I hope I do not want Paolo Tasini, owner of the blog" Through Gardens "so that the headline on his latest piece, that represents the mood of garden lovers in this period.
The seasons are the most interesting from the botanical point of view, spring is the colorful butterfly from the cocoon that is born in winter, autumn is the hot color of the yellow turns to gold, the red becomes orange and then brown, green, fading.
E ' the period in which the desires of the new born, nurseries offer the best things, and in many schools of thought that I personally follow a number of years, autumn is the best season for planting new , travel, new projects. The wisdom of our grandparents read, "if it passes the winter is done," referring to plants placed in the fall, which in winter provided everything needed to survive, catching a season as "if it passes the winter," a plant is ready to give its best as early as the following spring.
At this time there are an infinite number of events Botanical Castle Racconigi, elected in 2010 www.ilparcopiubello.it from the site, the most beautiful Italian garden, is has just held an exhibition of "Potager Jarden" new trend of French origin with the inclusion of garden products to garden, if well-placed well fit by combining business with pleasure, especially when you have a small space. Some of the most beautiful gardens in France, for example, Villandry, the hedges have to wrap beds of lettuce, cabbage, herbs.
But surely the most important moment is the "Masino Autumn" two days on 16 and 17 October dedicated to plants, the fruits, the garden furniture. Plants from around the world, I can not think of anything that is not within Masino, most recently with a strong emphasis on old fruits, some restored, others reported on the market.
Masino is also a pleasant company of exhibitors from all over the place, with which it is easy to create network connections to the mail-order, visits, exchanges,
A Masino expose some of the characters' home Our "Renato Ronco, Maurizio Feletig, Mark Picca, until a few years, even our "Teacher" Maria Luisa below with his herbs. Right there we have known and began a journey together, Renato with the maples, the acidophilic, small-leafed shrubs, Mark is one of the largest Italian producers and also the recently breached border market, small roccaglia plants, Maurizio berry grown plants, roses and old fruits
and temptations to return to our gardens autumn offer the latest surprises flowers, echinacea, coreopsis, evansiane begonias, hydrangeas, iris re-bloom, the 'beginning of the berries on Nandini, cotton aster, pyracanta, e di tutte queste abbiamo ottimi esemplari anche nel giardino del Baulino che in questi giorni ha ospitato gli ospiti “autunnali” del Progetto Scuola, alcune classi del plesso di Via Rodari in visita.
Ma a parte gli ultimi piacere sul campo l’autunno ci offre con le sue serata allungate la possibilità di pensare al nostro benessere anche sotto altri aspetti, e per questo vi proponiamo la conoscenza con un personaggio che molto ha da dire sotto uno degli aspetti più importanti del nostro quotidiano: l’alimentazione.
Vi invitiamo, lunedì 18 ottobre presso i locali dell’associazione Turistica Pro-Loco in Via Madre Teresa di Calcutta, 55 alle ore 21,00 a conoscere e dialogare con il Maestro Tamio Yagisawa.
Tamio è nato in Giappone nel 1948 si è diplomato presso l'Istituto Westdeutsche Akademie di Lugano, vive e lavora in Italia da numerosi anni come Bioterapeuta e Naturopata. Si occupa soprattutto di alimentazione macro-vegetariana impostata sull'antica pratica cinese dello Yin e dello Yang e dei Cinque Elementi. E' esperto in digiuno terapeutico ed in diagnosi della casa per vivere in armonia. Per approfondire il problema individuale di salute, Tamio studia le persone anche mediante la lettura del viso e delle mani.
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