1) Martedì 2 MARZO 2010 , ore 21, riunione di Fraternita;
2) Thursday 4 center Mother of Divine Love (Zisa), 17 hours, lectio divina of lay groups (Look on the initiative of the diocese);
3) Friday 5 , Santa Caterina (Piazza Bellini), at 21, Via Crucis ;
4) Saturday 6 , Rome, curia provincializia, at 8.30-16.30, meeting of the National Commission for Justice and Peace the Dominican Family;
5) Friday 12 , Santa Caterina (p. zza Bellini), at 21, Via Crucis ;
6) Sunday 14 , San Domenico, 12 am, Mass Community,
7) Wednesday, 17 , at 21, father Joseph Saturday op comments on the social encyclical of Benedict XVI Caritas in Veritate (the meeting is open to all);
8) Friday 19 , Santa Caterina (Piazza Bellini), at 21, Via Crucis ;
9) Friday 26 , Madonna sanctuary remedies (Independence Square)-Cathedral, at 21, Via Crucis town together with the Bishop .
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