year draws to a close, I wish to speak to these areas or places of business but not of characters, those known in recent times and I know for years, but I've had, for there mot different way to better understand and share common experiences.
In particular I will focus on characters that physically I attended, because today we available means by which you can maintain relations contacts anche senza una conoscenza diretta, e questo serve quando ci sono interessi in comune e la distanza è notevole, ma sarebbe sbagliato privarci del piacere che nasce da un rapporto reale e sincero, sempre più raro da trovare in tempi dove tutto è sempre più finto e basato su conven ienze effimere e passeggere.
Inizierò dal mio amico Renato Ronco, conosciuto a Masino come molti altri, e dopo la scoperta che viviamo ad un quarto d’ora d’auto di distanza, le nostre frequentazioni sono diventate più assidue, nel suo vivaio ho trovato ciò che raramente si trova altrove, ma non solo, una alta qualità ad un prezzo più che equo, e questo mi ha permesso di arricchire il giardino di casa mia come il giardino del Baulino di piante insolite. Ma Renato ha anche altre ca ratteristiche, e alcune di queste ci accomunano, è un viaggiatore curioso, non solo di luoghi ma anche di piante insolite, raramente da un viaggio riporta in valigia solo panni da rassettare spesso ci sono semi e piante provenienti da paesi lontani che andranno ad arricchire le sue collezioni. Scrittore prove tto , cura il suo blog “”, scrive su riviste del settore e tiene una rubrica su Case&Country.
N el his I live in this these years ab BIAM or consumed some nice summer dinner, on the edge of the pond with water lilies and the Victoria amazonica, a next to the giant bambuseto .... where at a certain time when night falls, the moon is reflected in the water just above the Basilica di Superga, under which the crow flies is the place. In the nursery I met Renato Alessandro Corbellini, a teacher at the agricultural school in Biella: the plants are a fundamental part of its existence, especially roses, which he knows all species, genera, varieties, diseases, playback systems. On several occasions he was a member of the jury in floral competitions, more abroad than in Italy, where sometimes said to want to transfer, let's hope not, the botanical world needs a generational change and Alexander is definitely a character intended a great success. I met him recently in the latest edition of the "Autumn Masino, promised me that spring will come in boxes of roses and take me to speak to a small collection he had prepared: the wait! By Renato
we spend together the evening of Monday 15 November at 21.00 hours at the premises of the Tourist Pro Loco Via Madre Teresa di Calcutta, 55, during which we will also present his first book published recently "The Garden of the rules broken."in the same location Monday, October 18 there was a meeting with the Japanese master Tamio Yagisawa, nutritionist, an expert in therapeutic fasting and feng shui. We were impressed with his knowledge and his observation of facial features and hands from which it draws an immediate response from the reading of them born, and his advice is simple and natural, depart from old habits that belonged to her as our ancestors.
The room available has struggled to contain them all and the sooner we will repeat the evening, we listened for two hours straight, and many of us have many questions to put to it.
From an organizational perspective, our association soon will offer its members a number of conventions, some already stipulated in the terms other, with some shops.
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