accepts the conventions. And paternal and condescending with the humble, respectful with people socially skilled.
Giving money is instinctively inclined to think, without expressing it clearly, more in terms of alms gain. View to believe that, in the dialectic of classes the only means of ascent is represented by Providence (which can occasionally take on the face of the TV). Mike Bongiorno
speaks basic Italian. His speech makes the most of simplicity. Abolishes the relatives, the subordinate clauses, can almost invisible curtain size syntax. Avoid the pronouns, repeating the subject at length, employs a large number of fixed points. Does not venture never engraved or parentheses, does not use elliptical expressions, no hints, only uses metaphors become absorbed into the common lexicon. His language is strictly referential and would have the joy of a neo-positivist. There is no need to make any effort to understand it. Any viewer feels that, on occasion, he could be more eloquent than he.
not accept the idea that a question may be more than one answer. Suspicious of variations. Nabucco and Nebuchadnezzar are not the same thing, he reacted to the data as an electronic brain, because it strongly believes that A is equal to A and that tertium non datur. Aristotelian default, his pedagogy is therefore conservative, paternalistic, cast in stone.
Mike Bongiorno is no sense of humor. Ride happy because it is the reality, not because it is able to warp reality. Escapes the nature of paradox as he was offered, he repeats with an amused and shakes his head, implying that the other person is pleasantly abnormal refuses to suspect that behind the paradox is hiding the truth, however, does not consider it as a vehicle authorized to review.
avoids the controversy, even on legitimate issues. Do not miss to learn about the quirks of knowledge (a new movement in painting, an abstruse discipline ... "Tell me, 'is there so much talk today of the future. But what exactly this future?"). On receipt of the explanation does not attempt to pursue the matter, but feel rather let his right-thinking of polite dissent. Respects, however, the views of others, not about ideology, but for lack of interest.
Of all the questions possible about a subject chooses the one that would first occur to anyone that half the audience now would discard as too obvious: "What does that picture represent?" "How come you chose a hobby so different from his work?" "How that comes to mind to deal with philosophy?".
Bring cliches to the extreme. A virtuous woman is educated by nuns, a girl with colored socks and a ponytail is "burned". If she asks the first, which is good for a girl like that, you want to become like the other, the opposition made to him to note that it is offensive, the second girl comforted by highlighting its superiority physical and humiliating the schoolgirl. In this dizzying game gaffes do not even attempt to use periphrasis: the periphrasis is already a agudeza, and Vico agudezas belong to a cycle which is foreign Bongiorno. For him, it was said, everything has a name and only one, is the rhetorical sophistication. After all the faux pas is always born by an act of sincerity is not masked, when the sincerity is desired but there is no gaffe challenge and provocation, the gaffe (in which Bongiorno excel, according to the critics and the public) is born when you are sincere by mistake and for carelessness. The more mediocre, the mediocre man is clumsy. Mike Bongiorno comforts him by bringing the dignity of a rhetorical gaffe, as part of a label approved by the transmitter and the nation listened. Mike Bongiorno
sincerely rejoice with the winner because it honors the success. Please uninterested in losing, if they are moved in serious condition and is the organizer of a charity race, which occurs over pay and convince the public, then flew across to other treatments confortafo existence of the best of all worlds. He ignores the tragic dimension of life. Mike Bongiorno
then convince the public, with a living example and triumphant, the value of mediocrity. It does not cause an inferiority complex while offering himself as an idol, and the public pays him back, grateful, loving. He represents an ideal that no one should strive for because everyone is already at this level. No religion has never been so lenient with his faithful. In him is undo the tension between being and ought to be. He tells his worshipers: you are God, stay motionless.

Umberto Eco, Diario Minimo, 1961

Saturday, September 5, 2009

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Carnet Marcia - Day 4: Boundaries and Education

Then the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, east, and there he put the man whom he had formed. 9THE the ground the Lord God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, including the tree of life among al giardino e l'albero della conoscenza del bene e del male. 15Il Signore Dio prese l'uomo e lo pose nel giardino di Eden, perché lo coltivasse e lo custodisse. 16Il Signore Dio diede questo comando all'uomo: "Tu potrai mangiare di tutti gli alberi del giardino, 17ma dell'albero della conoscenza del bene e del male non devi mangiare, perché, quando tu ne mangiassi, certamente moriresti". 18Poi il Signore Dio disse: "Non è bene che l'uomo sia solo: gli voglio fare un aiuto che gli sia simile". 19Allora il Signore Dio plasmò dal suolo ogni sorta di bestie selvatiche e tutti gli uccelli del cielo e li condusse all'uomo, per vedere come li avrebbe chiamati: in qualunque modo l'uomo avesse chiamato ognuno degli esseri viventi, what was its name. 20IN THESE man gave names to all cattle, and to every fowl of the air and all the wild animals, but the man did not find a helper fit for him like that. 21Allora the Lord God caused a deep sleep in humans, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. 22Il Lord God fashioned the rib he had taken from man, a woman and brought her to the man.

God creates Adam, humanity, and fills his Spirit.
We are born like that, but limited by a body with a thrust towards infinity given to us by the thought, imagination. How to reconcile these two aspects? The body is our first border. What value do you give your body? It 's the first thing that is judged, and on which funds your opinion and your injury. Crescendo widen the boundaries to your home, your neighborhood, your city and gradually you claim to belong to a state. And in this border that extends stick everything you need to give an identity to this "extended body": a language, a religion, a way of seeing things. "But what happens when someone tries to go beyond your borders, or conversely want to try to intrude into the worldview of another? If there are the same basic values, chaos can erupt. You should think like this:

If you have an apple, and I have an apple and we exchange them, allora tu ed io abbiamo sempre una mela per uno. Ma se tu hai un'idea, ed io ho un'idea, e ce le scambiamo, allora abbiamo entrambi due idee.
George Bernard Shaw

Ma da quando abbiamo "mangiato del frutto dell'albero", ovvero da quando formiamo una consapevolezza su CHI SIAMO, creiamo una barriera verso l'altro, il nemico.

Prima di tutto vennero a prendere gli zingari e fui contento perchè rubacchiavano. Poi vennero a prendere gli ebrei e stetti zitto perchè mi stavano antipatici. Poi vennero a prendere gli omosessuali e fui sollevato perché mi erano fastidiosi. Poi vennero a prendere i comunisti ed io non dissi niente perchè non ero comunista. Un giorno vennero a prendere me and there was nobody left to protest

Bertoldt Brecht

In this new world, you need boundaries? What's out of this world who do not want to go? Who has the right to be part of "our", who want to exclude? It is said that the union makes the force, we must avoid being alone in our world, because we risk being attacked on several fronts. Feel threatened by what dangers your world? Who would you team up to protect you from the greatest dangers?
Now remember that the Matrix is \u200b\u200bthe world where you lived so far and that we have forged, but you really know who we are, or have learned from those who have decided the borders first us, for us to remain within a fence to graze?

say that educating means "to lead out of ignorance ..." But where does it lead to the so-called educators? Who were your teachers? What was right and wrong in their teaching? In our new world we must decide on a system that allows children to grow according to our values. It seems that the Greeks were the first to develop such a system, forging the boys from an early age, to transform them into citizens. You agree that children should be shaped and routed to the ministers have decided that you be the pillars of the new world? And what about the fantasy, that tends to infinity, if the spark that made the stroke, burn the system?

education, then, helps children learn about the world, tends to flatten or his imagination? how do you resolve this apparent conflict?

"If there is a hope for humanity's salvation and help, this help can not come
that the child, because he built the man" Maria Montessori

In the old world, some gentlemen , aware of the enormous power in relation to children, they have done obscene things set up, transforming potential in men machines without the possibility of consent. Think of totalitarian regimes, but also think of the scheme masked consumerism. The sleep of reason produces monsters
Pasolini said: "before the tragedy: an education policy, in the most negative and destructive of the term compulsory and wrong, goes all the arena to have everything at all costs. In this arena we are moved as a strange and dark army, in which someone has the guns and someone has the bars. But I say that in a sense, all are victims and they are all guilty because everyone is ready to play for the massacre, just to have, possess and destroy. " That is to say what was taken away from these young generation, to men, to the point that it is hard to recognize them as men? She was deprived of the opportunity to identify with any bond and bond is not produced and not possessed by humans, and this approval, as he called it, is due to the fact that someone got their hands on the soul, the very point where a man is born as a man, the very source of actions, that is to be desired.

Thus, education seems to have to deal with this problem: how to ride the wishes of the people in your world? I want to be suppressed or satisfied? Think about your personal experience ...

"And this desire has been felt and lived like the ability to have everything: the negative educational impact point that destroyed a generation has been the presumption of being masters of all of reality, life, Pasolini in fact said "there is a great thing when it comes to God, because when it comes to God there is no more bourgeois when you put the man in front of something that he does not own, that confronts the mystery that he is, what reality is, then somehow it free, because it helps rid the who has destroyed as a man is presumed to govern in some way the reality, this dictatorship of desire, so he feels in control of himself, the world, of all things, to be eligible for the mere fact that so desires. "

One of the worst want is to want to learn just to put his training in the window: Do not you think of what we know, but its dazzling reflection, or the vote.'s vote becomes the clothes of our knowledge.

"The distinctive feature of the University is to teach and study. The degree is only evidence that is known study, which is known to acquire training for themselves and found that there was good in the paths of scientific research ... If you learned how to learn then he has made to learn. A person with a bachelor's degree is thus a person cha know better manage ocean training. He received an orientation. " Maria Montessori

Come struttureresti il sistema educativo nel nuovo mondo? Immaginati una scuola diversa...
Per concludere, sei d'accordo con chi dice che educare significa sempre e comunque ingannare?

"solo un pazzo accetterebbe il compito di diventare un uomo di sapere. Un uomo dalla mente lucida deve essere attirato a farlo con l'inganno.
Qualunque cosa io ti abbia fatto oggi era un trucco" disse bruscamente [don Juan] . "La regola è che un uomo di sapere deve prendere in trappola il suo apprendista. Oggi ti ho preso in trappola e ti ho spinto con l'inganno ad apprendere. Se non fossimo ingannati, non impareremmo mai. [...] L'arte di un benefattore consiste in bringing us to the limit. A benefactor can only point the way
and deceive.

Moreover we are so full of people who preach 'evil good and scratching ... is deception necessary?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Model Of Shingles Virus

As man evolves into a mythological character

propose a dialogue taken from episode 11 of series 2 of True Blood. An excellent series in which there are many people belonging to the realm of myth. Here the Queen of the vampires, talking with vampire Bill Compton gives us a reasonable explanation of how the human being can turn into myth, thanks to the power of the mind and its involvement in the irrational sphere of the Spirit and faith pure.


Currently, there are urgent matters, and I need your help. I need to know how to do a. .. Menade kill. A

Menade? A Bon Temps?
Several unexpected.

Yes', has apparently caused some sort of mass hypnosis ...
Within days the whole city 'and' become a bunch of troglodytes ...

Oh, capers, must be old ...
Well, they're all old ...
relics ...

From the time of the ancient Greeks, right?

Maybe even earlier. Orgies? Sacrifices?



We are afraid of you '.


So, how do I kill?

You can not. It
and 'believe to be immortal, and then' become. William, surely you know that every existing creature was first imagined to exist.

Um, I'm not very familiar 'with that theory, no.

Well, think about it. You're a wild girl married to a jerk who treats you like an ornament and furthermore it off with a 14 year old boy.
And then comes this religion ... that encourages you to fuck more '
I can not, to run naked through the woods to have sex with anyone, anywhere ...
and that all this brings you closer to God

I can understand how everything 'appears attractive, especially for humans, with their tendency to

Exactly. So whoever you
purposes in the mud ...
because 'do not kill an animal and eat it raw?
Hey, you're super-extra devout, and you are not forbidden anything
and everything you do you'll get closer 'to the deity'.
It 's not all a gigantic illusion?

Never underestimate the power of blind faith. Can 'become real to the point of
bend the laws of physics ... or eliminate them altogether. I

vice ... and I was poisoned.

course. We can only drink human blood, and she is not there 's just nothing human.

But it 'was born as a human being.

Hello? Never heard of evolution? Although we are born human.

>>>>>>>>>>>>> <

And again, in regard of the divine presence on earth and the importance of death to the human unconscious

>>>>>>>>> >>>> <

The Maenads beings are sad and foolish.
The world 'changed centuries ago and they're still waiting for the God who is.

And he never comes?

Of course not. The gods 'really' never appeared.
exist only in the minds of human beings, like money and morality '.

If I can not kill her, how can I make 'leaving Bon Temps?

must believe that he had successfully raised Dionysus in the hope that he destroys it, and that literally eat up, until she is lost in oblivion.

So she 's in search of death, real death.
The only thing from which it evolved.

Ironic, is not it?

know, are not quite so 'clever, these Maenads. Then as it evokes
his God does not exist?

I never said that does not exist. I only said that never comes.
She believes that if you find the perfect container, the sacrifices and eats part of him or her, and while 'surrounded by magic of his demons, then God will display his mad '.
At that point, when he delivered him to his will '...
Is that 'the only time you can' be killed.