Saturday, December 26, 2009

Circle Window On Ept Pregnancy Test

8 and 9, and 2009 that goes

I invite you to read and understand this article seems full of misfortunes, but in fact full of hope.
disastrous year (apparently) is ending. Breaking new openings and new possibilities.

This article is dedicated to the memory of two people who are gone, two families have remained, and all the positive energy generated by the sacrifices that have been occurring this year.

"Death is the change and transformation. It is seen as one step in the cycle of life, then that is part of a journey and brings renewal"

Abstract : Synchronicity

U n certain incident happens to a certain person at a certain moment in a way that takes on special meaning for him because it reveals important connections very significant in the life of this person. Any other observer of the same incident would consider it a phenomenon without giving it a chance special significance. For him there is synchronistic connection in the future, and then he says nothing. B rigitte Hamann

No. 9

The year is ending, 2009, from a first superficial interpretation may be one of the most deadly is a subjective level of the writer, is a universal objective level. The crisis, the fever, the attacks and earthquakes, and floods. What happens to the energy level in the world?

It seems that the collective unconscious is brought to light in 2009 9 of the slow end of a period, so you let go and indulge nell'autoconvincimento this is a crisis year. Moreover, the 9 is the last number of decimal number. It almost seems that they do capture the collective consciousness of this negative interpretation and let themselves influence by the end of a cycle.

dell'enantiadromia But according to the old law, the symbol 9 possesses in the double meaning of death and the beginning of the end of a cycle, but also development of new possibilities.

"In every field there is always an evolutionary process that turns raw and refined. Going through the various stages of the process, the raw material loses that weigh down the waste and ends up taking on a more noble .

"We remain in the cabala and practice we now see what significance it attaches to the number 9. In" clavicles of Solomon "it is stated that this is the number of the initiate, the great magic number. Nine, in fact, is the degree initiation which, being a spiritual regeneration, is shrouded in mystery. According to the Kabbalists this number, as the square of three and then three times the Trinity, the sky is reflected in the nine choirs of angels that rule the celestial spheres.
know that with 9 ending the Ennead, which was the basis of the old numbering system and the greek letter that corresponds to q is the , beginning of the word q ò V , che vuol dire Dio. È simbolo di verità totale, completa e immutabile perché il 9, moltiplicato per qualsiasi numero, non muta la sua identità giacché dà un prodotto che riproduce sempre il 9.
Per quanto riguarda quindi il significato da attribuire alla terna superiore del settenario, tutta la letteratura esoterica è concorde nel ravvisare in essa un contenuto di natura mistica, spirituale e divina.

9=3x3=3^2=IX IX=IV simmetrico 9=6 simmetrico

Il numero 8

In uno degli episodi di Fringe andati in onda nel 2008, uno dei casi viene risolti grazie alla presenza della "sfera magica", ovvero la caduta a billiard ball: the black number 8.

Broyle, head of the Fringe. The same actor plays in the series LOST Abaddon.
Abaddon is a demon mentioned in Revelation and other sacred writings belonging to the Jewish and Christian culture.
Its name comes from Hebrew, meaning destruction. It is the transcription of a Hebrew word used as a proper name to indicate the name of the Angel of the Abyss in the Apocalypse of John (chapter 9, verse 11 and ch. 20, verse 1) symmetrical to the Angel of the Abyss in Job (chapter 33, verses 23 and 24). The Hebrew name Abaddon is the greek name Apollyon (the destroyer), which can also be likened to the god Apollo. As in Job's life is linked to that of the Angel Alef, or the Angel of Joshua (Chapter 5, verses 14 and 15) and Judah (ch. 9), we can deduce that it is the same Archangel Michael, or of Jesus Christ in his pre-human nature [citation needed].
For some it is the head of the demons of the seventh hierarchy, Abbadon is the ruler of the bottomless pit (Jude Thaddeus, VI) and the king of an army of locusts of the Apocalypse.

"The Magic 8-ball , manufactured by Tyco Toys and currently marketed by Mattel, a toy used to predict the luck. It is a plastic ball with the appearance of a large pool of 8 ball, black and white. "

200-8 That same year, the biggest change occurred at the global level is the election a black U.S. president Obama, who in 2009 made a historic visit to China.

The 8-8-08 started the Olympics in China. Furthermore, on 8 placed horizontally is the symbol of infinity, of the cycle (Moebius strip).

"In the Chinese view 8 is clearly seen, as stated above, a positive number." In Indian culture, however, it did not uniquely or unambiguously positive connotation or negative, since it is part of that system of thought that gave rise gradually in the Indus Valley to the concept of karma, which is cyclical concept where each element, "negative" or "positive" that can be you relate to others in a global unity. In this logic, the 8 represents the Indian debts in the present life and / or in previous ones, which must be "paid" in the future through hard "work" on themselves, at the same time represents the lessons learned in this life and / or in previous ones, on the basis of which (whether positive or negative) that can be hard work.
In this area lies in the design Indian, not as a totalizing, research money, the economic success of a high status, but still within a chance of tipping the success and failure into success and failure, however, on the basis of strict observance of criteria of honesty, violation of which the collapse of material and status will be safe. "

The octagon of the Dharma Initiative - Lost

06/04/2009: Earthquake L'Aquila
"What drove the builders of this city to build second plant in Jerusalem and mirror the constellation of 'Aquila'?

Fu lo storico Crispomonti- continua Ceccarelli- a parlare per primo della straordinaria somiglianza della città Santa con il disegno delle mura dell'Aquila.
Osservando attentamente le due piante, si evidenziano molti particolari:
Il fiume Cedron scorre nella parte bassa della città, così come l'Aterno per l'Aquila. Le due città sorgono entrambe su colline, l'Aquila a 721 metri sul livello del mare e Gerusalemme a poco più, 750 metri. Verso nord c'è il monte del Tempio di Salomone come da noi c'è Collemaggio. E, infine, la piscina di Siloe (citata nella Bibbia come il luogo dove Gesù compì il miracolo della restituzione della vista) è localizzata esattamente come la Fontana delle 99 Cannelle: both are works of hydraulic engineering, and both are adjacent to a door wall.

The 99 torches are a font of the Cistercians?

Until yesterday, the city has been linked to the combination with the "number 99" (each person tells of 99 castles, 99 churches, 99 squares and 99 fountains and another element gives more color to the legend of the clock tower Palazzo Margherita sounds of 99 bells. "


" The sequence of 9 repeated three times - 9.9.9 - aligns the human, physical, biological, his self-expanded union Galaxy with its multiple, which is part of himself and yet far beyond what che voi considerate voi stessi. E’ l’Uno che diviene 9.
La raggiante esperienza del 9 è multipla e sequenziale. Non usate la logica per un momento. E’ tempo che comprendiate quanti livelli coesistono insieme a quello spettro di esperienza che chiamate la vostra realtà, cioè come può dirsi multidimensionale un aspetto lineare.
La vostra ora segna 9.9.9 e vi dite: “Sono arrivato qui”. Noi invece guardiamo e vediamo che siete immersi nel ciclo infinito del 9, sopra e sotto di voi, cioè immersi nel divenire che si compie - nel 9 come metafora del compimento. Dunque voi siete lì, sul punto interassiale di tutti i vostri compimenti non lineari. Cercate di comprendere: siete nel punto d’intersezione of all your lives, all of your experiences of the self on this dimensional plane (the Earth), and 9 other levels of experience. Complete alignment with the coupling 9 is the reality of galactic self, moving from identification with the material, identification with the Divine in you. It 'an alignment that does not exclude the densest part of your expression, and subjects them to something else, instead leads them to vibrate at the unit level. You are becoming men worldwide, you understand? You're melting the karmic bond with the earth, your logic of performance is over, because everything is done. State your perspective that is melting dimensional linking things in sequence, meaning that you no longer need to settle outstanding issues in the measure of ego, but you can test yourself and you have infinity.
You no longer connected to the source to ask, why are you the source, no longer need to do something as opposed to something else, to balance the energy. You are the One, you have every chance in you - so do not ask yourself if you are able to do so, and do not put us a century to figure it out. Be who you are, and you become your highest model of life on earth. This is the potential you have. This is the fulfillment announced. On 9 brings you to regain that connection lost by galactic human dimension, and also with the size of Angelica. That is the human experience will become much more expanded now. "

8-9 June 2009

And let's go.

Elvis Presley (the sun, the light) was born on January 8, like my father.

Elvis @ Sun

Michael Jackson (the moon) died in June 2009, as my father.

Michael Jackson @ Moon

More specifically, my father died on 8 and 6-09.
The next day, he 06/09/2009 Mauro goes.


forgot: 8 to 12 to 09, the day of the Immaculate ('a Maronna in the face, as suggested by emilie while the 9 is the offspring), the Smashing Pumpkins released the first of the next 44 new songs.

A song for a son - "Song for a Son"

This is a song for a star
This is a song for a space invader
Who Flew Into The Sun Never
Never to return to return

Coincidence? Meaning? None of that? One word: transformation.

" Abraxas is hard to know God. Its power is greater because no man sees. The sun, he sees the summum bonum, the devil the infimum malum: but by Abraxas LIFE, infinite in all respects, which is the mother of good and evil. ... The power of Abraxas is twofold. But you do not see it because your eyes conflicting opposites of this power will clear ... Everything you ask for supplication to God alone generates an act of the devil. Everything you create with God only gives the devil power to act. That is terrible Abraxas. (from Sermone III - C.G. Jung)

Vi ho mostrato la strada, senza dirvi troppo. Traete le conclusioni, ovvero unificate il disco del sole (vita, luce, circolarità) alla falce della luna (morte, trasformazione, fasi, ciclo)

Buon anno nuovo!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

How Long Flagyl Out Of System

The Canticle of Brother Sun or CREATURE of St. Francis of Assisi

Most High, omnipotent, good Lord, Yours
'All praise, glory and honor and onne Benediction.

For you alone, Most High, do konfano,
nullu et homo ene dignu you Mantua.

Praised be You, me 'Lord, with all your creatures,
spetialmente Messor Brother Sun, which is the
ay, et us light. Et
ellu is bellu and radiant with great splendor
de Te, Altissimo, door signification.

Praised be You, 'I Siignore, through Sister Moon and the stars, the
celu formats to the precious and beautiful.

Praised be 'me' Lord, through Brother Wind
et per aere et unmarried et et onne peaceful time,
for which you give sustenance to Your creatures.

Praised be You, 'my Lord, sor'Acqua.
which is very useful and humble and precious and pure.

Praised be You, 'my Lord, through Brother Fire, through whom you brighten the
and he is beautiful and playful and robust and strong.

Praised be You, 'my Lord, through Sister Mother Earth,
who sustains and governs us,
and produces varied fruits with colored flowers and herbs.

Praised be You, 'my Lord, for those who give pardon for Your love and bear infirmity and tribulation

Blessed are those who 'endure in peace,
ka da Te, Altissimo, they will be crowned.

Praised be 'my Lord, through Sister Death,
from whom no living man can escape: woe to those
ke die in mortal sin;
Blessed are those who'll achieve them Thy holy will, for the second death
ka no 's harm. Laudate et

bless my Lord and rengratiate
serviateli and with great humility.

Friday, November 20, 2009

King Bed To Queen Headboard Conversion

native grass waiting for you !!!!!

Hello everyone, here is the flyer of our next initiative, Monday, November 30th, an evening with friends Anna and Antonio workshop of good taste!
the buffet menu was created by combining the ideas of some enthusiasts, culinary experts, starting with my friend Flavia, herbs from our own friends, thinking of Christmas dinner, and as always, the theme will be the pleasure of being together.
during the evening will be projected a series of "green" image that we do not want to reveal,
see you then.

Heather Harmon Happened

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lupus Eczema Like Rash

VISITING GARDENS: The Aude, Forio d'Ischia

I rarely find myself planning a travel itinerary without there is a garden to visit. The holiday on Ischia was a precious break after a very difficult period in every respect. The ideal place for a rest, wonderful nature, landscapes and beautiful sunsets, the warmth of the Neapolitan island, good food and then a visit to the garden of the Aude! Located in a valley between picturesque rock formations of origin volcanism, Aude (the place of the myrtles) is a beautiful garden created by Sir William Walton, one of the leading English musicians of the twentieth century Argentina and his wife Susana. Sir William died in the Aude in 1983, his wife, who still lives there and takes care of some personal issues and has created the William Walton Foundation, which organizes and manages the garden in an outdoor theater built in the garden and overlooking the bay below, concerts and cultural activities. In 2002, the centenary of the birth of Sir William, Lady Susana you organized a concert to which he was the guest of honor at the Prince of Wales.

Aside from the curiosity knowledge of the place, one of the reasons for my interest was the fact that the garden was given in 1956 by the famous English landscape architect Russell Page who took care of the downstream part, integrating in a second time with the first three fountains and later with a stream and an octagonal fountain. Page, besides the great skills of garden designer, also had the precious gift of writing as we speak, and he did in his only book "The Education of a Gardener" (Ed. Allemandi), a valuable "Manual of gardening" which not only transmits knowledge to his innate passion and experiences that led him to design gardens in the world.

The garden ends in the valley below the house, inhabited by Lady Walton, perfectly integrated into the landscape, with walls covered with climbing plants. The water element is always on top anywhere in the gardens created by Russell Page, and here the effect is exhilarating: water and aquatic plants, tropical, and large trees form a whole, intimate and lush, closed, hiding the sky above, hundreds of specimens from all over the world who have found an ideal micro-climate in every season. In the greenhouse
of the giant water lily Victoria Victoria Longowood Hybrid "blooms at night, in the same are also some beautiful orchids.
little further begins the path that leads to the garden in the hills personally designed and developed by Lady Walton after the death of her husband, cheerful, with many vantage points and allegorical and symbolic architectural elements. The ashes of Sir Walton collected in the stone of William, a large volcanic rock with a touching inscription of his wife, one of the most picturesque and romantic.
little farther on a collection of succulents and aloe accompanies the stairs below the Temple of the Sun, divided into three rooms of the birth, life and death, with erotic carvings of mythological inspiration and some phrases taken from the works of William Walton. Over the great waterfall of the crocodile, then one of the points that struck me most: The Thai House, a Japanese garden overlooking a pond with lotus flowers.
The path ends with the Glorieta, a pergola covered with climbing blue, overlooking a lake of blue gravel, beside a fence with three Tibetan goats perfectly domesticated. Along the way collections of roses, sage, aromatic.
Not just a garden, a path in an imaginary world, fantastic, well-groomed, with a discreet but ubiquitous service order, with a clear division between the "valley", where the fountains with the islets covered with ferns, bromeliads, Washington, Colocasia transport you to a tropical landscape and the "hill", with its passages through various environments, so different and so close, its landscapes, the angles that suggest a romantic garden that was born and still lives by a great love story.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Recommended 35mm Camera

V, Y, X, and ambushes choices: take the bull by the horns

Questo articolo è un meta-articolo (nel senso sia che parla di se stesso, sia che è in simbiosi con il successivo)... volevo iniziare a sviscerare Parnassus, ma poi vista la difficoltà di inquadrare il nucleo del discorso (anche perchè Parnassus is a mosaic symbolic non-linear), came out a new fruit, which then is the theme of the present.

The letters U, V, Y have much in common. Among other things, the U begins to exist as a letter to himself from the Fifth only in 1600, so in this article we will talk only of V and Y

Letter V

immediately comes to mind V for Vendetta, V for Visitors (TV series from the 80s that night, November 3 in america will be back in vogue thanks to a remake).
V in the Roman numeral indicates the 5, and it seems that the Romans stessi indicassero il numero con un gesto simile a quello che fa oggi Ronaldihno quando esulta per i gol. Se ci fate caso, Ronaldinho quando fa questo gesto, ruota il polso, dando tridimensionalità alla V che va a creare un 8, simbolo di INFINITO.

Sembra un diavolo? o un toro?

Secondo uno dei miei prof del liceo, se V era il 5, per indicare il doppio ovvero 10, i romani raddoppiarono la V per cui indicavano il 10 con la X (V simmetrica).

I cromosomi X e Y determinano il sesso della persona: sono alla base della SCELTA del sesso dunque.

Il cromosoma X è l'8 cromosoma umano per dimensioni; venne denominato X proprio per la (sub)centralità del centromero , in contrapposizione all’Y che è un cromosoma acrocentrico (in cui i due bracci p sembrano uno solo).

Le femmine hanno una doppia X mentre i maschi XY

Dalla V della mano, aggiungiamo il braccio e formeremo una Y

La lettera Y

Y è un simbolo che indica la scelta. E' il simbolo del bivio, dell'opportunità di UNO di discernere il bene dal male e di andare per una delle due strade.

E' simboleggiato spesso dalla forcola, il bastone del pastore errante, del boscaiolo vagante.

Robert Johnson met the devil at a crossroads, the set of two forks, put a cross in the middle of the road (the X is never the point where digging)

The snake has a forked tongue, and places before us a choice. But the choice and the opposition is just a trick because you can include within itself both positions, or dissolve the riddle of choice without excluding one of the two elements, but internalization and overcoming difficulties through the technique of the attack.

Before going any further illustrating this technique, in Parnassus the souls that pass through the mirror of the world must choose between Nick (the devil) and the happy image (Parnassus). The moment of choice is on a river (Y) and nick appears in the guise of a cobra from a forked tongue.

Y is the first letter of the Tetragrammaton YHWH

TAKE THE BULL BY THE HORNS : the art of stalking

Y, U, V, here is the bull with his horns. Remember the crescent and the bull leads the cult of Mithra, the old worship supplanted by the Judeo-Christian-Ram Lamb, then translated in fish (ΙΧΘΥΣ, which stands for Christ). Receding in the Zodiac, we arrived early the next Age of Aquarius, but that's another story. Back to the bull

Universally regarded as a symbol of fertility in ancient times, the head of the bull in ancient Egypt was subject to special treatment during the sacrificial rites for this very symbolic assimilation between the arrangement of the horns and the crescent moon takes the form of sickle during his "fourth". Through the symbolic theriomorphic, the moon or the sun were therefore considered as a symbol of time. In the complicated mythologies of Assyrian and Chaldean are even more obvious relationships between the symbolism of the bull and celestial influences. Risen to divinity, the bull was represented with a human face and with large wings covered with drapery aquiline gems like kings. Mediator between the earth and the heavenly gods, this figure was opposed to the other with a human face but with little wings which represent the Eabani infernal monster, a sort of minotaur mythology Chaldean.
Adapted from

In Greece especially in the Minoan age was widespread Bullfighting (Ah bullfighting!). But we will not divert attention talking about bulls, minotaurs, Knossos, mazes and bestiality porn.
return to the battle with the bull, which was to take the bull by the horns and use them to address its energy challenges without meaning, that allowed the "tauromate" (pass me the term does not exist) to stand up to the warrior hero and winner (V = victory! and Vendetta).

The bullfighting the bull is an ambush, an act of controlled folly, but what is the wait? E 'awareness to break the dilemma of choice, with a gesture crazy and with a smile on his face. Here again the crescent of the SMILE ...

hours I leave the word to those who know more than me, Otar Sprants.

Stalking is a way to turn any situation to our advantage in life, transforming forza dissolvente delle singole ottave in energia e consapevolezza personali.

Il presupposto è che qualsiasi cosa o situazione pensabile vive sui termini di una contraddizione assoluta: bene e male, vero e falso, bello e brutto, facile e difficile, vantaggioso e svantaggioso e via dicendo. (Ritorna il termine della SCELTA, ndr).

Dunque, la prima cosa da fare è individuare tali termini. Ora e ammesso di esserci riusciti, i termini della contraddizione vanno portati entrambi dentro la coscienza e tenuti lì in piena consapevolezza.

In sostanza e per tutto il tempo che durerà la specifica situazione, l’individuo non deve perdere la consapevolezza della loro esistenza e del rapporto contraddittorio che li accomuna, così come del fatto che ciascuna di tali eventualità potrebbe, in fine, avverarsi. Tuttavia, mantenendo profondo distacco sia dall'una, sia dall'altra possibilità.

Questo porta ad un risultato molto interessante, poiché la forza di ciascuno dei due termini è annullata dalla presenza del proprio opposto, permettendo a noi di passare indenni attraverso lo stretto e pericoloso tratto di mare che li separa. In sostanza, è usata la tensione insita nel principio di contraddizione al fine di risolvere la contraddizione stessa.

Pensiamo, ad esempio, alla possibilità di trovarci di fronte ad una scelta importante come il sacrificio di qualcosa di nostro a beneficio di qualcun another without, however, be certain that such sacrifice can lead to an effective aid for this person.

In this case, the terms of the contradiction are: success and failure. Now and if we assume an optimistic attitude, we are magnetized by the first term and this may lead us to proceed too quickly and perhaps unthinkingly. If, conversely, assume a pessimistic attitude to risk is not to move at all since the second term has been to tie us. We

these two freaks in a good light within us and then we will pass each other without problems.

seems a trivial matter, but this attitude alone will guarantee success "internal" infinitely more important than that related to our primary purpose (which, then, do we call minor) it exploits the tension caused by the principle of contradiction to transform consciousness in an ever-increasing energy of the Golem.

Reiterating the use of this technique to indulgence gradually decreases, while the production of increased awareness of equal measure.

However, it is important to understand that just a mere intellectual understanding of the contradiction or even a fleeting acceptance of it. Success and failure should be equally accepted by the whole totality, without a shadow of a mental reservation. Should also be required into the light within us for as long as necessary to "pass through" the eighth.

E 'to make clear that this is necessary to develop detachment and ability to "take the anguish generated by the individual octaves.

Additionally, at the approach should be limited to situations as relatively harmless, as he was fond of saying the venerable Mullah Nassr Eddin, "want to tear down the walls to get there goring other result than to crush the horns."

In essence, the Ambush works on two levels. The first concerns the purpose child. The second, the real purpose. So, in essence, what the warrior does when practice is to use the Ambush minor for the purpose of achieving the real purpose.

Some time ago a friend asked me how to apply in the case of the Ambush did his neighbors play their stereo at full volume. I answered something like this.

In the case of stereo you have them set the terms for yourself: passive acceptance (cry on them) and violent reaction (anger, until the limit of physical confrontation). Well, these are two levers, two poles of energy use to achieve the real purpose. Keep them in you in full awareness and at the same time develops the distance needed to win. Do this with a laugh. If you can laugh in this situation (90 dB while they tremble your coffee service) developments in the gap enough to make your total like a cork. That is to say that the gap (rice) takes you to the surface. The problem is that you need to do this gloss' (as enemy), enough to trigger an ambush with adequate speed and skill. However, you must have clarity winning FEAR (First enemy). Very well, let's say that you are able to laugh while the neighbors were doing their stereo to get the ball .... the eighth hour float generated from these degenerates. What do you think happened? Simple: you have power over that eighth. I should not wonder if maybe the next day, you could not hear the stereo and more for any reason, even seemingly disconnected from your actions. However, this is nothing. E 'lower order, the power, the third enemy. What we really have achieved is an inch more on the Path to Freedom. The goal, with time and practice, is to refine the Ambush so to be able to ride the eighth of gigantic proportions in absolute calm and ease.

In essence, the Ambush practice leads the warrior to lead a double life and this is because the Ambush itself to be effective, must be silent, secret.

Nothing that in fact you are doing now should shine out of your way of being because the only way your progress will be real.

You get to be completely normal people with a life longer than normal and like-minded (at least at first) so fantastically normal.

We should be able to create a model of respectability and made of good quality, so as to be able to seduce (broadly defined) even your pastor, if and when we do this, your Ambush will be very deadly.

Never speak of your progress, even with other warriors. Would not do nothing but spoil this progress in a silly exercise in vanity.

Be fierce and ruthless with yourself and your sweet and understanding with petty tyrants, since it is only through them that you can have any chance of success.

Treat even the smallest things, indeed, especially since it will be smaller and insignificant ones to give you the best and most durable.

control, discipline, patience and timing. Apply them to any situation of life and sooner or later, the intent will come.
Otaria Sprants

In conclusion, this is the expression that will give long life to your struggle toward freedom and toward the reconciliation of opposites.

to read to integrate, smile on

Friday, October 23, 2009

X Blades Wallpaper 2560

Travaglio martyr de' bean is

In this interview del 2008, Travaglio asserisce di non essere un giornalista finanziario

Ieri ad anno zero di cosa ha parlato, di bruscolini? Forse in un anno ha imparato qualcosa sulla finanza e potrebbe provare a parlarci di signoraggio.

Non vorrete pensare come il tipo qua sotto che anche Travaglio stia mentendo o nascondendoci qualcosa, e sia al soldo dei sistemi bancari anglosassoni? Ma no, è un caso.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dragon's Blood For Sale Charlotte Nc

The dream and the symbolic interpretation of reality


Abstract The theme of this work is the dream. Now, not wanting to bore the reader with things you probably already know, what we will try to implement an approach as possible and the original (this is the hope) than a new phenomenon, yet deeply known. They may thus be "date to read" many of the issues on either a historical, both of psychoanalytic already abundantly present in the literature more or less specialized, focusing on a decidedly unorthodox reading of the phenomenon.

What I am proposing, and then within the limits of this article, is a series of considerations likely, finally, to sketch a valid method for understanding any event it qualifies as a dream is a dream, which is what false awakening, lucid dream as, or as OOBE (Out Of Body Experience). All of this aim, not at all hidden, to bring the reader to an understanding that for him to extend, in a natural way, the dream-like perception to what we usually call the "real world". In

is made several references to the division of the unconscious in four areas (IP, IC, IU, IM). The point is made in an article titled "IM-THEORY" downloadable here: The event

dream. The event

dream should always be understood as an "object" consistent and true self.

In essence, consistent mean something totally self-explanatory. Something that you can read in a very consequential without words, to detect logical contradictions within it.

To understand the dream as a true bearer of a message accurately and fully testable when compared with the personal history of the dreamer.

Finally, with self-reference is made to the fact that the individual dream, while admitting the possibility of dreams indeed logically concatenated, is structured as an entity in itself that is born, dies and is manifested and, in consequence, is able alone to induce more or less significant changes in the psyche of the dreamer.

Structure dream event.

If the reader has some programming experience, you may think the dream as a program Object Oriented (OO). For those who have no idea what it is, an object-oriented programming can be thought of as a large object which, in turn, consists of several smaller objects (sub-procedure which uses the same program). These smaller objects, while substantially independent of the container program, work all to achieve a specific purpose (in the case of a program: the work for which it was designed, in the case of the dream: its meaning).

Consider, for example, a program that performs a complex calculation. The more complex the calculation is, the easier it will be broken down into sub-procedures (classes) which will take care to make a specific part of the job, returning to the main procedure (main) partial values \u200b\u200bthat, ultimately, is the same main will assemble in appropriate ways.

Now, we can think that these classes exist independently of our hard disk controller and, if it were well written, that can be used for any number of different programs (if a procedure performs the sum of two real numbers, it will do it forever, either in the program we are writing now, and in other that we may decide to write in the future).

therefore propose to think the dream just as a structured object-oriented programming, in which the dream itself, understood in its complexity, the whole program, while the dream objects that compose it are minor objects and specialized, created with classes described above. In this way, the class is thought of as a die capable of producing an indefinite number of objects, not necessarily with equal characteristics, if not for the purpose (the metodo) che il singolo oggetto persegue.

Nota per i più maliziosi: attenzione, non si tratta di mutare il nome “archetipo” nel nome “classe” (vedremo come le due cose siano, in realtà, diverse). Si tratta, piuttosto, di cambiare radicalmente il modo di pensare il meccanismo onirico ammettendo, una volta per tutte, la presenza di un motore intelligente, slegato dalla mente del sognatore e che manifesta la propria presenza (e la propria volontà) principalmente (ma non solo) attraverso la produzione onirica.

Ciò significa che, in ipotesi, questo motore sarebbe in grado di assemblare “al volo” tutte le classi necessarie alla creazione di una determinata manifestazione psychic is it an emotion during wakefulness, an ordinary dream, a lucid dream, false awakening or un'oobe. Not only that, this engine would also be able to "create" new classes starting from existing ones.

It is clear that such an approach leads to a profound dichotomy that divides the Unconscious Mind clearly and definitely left the one hand, construct a "mind" which covers (almost) entirely within the of the conscious and the other, what we have called "smart engine" that dominates the entire unconscious. This, as we shall see, is a fact gravido di conseguenze piuttosto interessanti giacché presuppone l’esistenza di una volontà terza rispetto a Mente, in grado di agire su questa in molti e diversi modi e per scopi sorprendentemente pragmatici.

Ma vediamo in quale modo tutto questo si possa realizzare e, per farlo, prendiamo ad esempio un sogno pubblicato da una persona sul News Group “it.sogni.discussioni” - gerarchia usenet - all’incirca un anno fa.

“Ho sognato di star guardando un telegiornale alla TV in cui davano notizia di un sordomuto che si aggirava in una foresta (non so quale!) in America. Questo sordomuto rapiva ragazzi/e più o meno della mia età e poi li uccideva. Ad un tratto mi ritrovo in questa foresta assieme a mio cugino. Ma la cosa strana era che la foresta era recinta da un muro al di là del quale vi era un paese. Inoltre vi era una porta che permetteva di uscire dalla foresta per andare nella cittadina. Io e mio cugino eravamo nella foresta, sentiamo dei passi, eccoci davanti il sordomuto. Mio cugino comincia ad andare verso la porta, io lo seguo, sento i passi dell'assassino alle spalle, dico a mio cugino di correre più veloce che può e io faccio lo stesso. L'assassino ci è alle spalle. Il sogno finisce così. Cosa significa?

Senza considerare l’intero simbolismo onirico ci soffermeremo sulla figura dell’assassino, affermando che, in questo caso, costui può essere inteso come l’oggetto di una class that might be called "Destroyer".

Now, the Destroyer is deaf and dumb by definition. It does not take questions (or give answers) on the way of destruction. Does its job and nothing else.

Wanting to generalize, then we say that inside us there is something that works for life (manufacturer) and something that works for death (destroyer) of parts of us. In particular, those parts which, having exhausted the purpose for which they came into being, now no longer required. During life, it happens that parts of us become old, obsolete and, therefore, die (it happens once in a physical, and mental). So when this happens, it appears that the destroyer has the specific task to free the field from what has become unnecessary.

The problem is that, by beings that we are creatures of habit, we become attached to our members, and when their time of "termination", scares us we dream like the one described by the user usenet.

In essence, what is the explanation describes the dream of a psychic function (the destroyer) who does the work for which it was created.

Invocation class dream.

Suppose, as in object-oriented programming, classes are characterized primarily by its dreamy name. To keep the example proposed, we then the class called "Destroyer" which will expose a single method ("destroy") and a number of properties intended to connote that the object will be created as a result of the invocation of the class medesima.1

It 's just the case of emphasize that the one just described is of course a fiction. In particular, the string "Destroyer" is there to indicate to readers that the Italian language class has a unique name, whatever. We must, and that under the proposed model, assume that the names of the classes have a same shape for all viventi2 and, therefore, be coded in a language suitable for purpose. The names of classes, in this respect and since we are within the "unconscious", that is light years away from a binary logic, may be of an essentially emotional.

Beyond, however, of these questions for us still relatively unfathomable intelligent engine that moves the entire dream, it will have to do is "call by name" (invoke) the class that they need to solve a specific piece dream event, "passing" the individual properties of the class may be exposed to the same information (data) needed to properly configure and activate one of its methods. Evidently, the information passed to the properties class will be those related to the situation, both on the personal history of the dreamer.

Thus, in the dream suggested, the class "Destroyer" once invoked generates a strongly identified (the murderess deaf-mute of the dream). However, it is not at all certain that the dreamer, the next time they are invoked in the same class, will dream experience the same object. Better, if the consequences are likely to be the same, the dream image may change. This, for those above considerations, reveal an extraordinary dynamic capability class dream. One skill that is absolutely unique.

This is immediately observable from the comparison of the dreams of different subjects and involving similar situations, and by comparison of the cd big dreams (ie dreams which are indicative of the presence of unconscious contents with "numinosity" 3). In both these situations you can see how easily the single object dream dress shoes in the dreams of many different subjects, even if it is there to do the same thing. Keeping the lines of "Destroyer", these may be perceived by some as a man (murderess), by others as an animal (a carrion-eating), or by others as a spiritual being (the destroying angel of apocalyptic memory).

Questo è ancor più evidente nei “grandi sogni”. Si pensi, ad esempio, all’epifania onirica della Vergine, nella sua accezione di Madre Celeste. E’ improbabile che due persone diverse le quali dovessero farne esperienza onirica descrivano, da svegli, la stessa, identica figura. Al contrario e facilmente, le due descrizioni potrebbero differire per diversi particolari quali il colore del manto, dei capelli, degli occhi, la foggia della corona e così via4.

Giustificare, quindi, il mutamento di forma del singolo oggetto percepito in sognatori diversi, così come nello stesso sognatore, può essere agevole facendo riferimento sia alla cifra psichica unica (quanto irripetibile non saprei) propria each of us is the extreme dynamic class dream, is the remarkable mythopoeic capacity of what we called "smart engine" which would be able to derive new classes from existing ones in the presence of the variables most strange and outlandish ( in reference, of course, the personal history of the dreamer). In this case the derived class inherit properties and methods of parent class by adding additional objects and creating specific measures to solve (in the best way) specific parts of a single event dream.


In order to dream these special items, one of the biggest problems è costituito dalla loro estrema potenza così come dalla rilevante autonomia che, probabilmente proprio grazie a tale potenza, dimostrano di possedere.

Spesso, in relazione all’interpretazione onirica di un “grande sogno” e in riferimento al sognatore, si nota l’uso della proposizione specifica “entra in contatto”. Come a dire che il soggetto, durante il sogno, sperimenta (entra in contatto con) una manifestazione onirica particolarmente potente (un archetipo, appunto) e che, almeno all’interno della speculazione junghiana, comporta sempre conseguenze profonde per il sognatore medesimo. Ritengo questo modo di descrivere il fenomeno piuttosto ambiguo. In particolare, connotare l’esperienza subjective with the phrase "get in touch" with something, does not really explain anything on the etiology of this something.

However, it is true that these objects often behave in a way that leads to the idea that they can act completely independently. Think of psychosis, ie scenarios where some of these large objects dream seem quite overwhelming and self-respect to waking consciousness. Moreover, even within the dream, in the case of numinous images, this dominance is easily detectable by the same dreamer. This could be explained in terms of real autonomy of these images from the unconscious personnel (IP) as belonging to a radically different psychological context (the collective unconscious, in fact).

It follows that, in order hypothesis proposed, we think that what we call the intelligent engine that creates and moves dreams can, in principle, rely on a certain class in order to create a large object, but that dream when it does, in fact carries an always potentially dangerous (because of its power class called). So much so that, in some cases, this mysterious engine seems to lose control over the forces that put into play with disruptive effect on the consciousness (which, from that very moment, is literally in pezzi5).

In other words, and in tribute to the dynamism of the classes, if the invocation of a class "Animal" can create an object "Dog" this will be characterized differently in addition to race, size and attitude for the specific force that is able to convey. Of talc, the poodle that will be, depending on the degree of force applied, or not to be characterized as an archetype. This is an interesting point because it suggests the idea that in reality may not exist at all a superclass to contain the so-called archetypes and that, rather, it seems more fitting to think of a single set of classes that can all, without exception, generate and numinous objects, and ordinary objects. Everything depends on the manner in which the intelligent engine, which for brevity from now on we will call "K" 6, has relied on. In

dependence of such a mechanism, then the dreamer may in a dream to play with your dog, talk with it in another, discovering a fountain of wisdom and knowledge. In the first case, we will have a normal dream content (albeit relatively consistent and true to the economy of the dream), in the second we have what Jung called an archetype. In the first case and a hypothetical scale of 1 to 10, K will be called the class "Animal" giving the property "Hybris" value of 1, in the second If the value 9.

Staying in a case, therefore, K decides for itself when and how to invoke the class dream. And it is because obviously has a purpose to be achieved.

In terms of the psyche of the Deep (the branch of psychoanalysis Jungian) unconscious processes are all seen within a "super trial" called "individuation process".

It starts in my view, already in the prenatal stage and lasts for the entire existence. The engine of this process is the fear of unrecycled (ie the place from which we come) that leads consciousness to grow as much as possible (no relation to their individual) in order to escape reabsorption.

Now, this process is for each one of us (including those who do not will never have a real awareness because, for them and simply develop below the threshold of consciousness) and occurs in stages quite easily identifiable, as each phase is dominated by the occurrence of a particular archetype. These events occur

usually (but not only) in the dream with the advent of so-called big dreams. The Shadow, the Anima / Animus, the Wise Old Man, the Divine Child psychological mark a path, sometimes joyful, others quite dramatic, intended to bring the individual to the self, that is the archetype that symbolizes a fully developed conscience, compensated and powerful.

Jung was the first to recognize the extraordinary affinity that binds the process as described above with the alchemical texts (in whatever era they were written). In essence, the whole process of identification can be read strictly in terms of alchemy, where the Transmutation (the creation of the Stone) is equivalent to the attainment of the Self.

Well, that statement might be obscure to some since the very concept of "Self" is an abstraction and, finally, not too satisfactory. If the Self compiuto7 draws a mental state, because the man feels the need to achieve it? Rather, it pushes K so universal for its achievement? E 'can be assumed that K does not limit its activities but the scope extends to the whole dream conscious life of the individual?

We have seen how the process moves from fear of detection of resorption (in essence, fear of death). Suppose, then, that God created man and that he did in his own image and likeness. If this is the assumption, we think that our deepest needs are the same of our creator. Namely, that the same fear that drives all of us to escape from death, who also made us move towards the same goal. If this were true, then ogni cosa potrebbe acquistare un senso.

In questa accezione, Dio, ossia ciò che abbiamo chiamato Multiverso8, è un essere cosciente, fantasticamente grande e complesso che, tuttavia, è destinato a morire. Così, per sfuggire alla propria morte, Egli attua una strategia precisa cercando di aumentare sempre più la propria consapevolezza. Solo che non potendolo fare direttamente giacché non ha alcun soggetto diverso da Sé con il quale confrontarsi, Egli delega questo atto fondamentale a parti di se stesso. Stiamo parlando di consapevolezze separate, esistenti a diversi livelli, che lavorano tutte indistintamente per incrementare sempre più la consapevolezza del tutto. Ed una di queste è l’uomo9.

takes your breath away, but we continue. If all this makes sense, then K is the function Multiversal that is committed to ensuring that every separate consciousness carries out its task in the best way. In this respect, any awareness is treated separately by K as "sacred honeycomb" designed to generate awareness, the "nectar of the gods."

Now, K performs its task constantly interacting with the individual consciousness. That is, for K there was no difference between dream state and waking state, since both are mere states of being, within which the production of awareness would be the only goal, and as the underlying to different laws, used by the function Multiversal always in the most appropriate. But always in strictly symbolic terms.

That seems equally possible to treat the dream, lucid dreaming, false awakening, the OOBE, the normal conscious existence and delirium psicotico10 as manifestations of the interaction between what we called K and the individual consciousness. Why, if,, K interacts constantly with this regardless of the scope within which the same moves.

This is important because it allows to treat uniformly every single act of K in the light of a statement which, as mentioned, is closely symbolic. That is, it means that the language used by K to interact with knowledge is always based on the symbol.

's lemma, from the greek súmbolon (σύμβολον) and roots-sym, "together" and Bole, a "launch" means the issuance of a union of multiple meanings in a single sign. This is really the language of K.
K is different from the mind and, as mentioned above, is devoid of a binary logic that is peculiar only to the latter, which uses it to make manifest the logical content of the symbol. In this, the mind is free to interpret the symbol, which by its nature, is always ambiguous and twofold. Thus, K, the absolute master of psychological scope, continually interacts with the individual consciousness by invoking each time the appropriate classes (in the dream as well as in "real life") and capable of producing the necessary symbols of that particular interaction in order to evolve that same awareness for the purpose stated above.

When K does this, the result is always something like, subtle and deeply ambivalent emotions. It may be the subject of a dream or a sign that occurs during wakefulness, but its effect, as well as to evoke an intense emotion, is always to bring to mind a conundrum, however, and based on assumptions made is always "Coherent", "true" and "independent."

It is, in essence, to change his outlook report to be compared to the dream, especially compared to the daily reality is strictly symbolic. So "recover" the relationship with K, ie that in every shamanic tradition has been named Spirit. With the fatal difference that we, the western third millennium, we are compared to shamans, in a privileged position. If they, in fact, moving (and moving) in an environment that only magic and, because of this, knows no limits systemic (meaning imposed by the reference system), for us that we lost everything thanks to centuries of razionalismo11, those limitations do not exist at all.

In other words, nothing prevents western heritage to regain its magic in a perfectly secular, that is without the limits that every magical tradition imposes on its followers. If, in fact, and as I believe, the magic act is nothing but an act of perception (only more powerful and sophisticated), then it is the result of specific knowledge, rather than the specialized function of the awareness that we called attenzione12. Through attention

humans interact with all that is inside and outside of himself. This means that, reasoning in symbolic terms, the focus is the means by which humans interact with what we have called K.

From here to bring their own capacity to solve symbolically and attentive at all times that the interaction step can be long or very short. But even this is an argument for another job.



1Tale property can be very different, but easily, they will have to deal with the specific image perceived by the dreamer during the dream and therefore the human figure, animal, vegetable, color and type of hair, the coat, inflorescence, Hybris specific level of events, etc..

2Segnatamente for all IPs belonging to a specific IC. In this respect refer to the IM-THEORY.

3Che refers to the sphere of the sacred. Numen (pl. Numina) was used by the Romans to express the divine power.

4Non is in question 'What does' or 'says' the epiphany, but her appearance just dream the dream of the object being linked to the action clearly understood the purpose of the dream as the main object.

5SE this is certainly true for psychosis, it seems to be the dream for the event when, for example, it becomes a nightmare putting the dreamer in a situation of extreme distress and suffering. 6The choice of

letter K has three competing explanations: the first stems from the fact that it is used, both in playing cards, chess is to tell the king, the second is a tribute to Johann Martin Schleyer, a Catholic priest in Baden, in Germany, between 1879 and 1880, created the Volapük (volappa K), an artificial auxiliary language (do not know at all the volappa K, I have only sympathy for idealists). The third follows the intention of permanently decouple, even in a formal way, the activity of this smart engine from the mind of the individual.

7Ci would be discussed a lot 'about the real meaning of such an accomplishment. In particular, this completeness is the same per tutti? Oppure, al contrario, in ciascuno può assumere aspetti diversi? Perché, in questo secondo caso, essendo priva del requisito dell’universalità, chi ci assicura che si tratti realmente di uno stato psichico compiuto?


9Il punto è talmente interessante che potrebbe far parte di uno studio ad hoc. La questione, infatti, è relativa alla possibilità che l’uomo sia, in realtà, se non l’unico, il più alto momento di consapevolezza all’interno della Creatura. Ma è argomento che tratteremo eventualmente in altra sede.

10 Per il delirio psicotico l’interazione sarebbe irrimediabilmente caotica e, quindi, infruttuosa for the production of consciousness.

11E 'said thanks very much.


Minimum Bibliography

Carl Gustav Jung - "The Archetypes and the collective unconscious" Ed Boringhieri 1976 (recommended reading the complete works published from the same publisher);
eSQeuL - IM- Theory, Theory of the Unconscious Multiversal. Downloadable here:
http://www.paleoseti. it/e107_plugins/content/content.php? content.167

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

54mm Express Card Reader


Here's an article of Esquel, for problems of layout, you can find images that are not present here in its original

This article is inspired, once again, by an interesting discussion took place on a News Group (it.discussioni.misteri - usenet hierarchy), created by a user's post Jasmine and referred to an article that appeared on "The Science" in February 2008 entitled "The aliens are among us?"

The article mentions the possible existence on earth, forms of life profoundly different those who know, perhaps based on a left-handed rather than right-handed DNA, or on different amino acids, or even on different atoms (eg.: arsenic instead of phosphorus). Forms which, because of their deep differences, not come into immediate competition with the life we \u200b\u200bknow.

In essence, what the article describes is what is called "shadow-life." That is a form of life (organic) very difficult to detect because of the characteristics that would (or draws) from its architecture. For this reason, the life-shadow there (or any) around us that we can not see it.

You arrive at the definition of life-shadow starting from the fact della possibile esistenza di cellule troppo piccole per ospitare ribosomi1. In particolare, l’articolo cita un lavoro di Robert Folk (Università del Texas) che nel 1990 evidenziò l’esistenza di minuscoli oggetti sferoidali e ovoidali nelle rocce sedimentarie presenti nelle sorgenti calde di Viterbo. L’idea suggerita da Folk fu quella di “nanobatteri” fossili, resti calcificati di organismi così piccoli da misurare non più di 30 nanometri. Strutture analoghe sono state scoperte in campioni di roccia provenienti dai fondali oceanici australiani.

Ora, il fatto che tali strutture possano derivare o meno da processi biologici è aspramente controverso. Tuttavia, se così fosse ci troveremmo davanti cell-free ribosomes, ie biological machines capable of synthesizing proteins in unknown ways.

So far this article, along with Jasmine questions posed to herself and to the discussion group, led me to the following considerations.

We think of these forms of life-size shadow as a hypostasis of the seven sleepers?

This universe when "choosing" to exist in four dimensions and makes the case that other sects, from the first moment, are not manifeste2. However, for some reason, their echo in
might somehow persist and cause life-shadow. Pushing the speculation a little further, we might guess life-shadow as a reflection of the proximity of other universes that, unlike ours, are built on a different size from the four we know. A kind of reflex sympathetic, determined by the "response" of one or more dimensions to the dormant "pressure" of the sisters and staff in the adjoining universes, all thanks to what we might call a psycho-gravitational effect.

In this case, Jasmine objected that, having to bring in other dimensions, this should also be carried for life as we know it because, after all, known life and life-shadow would consist of the same elements of the Periodic Table

legitimate objection, but, at least probably being overcome. If life began as a shadow reflection of the size of dormant, it will use some elements of the Periodic Table to build though, of course, be wrong. What could be this way is impossible to know because we have no information on the 'engine' that generates it (if it exists in power).

Try, then, to think about 'trying' to hold DNA in a 5, 6 ... 11 dimensions. An attempt will fail or, at best, to create a body with no competitive chance. This may explain the absence of the ribosome in the microorganisms studied by Folk.

even need to be able thinking about how to organize a virtual thing (and the state of our knowledge) completely impossible to make because, staying in a case, the size sleeper would somehow feel his presence. They are in power, so it may be assumed that, in a way unknown, generate some kind of consequence. One of those consequences could be life-shadow. Physical matter that called for so bizarre, it reacts in ways equally bizarre, but without the possibility of evolutionary point of view.

In substance and in terms of life-shade (if it exists), I would say that organic life must
talk until we are in of our universe (or, in any event, a universe in 4 dimensions). However, if I have to think about life in a universe that has more than four dimensions that I doubt we could call it organic (in the specific sense of physics). Rather, I am inclined to think that with the increase in component size on what we mean by being shifted to a different level and essentially psychic, particularly without the limits imposed by physical laws. Those same laws that prevent life-shadow to develop advanced forms.

At this point, however, Jasmine moves further and very interesting objection: if the size sleeper affect organic life, why not do the same in altri ambiti?

Allora, mi chiedo: è vero che non lo fanno? In altre parole: l'intera vita psichica così come la conosciamo potrebbe essere uno di questi effetti?

Il punto mi dà il destro per cercare di formulare, alla luce della IM-Teoria, un’ipotesi su quella che potrebbe essere la struttura del Multiverso.

La IM-Teoria considera il Multiverso nella sua dimensione psichica e, a tal proposito, lo divide in quattro ambiti psichici (IP, IC, IU e IM). Ora, il Multiverso, inteso fisicamente e in ipotesi, è un’entità certamente molto grande. Tuttavia, non è infinito. Possiamo inferire ciò dalla qualità finita della creazione entro la quale we live. That is, our universe is a very big subject, but also not infinite This is a given rather than consolidated in modern physics, since there is evidence that suggests that the universe had a beginning (Big Bang). Hawking, in his essay "From big bang to the hole blacks. Brief History of Time ", takes a curious trial arguing that if the universe had always existed, the light inside would have been able to travel for an infinite time, because there is no darkness because light is everywhere. Now if the Big Bang was the event that produced the birth of all creations may exist, it is clear that even these, however great e strane possano apparire, avranno una dimensione finita. Nel complesso, l’intero Multiverso, se inteso come somma di tutte le eventuali creazioni esistenti, è pensabile a sua volta come oggetto finito.

Ora, se il Multiverso è un oggetto finito, il numero delle creazioni che lo compongono dovrà essere finito. La domanda, a questo punto, è: quante sono le creazioni? Anzitutto, Se ammettiamo la possibilità che esistano altre creazioni, avanziamo l’ipotesi che queste siano basate su combinazioni di dimensioni diverse dalle quattro che costituiscono la nostra (sembra necessario optare per combinazioni semplici giacché due creazioni con eguali dimensioni occuperebbe lo stesso spazio-tempo e ciò clearly impossible). So, let's check the numbers by their hypothetical combinatorics of the 11 expected size from M-Theory (the four other most of our universe 7 unknown, although mathematically provided). For our calculation we use, so simple combinations based on the following axioms:
The 11 dimensions are identified by the first 11 letters of the Anglo-Saxon
elements (dimensions) of the combinations may not repeat itself, it follows that the combination does not AAB is a valid group;
The combination group did not differ in the order of the elements, it follows that ABC and BCA are the same combination.
combinations, therefore, calcolate in base a Cnk= n/k=n!/k!(n-k)! dove n è il numero complessivo delle dimensioni e k il numero di dimensioni relative ad una specifica gerarchia dimensionale.

Sulla scorta delle regole appena esposte possiamo disegnare la seguente tabella:

Gerarchia dimensionale

Numero dimensioni

Numero delle creazioni

Gruppi dimensionali




A, B ...




AB, AC ...




ABC, ABD ...

































Totale 2047 possibili creazioni, dove l'unica a 11 dimensioni potrebbe essere quella che contiene tutte le altre. In sostanza, potrebbe essere Dio.

Ora, usando i valori relativi al numero delle creazioni possibili per ciascun gruppo di dimensioni (quale che sia) è possibile costruire la seguente curva “a campana” (Gauss-like)

Per la verità, il grafico include una dimensione in più (zero). C’è un motivo per questo.

Abbiamo visto che il totale delle creazioni possibili è 2047. Tuttavia, considerando l'unica creazione a 11 dimensioni come 'contenitore' delle altre, tale container will have to set an upper limit (setting to 11 dimensions) and bottom (setting to 0 size, in fact).

Therefore, adding a building (for zero size) in the top of the Gauss-like, the sum rises to 2048 (which, however, is very interesting number since its division for 2 returns 1 repeated 11 times ... I know, not is by no means rigorous, but it is very nice).

Now, to move on a psychic level, and following the IM-theory, each of these creations, if any, would have its own UI (universal unconscious) and all the UI to be contained in the IM (Multiversal Unconscious) which clearly coincides with the IU della creazione a 11 dimensioni.

Bene, adesso abbiamo il Multiverso un po’ meglio definito, ossia un oggetto fantasticamente grande composto da 2048 creazioni. Potremmo addirittura farne un disegno. Niente di rigoroso, s’intende. Solo un escamotage grafico che aiuti la mente a visualizzare qualcosa di così sconfinato e possente.

L’immagine è una rappresentazione mandalica del Multiverso. Il puntino nero che vedete al centro è l’unica creazione a zero dimensioni, mentre il cerchio esterno è l’unica creazione ad 11 dimensioni … Dio. Nel mezzo le altre gerarchie dimensionali disegnate come stelle ciascuna con un numero di raggi pari al numero di creazioni previsto (ogni raggio rappresenta una creazione).

Ora, non è un caso se l’immagine3 sembra ‘fondere’ le gerarchie contigue in modo che, ad esempio, le 11 creazioni ad 1 dimensione si legano alle 55 creazioni a 2 dimensioni e così via. In realtà, l’effetto è voluto proprio per sottolineare la possibilità (ricordiamo sempre che siamo in puro ambito ipotetico) che fra le diverse gerarchie dimensionali, a mente di quanto assunto nell’IM-Teoria, sia possibile una comunicazione di carattere psichico. In altre parole, proprio lo psico-network ipotizzato nella IM-Teoria potrebbe fornire il canale, oltre che per lo ‘spostamento’ di singole consapevolezze all’interno del Multiverso, anche per una comunicazione costante, di fondo, attraverso la quale le diverse gerarchie si influenzerebbero reciprocamente, magari generando fenomeni come ciò che è stato definito vita-ombra.

Va da sé che aggettivazioni quali ‘contiguità’ e ‘lontananza’ debbano essere intese per quel che sono, ossia semplificazioni probabilmente del tutto inidonee a descrivere qualcosa che è difficile anche solo immaginare. Tuttavia è pur vero che se facessimo riferimento, ad esempio, allo stato vibrazionale della materia quale metro per determinare la posizione assoluta di ciascuna gerarchia dimensionale all’interno del Multiverso, allora lemmi quali contiguità e lontananza un senso potrebbero it well.

back to mind a passage in the Pistis Sophia: "The mystery that is beyond the world, the one for whom are all things, it's all evolution, and each involution. It projects all emanations and all things in them. Because of it there are mysteries and all their regions. "4

The passage evokes what I call" psycho-gravitational effect. " At present, only a definition to be filled with meaning. What, if any, the psycho-gravitation? We might think of it as a force resulting from the mass of any psychic body and through which it is able to act on mental masses (vibrationally) contiguous? In essence, pertains only to the mind or awareness embodied all matter? If the subject in a setting with more than 4 dimensions changes its nature rises to an existence only psychological, it is reasonable to think that even here, in our universe, any body has a psychic component of its own? After all, there are many reports of projectors astral psychic environments that tell of reproducing "almost" accurately known physical environments (their home, for example). And yet, what may be near the concept of psycho-gravity to that of psychic power? Perhaps the two areas can be identified by the presence or absence of a will agent?

If the entire Multiverse is a manifestation of the One, then it would seem logical to infer that every part of it occurs on the basis of that principle, the very same "brick" 5 that, depending on the scope size to which it belongs, it gives rise to the 'whole architecture. Very dynamic as a brick but were still equal to itself, regardless of the setting in which it exists, would be able to adapt their behavior depending on the vibrational level in which it is located. But this (I wonder physicists) do not seem to do this already when the electrons behave sometimes as a field, others like a wave?
For those who do if he had not noticed, We are full monadology. In it, the "monad" is an essential being. In particular, Leibniz thought the monad as a sort of "spiritual atom, an indivisible entity, totally independent and able to reflect the entire universe ... just what we were assuming. In contrast, however, the German philosopher today maybe we can transcend the concept of immanence of God can, that is, try watching the Multiverse with eyes more disenchanted, more or less absolute masters without which account for our speculations.

Now, the assumptions put forward and pose many more questions. So, I'd be really grateful to anyone who wanted, dopo aver letto queste poche considerazioni e posto che molti occhi vedono meglio di due, pormi questioni specifiche inviandole a questa mail:

L’intento, nemmeno troppo celato, è quello di giungere ad una descrizione/comprensione del Multiverso slegata il più possibile da pregiudizi ideologici e religiosi.

Per come le vedo io, ciò che rende le religioni (tutte) così “asfissianti” è il fatto che esse derivano da una rivelazione ottenuta da uno o più individui in un particolare momento della loro esistenza. Ciò comporta una sudditanza continua del messaggio alla fonte che lo ha prodotto e, di conseguenza, una deriva dogmatica che non lascia spazio ad alcuna libertà intellettuale. Sono del parere che non sia mai esistito un vero tentativo per indagare in modo distaccato l’essenza e la struttura delle dimensioni superiori. Nemmeno la filosofia occidentale nella sua descrizione del mondo si è mai veramente sottratta all’ingombrante presenza di Dio e, quando a cercato di farlo, è caduta in un razionalismo goffo, ancor più asfissiante e dogmatico di quello religioso. Probabilmente, solo lo sciamanesimo, con il suo manifestarsi strettamente individuale, può in qualche modo chiamarsi fuori da quest’impasse anche se, poi, paga il prezzo più alto proprio al suo estremo individualismo, occultando la conoscenza ottenuta dal singolo dietro la ferrea legge del prescelto che dovrà raccogliere l’eredità del maestro (eh … chissà perché, poi, c’è questa legge).

Quel che propongo, infine, è un approccio spassionato e razionale al mistero che permetta alla nostra mente di riconoscere l’assurdità dei limiti che si è auto-imposta perché, se il Multiverso esiste, allora io credo che attenda solo d’essere compreso dall’uomo e credo che noi lo si possa fare.

Basta non averne paura.



Riv. “Le Scienze” - Febbraio 2008 - articolo: “Gli alieni sono fra noi?” A firma di Paul Davies

Stephen Hawking - “Dal big bang ai buchi neri. Breve storia del tempo” BUR Biblioteca Univ. Rizzoli.

eSQeuL - IM-TEORIA, Teoria dell’Inconscio Multiversale. Scaricabile qui:

Friday, October 16, 2009

Breastfeeding A Husband Islam

The Gospel According to Jesus Christ in a dawn and dusk blue

madre ho dato un pugno, A chi, Al mio compagno, non so perchè mi guardava con quegli così così, sembrava aver capito la mia colpa, Ma tu non hai colpa figlio mio, Eppure lo sento dentro dal cielo, questa tenaglia è qui dal momento della nascita. E da quel giorno non ho smesso di provare, Cosa figliolo, Di provare a liberarmi ma niente da fare, mi segue come il lupo bracca questo gregge, che vuoi che sia un gregge per un lupo, eppure è lì a dire, Eccomi o gregge è la mia natura condividere con te la mia fame e la mia rabbia, di essere creatura nata per il gusto di umiliarti, e riservarti una fine da pecora. E ti accompagna quel lupo solitario guardingo scaltro e perchè no costante, mentre rincasi tardi e tua madre è lì col magone, Figlio dove hai passato queste ore mentre io mi torturavo coi pensieri più nefasti. E ti accompagna ancora mentre cresci a pane e comunioni, ti costringe a confessarti, a mentire, a dire a preti professori famiglia, amici conoscenti simple and associates of sex (including your own hand): Excuse me, I could not do without.

So Christianity was born, a defense of guilt. That sense of guilt or perhaps colored dusk dawn, described so vividly by Saramago in shades of blue in Iceland, to hunt down the night. Born into a wasteland of a blue dry sense of guilt, a feeling that lives in the hearts of each character.
Maria, guilty of not understanding what she is carrying, but also unaware of how it can be done, maybe it's the fault of those angels too devastating to an innocent mind, limited as that of a carding wool Nazarene. He was born in Joseph, guilty of not believing the way down to the words Mary's, but especially guilty of having allowed the massacre of the innocents as he fled without his son. Jesus was born in

We want to psychologists. Jesus is the son of a night of blood, where dozens of children like him are cut off by order of Herod. And this sense of guilt comes the double face of Christianity: one is the son of the Socratic sense of guilt, which removes it and throws it in a world too small to understand it, the other the father justice and revenge. A revenge that Jesus is the will to save the world in exchange for those lives torn a time to blame.

And in all this the hand of Saramago sculpts poetic figures between the human and the divine, drawing legends, stories catechism every plausible stories of land and blood, body and soul. Love stories, that of Jesus to freedom from guilt embodied in the body of Mary Magdalene, a woman too true to have existed and potersene fall in love.

And the narrative of the time when Jesus, injured her foot and receives the love of a woman, gives the first ray of sun, warm and bright, the twilight sky in which to date has grown up and grow up with him after page page.

From this we come out dazed Gospel chapter by chapter, confronted with the harsh reality of a divine dark, fearful, confused, and never clear, visionary and transcendent, always in conflict with his other evil. Il vero vincitore sarà chi, come Gesù, comprenderà che non saranno le istituzioni a donarci una risposta, ma la pura fede nella verità inscritta in ognuno di noi al momento dell'incarnazione.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Free Drivers License Invitations

The Catcher in the Rye and the ducks on the lake

Bella Holden!

Pensavo a te e alla scuola, pensavo a come sia strano che non ti mettano fra i libri necessari, quelli che all'inizio dell'anno trovi nell'elenco degli acquisti da fare, in quel librettino che si affannano a consegnarti all'entrata il primo giorno di scuola, che poi passi la mattinata lì con l'evidenziatore a cercarti la sezione e a scoprire le novità che ti verranno incontro. Letteratura, il massimo cui puoi anelare è la Divina Commedia, Manzoni or some high-Savoy bourgeois dall'intelighenzia rosacrocianomassone decided that dominates us for 150 years.

Prof, even this year's Salinger between the authors, and that good is to turn the banks of Tiber Oberdan, we know of 4 students money We can not afford new books every year, fortunately the larger classes in addition to the sense of inferiority let us buy their old books. What a feeling absurd, to descend into the lower classes and earn the first money so clean, negotiating prices, a hundred pounds less for each ear or on the pages of pencil underlining.

What then people spent the first few days to clean up the books by pencil marks, obsessed with perfection and the Immaculate Conception of having to relearn everything from scratch. Balls! You already have all emphasized that such studies directly prof was the same for both, you know I'm happy if you always tell the same filthy things.

why Holden did not ever find the list of books to buy, from a physics textbook and Purgatory II Bosco-Reggio. Why can not you read a book that has haunted three U.S. presidents bombers.

Why Holden is an attack on the school setting. Because the school is an attack on your youth. Because the school makes you grow a victim of opinion but that opinion then? The school is the per-tooth of view, you multiply the pain of growing quell'incisivo way of being that your personality is expanding.

A trial gives you the school, thank you, I could do without it, a judge and be constantly judged and condemned to death for things as well as the water rippled surface of a lake in Central Park. What could be more anachronistic nature of a tablet in the metropolis? Perhaps a person from having to be compressed judged by those who have nothing to do with you, like a squirrel in the elevator of a skyscraper as he gets on the trees, what do I do with a lift to browse hundreds of long-sly plans, together with those irritating little piece of music or voices released by mysterious electronic speakers ... That's because Holden

fled that night to the city in search of ducks. School Snow Queen has blown the chill wind of the proceedings, and your freedom, duck lost and disoriented, wandering in search of a new stream in which to soak the webbed feet, and you could only stop when the migration was finally cease.

The warmth attracted you to the warmth of home, too smart for that sister could follow you on a wild adventure, and the memory of the untimely death of your brother. It 'difficult today to find a foothold duck, when the lakes are frozen by the feeling of having to appear foolish injury here as all of the Ivy League guys raddled and famous. The only refuge is a house of wood, but just open your eyes and imagine, however, that fireplace that can heat up the same, while there is still snow outside.

Well, this book is suitable for those who still do not have a legitimate objective to be somebody, and even more for those who have decided to do just in order to ward off the guys who are throwing themselves under the cliff of the rye field.

"Gin a body meet a body
Coming thro 'the rye, Gin a body kiss a

body Need a body cry? "