Elisa Cirone I met at a dinner of solidarity in favor of his plans, something clicked immediately forced me to learn more about this girl Cirie who now lives and works in Kenya. I met her personally several weeks ago, a simple girl, beautiful and above all happy reached the most important goal for every human being to achieve its objectives.
A child who leaves home is a great sorrow for his parents when a child leaves home to chase the dream of Elisa's concern over the pain of the uncertain, the different risk but Elisa's family has always believed in his "dreams", although Stella, her mother, does not hide anxiety and nostalgia, but above all there is sharing and respecting the choices that are unfathomable, non-negotiable, and is she who tells us the choice of Elisa.
"Elisa dreamed of Africa, since she was a girl and I thought" change your mind .... "
Just managed to make clear to himself and to understand "what he wanted to do great" has reached and tried to realize his dream, leaving a secure job, a boyfriend and many services. Before the decisive choice there have been years of Holidays solidarity, Tanzania and Kenya in the last Eastern Europe, which has fallen in love.
Shared a year with the Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception of Ivrea, living in Macalder mission, to test themselves. Following this experience has chosen to live in the village experiencing the daily life of the population: the muddy roads to walk in the rainy season, lack of drinking water that requires the use of the river, or collect rain water, try to cook on a charcoal stove, polenta, vegetables, rice and meat on rare occasions, very different from that to which she was accustomed, to live with and care for the mosquitoes malaria.
Elisa è un’educatrice professionale che ha scelto di vivere dal 2004 nel villaggio di Macalder Mines, area rurale del South Nyanza, in qualità di missionaria laica. Il villaggio di Macalder, distante circa 460 km dalla capitale del Kenya, Nairobi, ha una popolazione di circa 20.000 persone dislocate su un’area piuttosto ampia e dispersiva, appartenenti alla tribù dei Luo. La provincia del South Nyanza, a cui il villaggio fa capo, è considerata una fra le aree più depresse e con un tasso di rendita più basso del Paese. Molte sono le problematiche che affliggono questa zona, tra la altre l’alto tasso di mortalità infantile, la presenza di numerosi orfani e vedove, la mortalità caused by the strong and growing scourge of AIDS or other diseases such as infections related to it, malaria, tuberculosis, leprosy, infectious diseases, or the scarcity of resources that the area has to offer.
During these years he has worked with the Passionist Fathers and the Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception of Ivrea to the implementation of some projects undertaken in that area. In particular, it has committed itself to the new secondary school female teacher as a professional occupation also took place during 2004-2005 in support of orphans and AIDS patients received the Baby-Home (shelter) of Macalder, structure launched and operated by religiose sopra citate. Al fianco delle medesime ha partecipato al progetto “Di villaggio in villaggio, una clinica mobile per mamme e bambini” per promuovere campagne di informazione e di prevenzione alle malattie infantili e neo-natali in sei centri rurali della regione, attraverso la somministrazione di vaccini e vitamine a bambini da zero a tre anni e a donne gravide, secondo il programma sanitario definito dal governo keniota.
Dal 2007 è referente dell’ Up4 (Onlus Urban Planning for participation & development) di Torino , in collaborazione con Kennedy Ochieng Ouma insegnante della Primary School di Macalder,
Currently coordinates projects:
"Macalder.net" - The continuation of training and upgrading of the computer lab built in the first phase of the project
Support for the study of boys Macalder Youth Polytechnic:
Since 2009 . Supports 45 are active in the study; (55 € per year).
for 2010 have been identified:
"Us girls and our body" - Meetings of training in health education and distribution of sanitary napkins for girls Macalder Primary School:
"TUSOM Pamoja" - Let's read together: construction of a laboratory for reading with the involvement of "street children" -
The project is sponsored by the City of Cirie and is being processed.
's concert Thursday, July 1 at Villa Remmert in Ciriè was aimed at raising funds for UP4, in particular to finance the project "TUSOM Pamoja" , a perfect evening, a musical group the "Out the World " , our fellow citizens, no longer green but loads of enthusiasm and energy, the songs of the 60s, they still do not creepy at all ages, masterfully executed: the music is always the best vehicle to share how these objectives, the memories that will inevitably emerge, often with a touch of nostalgia and regret bring us closer to our reality where the superfluous is the necessary that is often missing. The global world certainly needs people like Elisa, still too few and too in the minority against whom the problems are beyond debate without a deal in practice.
A child who leaves home is a great sorrow for his parents when a child leaves home to chase the dream of Elisa's concern over the pain of the uncertain, the different risk but Elisa's family has always believed in his "dreams", although Stella, her mother, does not hide anxiety and nostalgia, but above all there is sharing and respecting the choices that are unfathomable, non-negotiable, and is she who tells us the choice of Elisa.
"Elisa dreamed of Africa, since she was a girl and I thought" change your mind .... "
Just managed to make clear to himself and to understand "what he wanted to do great" has reached and tried to realize his dream, leaving a secure job, a boyfriend and many services. Before the decisive choice there have been years of Holidays solidarity, Tanzania and Kenya in the last Eastern Europe, which has fallen in love.
Shared a year with the Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception of Ivrea, living in Macalder mission, to test themselves. Following this experience has chosen to live in the village experiencing the daily life of the population: the muddy roads to walk in the rainy season, lack of drinking water that requires the use of the river, or collect rain water, try to cook on a charcoal stove, polenta, vegetables, rice and meat on rare occasions, very different from that to which she was accustomed, to live with and care for the mosquitoes malaria.
Elisa è un’educatrice professionale che ha scelto di vivere dal 2004 nel villaggio di Macalder Mines, area rurale del South Nyanza, in qualità di missionaria laica. Il villaggio di Macalder, distante circa 460 km dalla capitale del Kenya, Nairobi, ha una popolazione di circa 20.000 persone dislocate su un’area piuttosto ampia e dispersiva, appartenenti alla tribù dei Luo. La provincia del South Nyanza, a cui il villaggio fa capo, è considerata una fra le aree più depresse e con un tasso di rendita più basso del Paese. Molte sono le problematiche che affliggono questa zona, tra la altre l’alto tasso di mortalità infantile, la presenza di numerosi orfani e vedove, la mortalità caused by the strong and growing scourge of AIDS or other diseases such as infections related to it, malaria, tuberculosis, leprosy, infectious diseases, or the scarcity of resources that the area has to offer.
During these years he has worked with the Passionist Fathers and the Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception of Ivrea to the implementation of some projects undertaken in that area. In particular, it has committed itself to the new secondary school female teacher as a professional occupation also took place during 2004-2005 in support of orphans and AIDS patients received the Baby-Home (shelter) of Macalder, structure launched and operated by religiose sopra citate. Al fianco delle medesime ha partecipato al progetto “Di villaggio in villaggio, una clinica mobile per mamme e bambini” per promuovere campagne di informazione e di prevenzione alle malattie infantili e neo-natali in sei centri rurali della regione, attraverso la somministrazione di vaccini e vitamine a bambini da zero a tre anni e a donne gravide, secondo il programma sanitario definito dal governo keniota.
Dal 2007 è referente dell’ Up4 (Onlus Urban Planning for participation & development) di Torino , in collaborazione con Kennedy Ochieng Ouma insegnante della Primary School di Macalder,
Currently coordinates projects:
"Macalder.net" - The continuation of training and upgrading of the computer lab built in the first phase of the project
Support for the study of boys Macalder Youth Polytechnic:
Since 2009 . Supports 45 are active in the study; (55 € per year).
for 2010 have been identified:
"Us girls and our body" - Meetings of training in health education and distribution of sanitary napkins for girls Macalder Primary School:
"TUSOM Pamoja" - Let's read together: construction of a laboratory for reading with the involvement of "street children" -
The project is sponsored by the City of Cirie and is being processed.
's concert Thursday, July 1 at Villa Remmert in Ciriè was aimed at raising funds for UP4, in particular to finance the project "TUSOM Pamoja" , a perfect evening, a musical group the "Out the World " , our fellow citizens, no longer green but loads of enthusiasm and energy, the songs of the 60s, they still do not creepy at all ages, masterfully executed: the music is always the best vehicle to share how these objectives, the memories that will inevitably emerge, often with a touch of nostalgia and regret bring us closer to our reality where the superfluous is the necessary that is often missing. The global world certainly needs people like Elisa, still too few and too in the minority against whom the problems are beyond debate without a deal in practice.
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