THE CHARACTER OF THE MONTH: Gertrude Jekyll (1843-1932)
I shot these days one of the authors of the book of gardening, Gertrude Jekyll, (1843-1932), my favorite designer of the Joint board, a painter, a brilliant innovator of Landscaping , a curious researcher of new and unusual plants. Created links with them, saying how fortunate it was for the happiness that made her love for gardening, he said "once planted a seed that never dies, but it grows and grows up to become a perennial source of happiness in increase "(from" Forest and garden "ed. Franco Muzzio). Has changed the habits and customs of the time, away from the formal garden, topiary art, the flower beds set up, and started talking about the garden with "garden cottages" small colorful gardens that arrive on your doorstep, are an integral part of the other, or in case of large gardens, has started to create room under the open sky, one color, in sequence, one after another, one prepares the eye to the next, until you reach the edge of the forest undergrowth and then finally, to penetrate beyond its borders and coming on the horizon. Reading all the more pleasant, a sort of diary, "the pleasure of sharing the lasting happiness that comes only from love for a garden and is the reason conduttore che ho sempre trovato nelle persone appassionate di giardini attraverso i loro scritti o le testimonianze viventi.
Nei suggerimenti per questo periodo Gertrude ci da semplici ed efficaci nozioni, lei stessa si è occupata direttamente del suo giardino, Munstead Wood, fino a tarda età, la cecità le ha tolto in parte le capacità, ma fino alla fine non si è risparmiata, il contatto con la terra era un piacere a cui non poteva sottrarsi, piantare bulbi, potare rose, predisporre nuove aiuole, iniziando dalla preparazione del terreno, e ancora la ricerca di sempre nuovi accostamenti, la sfida della tradizione consolidata per “osare” esperimenti che ancora oggi sono seguiti dai nuovi maestri del giardinaggio, soprattutto by those who are looking for a model of the garden where everything seems apparent random and while it is studied carefully.
So welcome spring, as Gertrude would say, and it would work this season because each plant each bulb, each shrub needs the hand of man, to give the best. People who spent the winter in a sort of forced hibernation no more waiting at the expense of other activities and too little time to devote to caring for those who can repay in full from the treatment received, treat the green, beyond its size or of its location, is definitely one of the greatest satisfaction that we can take that can help save or at least improve the world, and make us feel a lot of good!
Nei suggerimenti per questo periodo Gertrude ci da semplici ed efficaci nozioni, lei stessa si è occupata direttamente del suo giardino, Munstead Wood, fino a tarda età, la cecità le ha tolto in parte le capacità, ma fino alla fine non si è risparmiata, il contatto con la terra era un piacere a cui non poteva sottrarsi, piantare bulbi, potare rose, predisporre nuove aiuole, iniziando dalla preparazione del terreno, e ancora la ricerca di sempre nuovi accostamenti, la sfida della tradizione consolidata per “osare” esperimenti che ancora oggi sono seguiti dai nuovi maestri del giardinaggio, soprattutto by those who are looking for a model of the garden where everything seems apparent random and while it is studied carefully.
So welcome spring, as Gertrude would say, and it would work this season because each plant each bulb, each shrub needs the hand of man, to give the best. People who spent the winter in a sort of forced hibernation no more waiting at the expense of other activities and too little time to devote to caring for those who can repay in full from the treatment received, treat the green, beyond its size or of its location, is definitely one of the greatest satisfaction that we can take that can help save or at least improve the world, and make us feel a lot of good!

Speaking of books I want to compliment with friend and member of our Board, Renato Ronco, for the publication of his first work "The Garden of rules broken" Blue Press. When I informed him, with its simplicity and that vein of good-natured irony, he said, "I can die now, I have a son, I planted a few trees and a book I published, "but no, Renato, what advice can you give us more, how many places you can even describe, and how many plants you can find that only you can still let us know!

Returning to our commitments, also is returning to the circuit of the Grand Tour, Sunday, May 16, from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm, in the garden of Baulino. The event comes under the auspices of the "Piedmont" of the Province and the City of Turin ", the" Compagnia di San Paolo "and" Torino, the capital of Europe ". Approaching 2011, the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, was made official at the Presidency of the Council and the Centre National Voluntary request to accept the nomination of "volunteer capital of Piemonte Torino-2011" and this will even more full of meaning all that the area will be able to offer in the field of volunteerism. Great Tour offers over 100 itineraries in Piedmont to discover historical treasures, art and culture of our region, we are therefore proud to be part of it. As with previous years, those interested can have all the necessary information from the toll-free number 800-329329, as regards the registration and payment of the fee can contact us directly, or on the same day that the guide will be on place. Last year we sold out, why not repeat? (p. 59) Association "living green"
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