The appearance of the crescent moon in this picture I made it easy to switch to the next speech that has the usual objective is to make him smile (ie controlled folly), the nerve center of our way to deal with life, dream and reality.
There the year of the cat? No, because he was hit by the virus.
"There are several stories about the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac, and how they were chosen. In one legend, the Jade Emperor, former ruler of heaven and earth for several years, decided to personally visit the Earth . If you wondered in admiring the strange creatures on Earth. He decided to take twelve, to take back to heaven, to show the divine beings.
Animals took away were: a mouse, a cat, a bull, a tiger, a rabbit , a dragon, a snake, a horse, a goat, a monkey, a chicken, and a dog.
The Cat, the most beautiful animals, churches the mouse to inform the day when the Jade Emperor would come to pick them up. But the rat, jealous of the beauty of the cat compared to his, not informed him. Consequently, the cat did not show the arrival of the Emperor of Jade, and was replaced by the pig. The Jade Emperor, who was fascinated by the animals, decided to allocate to each calendar year. "
So the rat, a symbol of terror and fear as irrational, repugnant (Topo Gigio is testimonial dell'aberrante campaign for anti-influenza virus vaccine), lose the right to look at the cat from the sky and smile. But over the centuries, art has taken her revenge silently.
"Cheese" is the word we associate with a smile as we are about to be photographed (when posting the reality, we seize the moment in the photographic impression). The reality stops in the smile. Cheese means cheese, the favorite food of the rat. Fear feeds on the smile. But the cat eats the rat. In fact, in this vicious circle of continuous gattochesimordelacoda in the region of Cheshire cheese was produced whose symbol was a cat who became famous as the Cheshire Cat.
The smile of the cat recalls the moon,
the moon is made of cheese ...
But first things first. the moon is made of cheese ...
Alice in Wonderland, is alone with a child with "swine."
- If I do not take this child away, - said Alice - it is certain that the kill in a few days, would not abandon the murder? - He said the last words aloud, and the poor began to grunt in reply (no sneezing by this time). - Do not grunt, - said Alice - education is not expressed in this latter fashion. The baby grunted again, and Alice looked anxiously to see what was in my face. She had an upturned nose too, and there was no doubt that more like a snout than a real nose, and then his eyes were becoming so small that they looked like a child on the whole aspect did not like Alice. "Maybe she sobbed," she thought, and looked him in the eye again to see if there were any tears. But there were none. - My dear, if you're going to turn into a pig, - said Alice, seriously, - I'll have nothing to do with you. Take care then! - The poor little thing sobbed again (or grunted, who knows, it was hard to tell) and she went on in silence for some time. Alice, meanwhile, began to reflect: "What have I to do with this creature when I get home?" while that creature grunted again and with so much energy, she looked at him in dismay. This time there was no doubt it was a real pig, and she was convinced that it was absurd to take it over. So she set the little creature on earth, and felt relieved to see it trot away quietly into the wood. - If you grew up, would have been a bad boy too, but will become a wonderful pig, I think. - And he remembered other children she knew, who could have been some good pigs, and was about to say: - If you know the real way to transform ... - Trembled with fear when ...
arrives at this point of the story the character that will enable Alice to perform la sua SCELTA: il gatto del Cheshire, appunto, diventato non si sa come Stregatto. Non si tratta di un gatto stregato, come i traduttori disneyani vorrebbero simpaticamente farci intendere (al rogo!) , ma di un GHIGNAGATTO, come orribilmente ma almeno con un po' di buon senso è stato tradotto nei libri italiani.
Vorresti dirmi per dove debbo andare? — Dipende molto dal luogo dove vuoi andare, — rispose il Gatto. — Poco m'importa dove... — disse Alice. — Allora importa poco sapere per dove devi andare, — soggiunse il Gatto. —...purchè giunga in qualche parte, — riprese Alice come per spiegarsi meglio. — Oh certo vi giungerai! — disse il Gatto, non hai che da camminare. Alice sentì che quegli aveva ragione e tentò un'altra domanda. — Che razza di gente c'è in questi dintorni? — Da questa parte, — rispose il Gatto, facendo un cenno con la zampa destra, — abita un Cappellaio; e da questa parte, — indicando con l'altra zampa, — abita una Lepre di Marzo. Visita l'uno o l'altra, sono tutt'e due matti. — Ma io non voglio andare fra i matti, — osservò Alice. — Oh non ne puoi fare a meno, — disse il Gatto, — qui siamo tutti matti. Io sono matto, tu sei matta. — Come sai che io sia matta? — domandò Alice. — Tu sei matta, - Said the Cat - would not have come here. Do not think that proved it to Alice, but she went on: - How do you know that you're mad? - Meanwhile, - said the Cat, - a dog is not crazy. I admit it? - Let's face it, - said Alice. - Well, - the Cat went on, - a dog growls when he is angry, and wags its tail when happy. Now I growl when I'm pleased and wag my tail when I'm sad. So I'm mad. - I call it purring, not growling, - said Alice. - The 'what you like, - said the Cat. - Go to today by the Queen to play croquet? - Yes, I would go, - said Alice - but have not been invited yet. - She'll see me, - said the Cat, and vanished.
The grin of the cat confronts us in our madness. But not the madness of the mad hatter, is madness with logic. A precisely controlled folly :
Now, while any one eighth invests the warrior, in absolute terms this is in direct contact with death and what triggers his fear. A fear that flows directly from the emotional center and that, through a mechanical process and extremely fast, it turns into what Gurdjieff called negative emotion.
fall prey to such negative emotions is made so sudden and inevitable.
This is because the emotional center operates at a speed much higher than that of the intellectual center, it follows that for us, at least initially and for some time, it is impossible to control these emotions. We are too slow.
Drill Across the means to make the intellectual center so fast and so smooth as to master the emotional center, thereby making possible the true "miracle": transforming negative emotions into positive emotions.
This can be done just trying to laugh whenever negative emotions arise. This is a technique that should be implemented immediately, even if at the beginning and who knows for how long, it will seem impossible.
When anxiety and fear erupt in you as a result of external pressure or internal, you have to try and do is right and just that, laughing.
a laugh will bury you ...
Who are you talking? - Asked the King, going up to Alice, and looking at the Cat's head with great curiosity. - With a friend of mine ... the Cheshire Cat - Alice said, - I presentarlo a Vostra Maestà. — Quel suo sguardo non mi piace, — rispose il Re; — però se vuole, può baciarmi la mano. — Non ho questo desiderio, — osservò il Gatto. — Non essere insolente, — disse il Re, — e non mi guardare in quel modo. — E parlando si rifugiò dietro Alice. — Un gatto può guardare in faccia a un re, — osservò Alice, — l'ho letto in qualche libro, ma non ricordo dove.
Arriva a breve la versione di Tim Burton di Alice nel paese delle meraviglie... sarà questo l'anno del gatto del Cheshire?
Il gatto del cheshire,
smile and madness, life
inscrutable gaze of the unseen world
choice of side or top
the reason that leads the soul, showing his teeth
a hidden world in which I gladly lose
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