Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lisburn Road Belfast Earpiercing

Cave of Lascaux

In the caves of Lascaux, France, have been found graffiti dating back to an average of 17,000 a. C.
The peculiarity of these paintings is that they were not made at the entrance of the cave, but a lot inside.
short, there has been a preparation, they went there with the torches, the colors, have spent a long time to the representations, taking it away from manual labor.
One theory says that best known at that time men believed in the existence of a Great Spirit, who showed through all living creatures, and whose presence was high in some places of the earth (eg. the caves).

A questo dio i nostri antenati si rivolgevano in preghiera, per le esigenze più varie: guarire da una malattia, avere una discendenza numerosa e sana, per non correre rischi durante la caccia e perché la stessa fosse ricca...


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