Monday, October 5, 2009

Marti Spark Plug Wires

Carnet Marcia - Day 6: Civil Service and Solidarity Carnet

The Watcher
not voting is indifferent to politics
We take much to say, "ohissa"
But then does not drop out of the car

Normally you think of citizenship as a set of rights without remembering that it is also a set of duties, including in particular that of solidarity who is constitutionally enshrined.

Beyond the enunciation solemn duty of solidarity is the ability to take care of people with whom you share the journey of life. The citizenship in this context is a citizenry that is based on awareness that the problems of people with whom you share life's journey is not unique to the state and its services, in other words, the social protection system called welfare state, but also concern the responsibility of every citizen

(..) Rebuilding community means, therefore, re-weave relations of solidarity and in this context, the new citizenship education means educating the person to assume responsibility and care towards others. Personally I think the civil service may be the place where it instills the virus of this concept of citizenship, in which the young man is formed in a natural way to make gestures of solidarity towards each other.

In this sense, the service calendar is the place where the young can finally conclude
his maturation process and begin a new journey of adult citizen.

Carl Gustav Jung said that after adolescence, in which the person claims the path that leads us from the ego, it opens a new phase of development, one in which the ego you go to the us, where the person while maintaining its individuality reaches deeper harmony with nature, with others and with herself. Jung called this process "individuation" and indicated its peak in old age.

The civil service serves as a trigger, as an aid to quit un'egocentratura adolescenziale
e, quindi, per l’avvio del cammino verso il noi. Questo però solo se il servizio civile è un’esperienza significativa dal punto di vista umano, professionale e sociale.


Una giornata qualunque

Musica a palla. L’acqua scorre e il secchio si riempie.Un profumo di lavanda inebria velocemente la piccola casa. La ragazza, lunghe trecce finte raccolte con un nodo, fisico da modella, pelle al miele di castagno, canticchia una canzone delle Destiny ’s Child mentre fa le pulizie degli spazi comuni. Sembrerebbe una giornata qualunque di una ragazza qualunque…

Lo scenario is that of a shelter for immigrant women with whom I do my community service, she is one of many "survivors" who pass by here.

'I' but survivor "sings a song, the soundtrack of a life ... so many lives. Lives of women surviving in a hostile land, most of the time. Land that is the goal for a long time, the culmination of a tragic life, the starting point for a new life in 'imagination of those who leave everything and takes the long and tormented "journeys of hope."

land where unexpectedly, relentlessly, suffering and sacrifice not abandon you to become your traveling companions. Earth accepts that despite everything, brings together the troubled lives of these women from unstable lives so precarious! Survival was not granted. I do not know if the girl, who seems to sing lightly, she did it. The call of his country, Nigeria, is stronger than anything else. She decided to go home and now here waiting for a passage of assisted return. E 'serene. Will no longer have to waste his energies in order to survive because he is to return the girl to write vita.Mentre completed his daily task. His story is among many stories ... underwater noise from general indifference. Interweaving stories that bind alle vite di chi lavora per far emergere dall’ indifferenza e poter dare un nome a tutte queste donne. Lju*, Kau*, Mobr*, Zi*, Ali* e tante altre le ho conosciute e grazie al servizio civile anche io ho potuto dargli un nome e un volto.

Pisa, Giugno 2007Giusy Monni Volontaria in servizio civile anno 2006/2007 Progetto ASC Pisa “Inclusione sociale “

Pianola, 16/05/09- 23/05/09

Il campo di Pianola ( piccolo paese vicino a L’Aquila, i cui abitanti sono stati trasferiti quasi interamente nella tendopoli) per me si è trasformato in una scuola di vita. Quello che ho dato io col mio lavoro non è stato paragonabile a quello che mi è a gift ...

I learned solidarity with a capital. One between citizens of the same nation, one land. People from all over Italy 's united by the same desire to give a hand to the Abruzzi, something I had never experienced before, something that obviously we would like and you should experience every day, not only after a disaster, but that is still a strong proof of citizenship.

I got to work with the Prociv Arci Liguria, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Sardinia and Calabria in particular (it was the Prociv of Isola di Capo Rizzuto (KR), which had more volunteers and had brought much of the equipment needed for the field, from the kitchen to "mess-tent"). E la gente... la gente mi ha regalato più di un sorriso e non mi è apparsa triste e rassegnata ma decisa, determinata a ricostruire il suo domani, anche a spese proprie se necessario.

Nessuno si perde d’animo al campo. C’è chi aveva un’attività che gli dava da vivere e l’ha persa, ma ha ripreso in mano dopo vent’anni la chitarra e fondato un gruppo musicale con ragazzi del paese dal nome rappresentativo: 649; c’è chi ci aiuta in cucina non potendo farlo più a casa e chi, più anziano, ci racconta le sue disavventure come se non rappresentassero un baratro senza fondo ma una china dalla quale risalire. E tutto questo avviene mentre bambini vivaci scorrazzano nel campo, molti hanno toy tractors and cranes with him and collect some stones to raise the first wall of their "new" house.

an atmosphere of community Pianola today in our cities is becoming increasingly rare.

What I feel I can give based on my experience?

How can you participate in the state?

What is the contribution that everyone is called to give?

What is my contribution?


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