Abstract The theme of this work is the dream. Now, not wanting to bore the reader with things you probably already know, what we will try to implement an approach as possible and the original (this is the hope) than a new phenomenon, yet deeply known. They may thus be "date to read" many of the issues on either a historical, both of psychoanalytic already abundantly present in the literature more or less specialized, focusing on a decidedly unorthodox reading of the phenomenon.
What I am proposing, and then within the limits of this article, is a series of considerations likely, finally, to sketch a valid method for understanding any event it qualifies as a dream is a dream, which is what false awakening, lucid dream as, or as OOBE (Out Of Body Experience). All of this aim, not at all hidden, to bring the reader to an understanding that for him to extend, in a natural way, the dream-like perception to what we usually call the "real world". In
is made several references to the division of the unconscious in four areas (IP, IC, IU, IM). The point is made in an article titled "IM-THEORY" downloadable here: The event
dream. The event
dream should always be understood as an "object" consistent and true self.
In essence, consistent mean something totally self-explanatory. Something that you can read in a very consequential without words, to detect logical contradictions within it.
To understand the dream as a true bearer of a message accurately and fully testable when compared with the personal history of the dreamer.
Finally, with self-reference is made to the fact that the individual dream, while admitting the possibility of dreams indeed logically concatenated, is structured as an entity in itself that is born, dies and is manifested and, in consequence, is able alone to induce more or less significant changes in the psyche of the dreamer.
Structure dream event.
If the reader has some programming experience, you may think the dream as a program Object Oriented (OO). For those who have no idea what it is, an object-oriented programming can be thought of as a large object which, in turn, consists of several smaller objects (sub-procedure which uses the same program). These smaller objects, while substantially independent of the container program, work all to achieve a specific purpose (in the case of a program: the work for which it was designed, in the case of the dream: its meaning).
Consider, for example, a program that performs a complex calculation. The more complex the calculation is, the easier it will be broken down into sub-procedures (classes) which will take care to make a specific part of the job, returning to the main procedure (main) partial values \u200b\u200bthat, ultimately, is the same main will assemble in appropriate ways.
Now, we can think that these classes exist independently of our hard disk controller and, if it were well written, that can be used for any number of different programs (if a procedure performs the sum of two real numbers, it will do it forever, either in the program we are writing now, and in other that we may decide to write in the future).
therefore propose to think the dream just as a structured object-oriented programming, in which the dream itself, understood in its complexity, the whole program, while the dream objects that compose it are minor objects and specialized, created with classes described above. In this way, the class is thought of as a die capable of producing an indefinite number of objects, not necessarily with equal characteristics, if not for the purpose (the metodo) che il singolo oggetto persegue.
Nota per i più maliziosi: attenzione, non si tratta di mutare il nome “archetipo” nel nome “classe” (vedremo come le due cose siano, in realtà, diverse). Si tratta, piuttosto, di cambiare radicalmente il modo di pensare il meccanismo onirico ammettendo, una volta per tutte, la presenza di un motore intelligente, slegato dalla mente del sognatore e che manifesta la propria presenza (e la propria volontà) principalmente (ma non solo) attraverso la produzione onirica.
Ciò significa che, in ipotesi, questo motore sarebbe in grado di assemblare “al volo” tutte le classi necessarie alla creazione di una determinata manifestazione psychic is it an emotion during wakefulness, an ordinary dream, a lucid dream, false awakening or un'oobe. Not only that, this engine would also be able to "create" new classes starting from existing ones.
It is clear that such an approach leads to a profound dichotomy that divides the Unconscious Mind clearly and definitely left the one hand, construct a "mind" which covers (almost) entirely within the of the conscious and the other, what we have called "smart engine" that dominates the entire unconscious. This, as we shall see, is a fact gravido di conseguenze piuttosto interessanti giacché presuppone l’esistenza di una volontà terza rispetto a Mente, in grado di agire su questa in molti e diversi modi e per scopi sorprendentemente pragmatici.
Ma vediamo in quale modo tutto questo si possa realizzare e, per farlo, prendiamo ad esempio un sogno pubblicato da una persona sul News Group “it.sogni.discussioni” - gerarchia usenet - all’incirca un anno fa.
“Ho sognato di star guardando un telegiornale alla TV in cui davano notizia di un sordomuto che si aggirava in una foresta (non so quale!) in America. Questo sordomuto rapiva ragazzi/e più o meno della mia età e poi li uccideva. Ad un tratto mi ritrovo in questa foresta assieme a mio cugino. Ma la cosa strana era che la foresta era recinta da un muro al di là del quale vi era un paese. Inoltre vi era una porta che permetteva di uscire dalla foresta per andare nella cittadina. Io e mio cugino eravamo nella foresta, sentiamo dei passi, eccoci davanti il sordomuto. Mio cugino comincia ad andare verso la porta, io lo seguo, sento i passi dell'assassino alle spalle, dico a mio cugino di correre più veloce che può e io faccio lo stesso. L'assassino ci è alle spalle. Il sogno finisce così. Cosa significa?
Senza considerare l’intero simbolismo onirico ci soffermeremo sulla figura dell’assassino, affermando che, in questo caso, costui può essere inteso come l’oggetto di una class that might be called "Destroyer".
Now, the Destroyer is deaf and dumb by definition. It does not take questions (or give answers) on the way of destruction. Does its job and nothing else.
Wanting to generalize, then we say that inside us there is something that works for life (manufacturer) and something that works for death (destroyer) of parts of us. In particular, those parts which, having exhausted the purpose for which they came into being, now no longer required. During life, it happens that parts of us become old, obsolete and, therefore, die (it happens once in a physical, and mental). So when this happens, it appears that the destroyer has the specific task to free the field from what has become unnecessary.
The problem is that, by beings that we are creatures of habit, we become attached to our members, and when their time of "termination", scares us we dream like the one described by the user usenet.
In essence, what is the explanation describes the dream of a psychic function (the destroyer) who does the work for which it was created.
Invocation class dream.
Suppose, as in object-oriented programming, classes are characterized primarily by its dreamy name. To keep the example proposed, we then the class called "Destroyer" which will expose a single method ("destroy") and a number of properties intended to connote that the object will be created as a result of the invocation of the class medesima.1
It 's just the case of emphasize that the one just described is of course a fiction. In particular, the string "Destroyer" is there to indicate to readers that the Italian language class has a unique name, whatever. We must, and that under the proposed model, assume that the names of the classes have a same shape for all viventi2 and, therefore, be coded in a language suitable for purpose. The names of classes, in this respect and since we are within the "unconscious", that is light years away from a binary logic, may be of an essentially emotional.
Beyond, however, of these questions for us still relatively unfathomable intelligent engine that moves the entire dream, it will have to do is "call by name" (invoke) the class that they need to solve a specific piece dream event, "passing" the individual properties of the class may be exposed to the same information (data) needed to properly configure and activate one of its methods. Evidently, the information passed to the properties class will be those related to the situation, both on the personal history of the dreamer.
Thus, in the dream suggested, the class "Destroyer" once invoked generates a strongly identified (the murderess deaf-mute of the dream). However, it is not at all certain that the dreamer, the next time they are invoked in the same class, will dream experience the same object. Better, if the consequences are likely to be the same, the dream image may change. This, for those above considerations, reveal an extraordinary dynamic capability class dream. One skill that is absolutely unique.
This is immediately observable from the comparison of the dreams of different subjects and involving similar situations, and by comparison of the cd big dreams (ie dreams which are indicative of the presence of unconscious contents with "numinosity" 3). In both these situations you can see how easily the single object dream dress shoes in the dreams of many different subjects, even if it is there to do the same thing. Keeping the lines of "Destroyer", these may be perceived by some as a man (murderess), by others as an animal (a carrion-eating), or by others as a spiritual being (the destroying angel of apocalyptic memory).
Questo è ancor più evidente nei “grandi sogni”. Si pensi, ad esempio, all’epifania onirica della Vergine, nella sua accezione di Madre Celeste. E’ improbabile che due persone diverse le quali dovessero farne esperienza onirica descrivano, da svegli, la stessa, identica figura. Al contrario e facilmente, le due descrizioni potrebbero differire per diversi particolari quali il colore del manto, dei capelli, degli occhi, la foggia della corona e così via4.
Giustificare, quindi, il mutamento di forma del singolo oggetto percepito in sognatori diversi, così come nello stesso sognatore, può essere agevole facendo riferimento sia alla cifra psichica unica (quanto irripetibile non saprei) propria each of us is the extreme dynamic class dream, is the remarkable mythopoeic capacity of what we called "smart engine" which would be able to derive new classes from existing ones in the presence of the variables most strange and outlandish ( in reference, of course, the personal history of the dreamer). In this case the derived class inherit properties and methods of parent class by adding additional objects and creating specific measures to solve (in the best way) specific parts of a single event dream.
In order to dream these special items, one of the biggest problems è costituito dalla loro estrema potenza così come dalla rilevante autonomia che, probabilmente proprio grazie a tale potenza, dimostrano di possedere.
Spesso, in relazione all’interpretazione onirica di un “grande sogno” e in riferimento al sognatore, si nota l’uso della proposizione specifica “entra in contatto”. Come a dire che il soggetto, durante il sogno, sperimenta (entra in contatto con) una manifestazione onirica particolarmente potente (un archetipo, appunto) e che, almeno all’interno della speculazione junghiana, comporta sempre conseguenze profonde per il sognatore medesimo. Ritengo questo modo di descrivere il fenomeno piuttosto ambiguo. In particolare, connotare l’esperienza subjective with the phrase "get in touch" with something, does not really explain anything on the etiology of this something.
However, it is true that these objects often behave in a way that leads to the idea that they can act completely independently. Think of psychosis, ie scenarios where some of these large objects dream seem quite overwhelming and self-respect to waking consciousness. Moreover, even within the dream, in the case of numinous images, this dominance is easily detectable by the same dreamer. This could be explained in terms of real autonomy of these images from the unconscious personnel (IP) as belonging to a radically different psychological context (the collective unconscious, in fact).
It follows that, in order hypothesis proposed, we think that what we call the intelligent engine that creates and moves dreams can, in principle, rely on a certain class in order to create a large object, but that dream when it does, in fact carries an always potentially dangerous (because of its power class called). So much so that, in some cases, this mysterious engine seems to lose control over the forces that put into play with disruptive effect on the consciousness (which, from that very moment, is literally in pezzi5).
In other words, and in tribute to the dynamism of the classes, if the invocation of a class "Animal" can create an object "Dog" this will be characterized differently in addition to race, size and attitude for the specific force that is able to convey. Of talc, the poodle that will be, depending on the degree of force applied, or not to be characterized as an archetype. This is an interesting point because it suggests the idea that in reality may not exist at all a superclass to contain the so-called archetypes and that, rather, it seems more fitting to think of a single set of classes that can all, without exception, generate and numinous objects, and ordinary objects. Everything depends on the manner in which the intelligent engine, which for brevity from now on we will call "K" 6, has relied on. In
dependence of such a mechanism, then the dreamer may in a dream to play with your dog, talk with it in another, discovering a fountain of wisdom and knowledge. In the first case, we will have a normal dream content (albeit relatively consistent and true to the economy of the dream), in the second we have what Jung called an archetype. In the first case and a hypothetical scale of 1 to 10, K will be called the class "Animal" giving the property "Hybris" value of 1, in the second If the value 9.
Staying in a case, therefore, K decides for itself when and how to invoke the class dream. And it is because obviously has a purpose to be achieved.
In terms of the psyche of the Deep (the branch of psychoanalysis Jungian) unconscious processes are all seen within a "super trial" called "individuation process".
It starts in my view, already in the prenatal stage and lasts for the entire existence. The engine of this process is the fear of unrecycled (ie the place from which we come) that leads consciousness to grow as much as possible (no relation to their individual) in order to escape reabsorption.
Now, this process is for each one of us (including those who do not will never have a real awareness because, for them and simply develop below the threshold of consciousness) and occurs in stages quite easily identifiable, as each phase is dominated by the occurrence of a particular archetype. These events occur
usually (but not only) in the dream with the advent of so-called big dreams. The Shadow, the Anima / Animus, the Wise Old Man, the Divine Child psychological mark a path, sometimes joyful, others quite dramatic, intended to bring the individual to the self, that is the archetype that symbolizes a fully developed conscience, compensated and powerful.
Jung was the first to recognize the extraordinary affinity that binds the process as described above with the alchemical texts (in whatever era they were written). In essence, the whole process of identification can be read strictly in terms of alchemy, where the Transmutation (the creation of the Stone) is equivalent to the attainment of the Self.
Well, that statement might be obscure to some since the very concept of "Self" is an abstraction and, finally, not too satisfactory. If the Self compiuto7 draws a mental state, because the man feels the need to achieve it? Rather, it pushes K so universal for its achievement? E 'can be assumed that K does not limit its activities but the scope extends to the whole dream conscious life of the individual?
We have seen how the process moves from fear of detection of resorption (in essence, fear of death). Suppose, then, that God created man and that he did in his own image and likeness. If this is the assumption, we think that our deepest needs are the same of our creator. Namely, that the same fear that drives all of us to escape from death, who also made us move towards the same goal. If this were true, then ogni cosa potrebbe acquistare un senso.
In questa accezione, Dio, ossia ciò che abbiamo chiamato Multiverso8, è un essere cosciente, fantasticamente grande e complesso che, tuttavia, è destinato a morire. Così, per sfuggire alla propria morte, Egli attua una strategia precisa cercando di aumentare sempre più la propria consapevolezza. Solo che non potendolo fare direttamente giacché non ha alcun soggetto diverso da Sé con il quale confrontarsi, Egli delega questo atto fondamentale a parti di se stesso. Stiamo parlando di consapevolezze separate, esistenti a diversi livelli, che lavorano tutte indistintamente per incrementare sempre più la consapevolezza del tutto. Ed una di queste è l’uomo9.
takes your breath away, but we continue. If all this makes sense, then K is the function Multiversal that is committed to ensuring that every separate consciousness carries out its task in the best way. In this respect, any awareness is treated separately by K as "sacred honeycomb" designed to generate awareness, the "nectar of the gods."
Now, K performs its task constantly interacting with the individual consciousness. That is, for K there was no difference between dream state and waking state, since both are mere states of being, within which the production of awareness would be the only goal, and as the underlying to different laws, used by the function Multiversal always in the most appropriate. But always in strictly symbolic terms.
That seems equally possible to treat the dream, lucid dreaming, false awakening, the OOBE, the normal conscious existence and delirium psicotico10 as manifestations of the interaction between what we called K and the individual consciousness. Why, if,, K interacts constantly with this regardless of the scope within which the same moves.
This is important because it allows to treat uniformly every single act of K in the light of a statement which, as mentioned, is closely symbolic. That is, it means that the language used by K to interact with knowledge is always based on the symbol.
's lemma, from the greek súmbolon (σύμβολον) and roots-sym, "together" and Bole, a "launch" means the issuance of a union of multiple meanings in a single sign. This is really the language of K.
K is different from the mind and, as mentioned above, is devoid of a binary logic that is peculiar only to the latter, which uses it to make manifest the logical content of the symbol. In this, the mind is free to interpret the symbol, which by its nature, is always ambiguous and twofold. Thus, K, the absolute master of psychological scope, continually interacts with the individual consciousness by invoking each time the appropriate classes (in the dream as well as in "real life") and capable of producing the necessary symbols of that particular interaction in order to evolve that same awareness for the purpose stated above.
When K does this, the result is always something like, subtle and deeply ambivalent emotions. It may be the subject of a dream or a sign that occurs during wakefulness, but its effect, as well as to evoke an intense emotion, is always to bring to mind a conundrum, however, and based on assumptions made is always "Coherent", "true" and "independent."
It is, in essence, to change his outlook report to be compared to the dream, especially compared to the daily reality is strictly symbolic. So "recover" the relationship with K, ie that in every shamanic tradition has been named Spirit. With the fatal difference that we, the western third millennium, we are compared to shamans, in a privileged position. If they, in fact, moving (and moving) in an environment that only magic and, because of this, knows no limits systemic (meaning imposed by the reference system), for us that we lost everything thanks to centuries of razionalismo11, those limitations do not exist at all.
In other words, nothing prevents western heritage to regain its magic in a perfectly secular, that is without the limits that every magical tradition imposes on its followers. If, in fact, and as I believe, the magic act is nothing but an act of perception (only more powerful and sophisticated), then it is the result of specific knowledge, rather than the specialized function of the awareness that we called attenzione12. Through attention
humans interact with all that is inside and outside of himself. This means that, reasoning in symbolic terms, the focus is the means by which humans interact with what we have called K.
From here to bring their own capacity to solve symbolically and attentive at all times that the interaction step can be long or very short. But even this is an argument for another job.
1Tale property can be very different, but easily, they will have to deal with the specific image perceived by the dreamer during the dream and therefore the human figure, animal, vegetable, color and type of hair, the coat, inflorescence, Hybris specific level of events, etc..
2Segnatamente for all IPs belonging to a specific IC. In this respect refer to the IM-THEORY.
3Che refers to the sphere of the sacred. Numen (pl. Numina) was used by the Romans to express the divine power.
4Non is in question 'What does' or 'says' the epiphany, but her appearance just dream the dream of the object being linked to the action clearly understood the purpose of the dream as the main object.
5SE this is certainly true for psychosis, it seems to be the dream for the event when, for example, it becomes a nightmare putting the dreamer in a situation of extreme distress and suffering. 6The choice of
letter K has three competing explanations: the first stems from the fact that it is used, both in playing cards, chess is to tell the king, the second is a tribute to Johann Martin Schleyer, a Catholic priest in Baden, in Germany, between 1879 and 1880, created the Volapük (volappa K), an artificial auxiliary language (do not know at all the volappa K, I have only sympathy for idealists). The third follows the intention of permanently decouple, even in a formal way, the activity of this smart engine from the mind of the individual.
7Ci would be discussed a lot 'about the real meaning of such an accomplishment. In particular, this completeness is the same per tutti? Oppure, al contrario, in ciascuno può assumere aspetti diversi? Perché, in questo secondo caso, essendo priva del requisito dell’universalità, chi ci assicura che si tratti realmente di uno stato psichico compiuto?
9Il punto è talmente interessante che potrebbe far parte di uno studio ad hoc. La questione, infatti, è relativa alla possibilità che l’uomo sia, in realtà, se non l’unico, il più alto momento di consapevolezza all’interno della Creatura. Ma è argomento che tratteremo eventualmente in altra sede.
10 Per il delirio psicotico l’interazione sarebbe irrimediabilmente caotica e, quindi, infruttuosa for the production of consciousness.
11E 'said thanks very much.
Minimum Bibliography
Carl Gustav Jung - "The Archetypes and the collective unconscious" Ed Boringhieri 1976 (recommended reading the complete works published from the same publisher);
eSQeuL - IM- Theory, Theory of the Unconscious Multiversal. Downloadable here:
http://www.paleoseti. it/e107_plugins/content/content.php? content.167
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