Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Do Herpes Appear In Pubic Hair

The luminous egg, the heart and Avatar

E 'born first the chicken or the egg? This question has no reason to exist in all traditions as the egg is not so much a symbol a static thing, a start point defined in opposition to an opposite.

The main feature of the egg is to wrap a transformation process, other feature is the shape, in fact, ovoid.

ovoid in shape are the main symbols of the vital CENTER (the heart, the omphalos of Delphi the center of the world).

Omphalos - Navel of Delphi

According Guenon, the egg is the symbol of the universe but not its wild state of complete manifestation, but rather that from which it will develop next. Transformation from one point to every direction.

As in the cave (see the myth of the cave, but even Christ is born and reborn in a cave / cavern) and the heart, the egg contains the spiritual germ, the embryo of gold, the 'primordial AVATAR.

In the Hindu religion a avatar or avatara is taking a physical body by God or one of its aspects. This word comes from Sanskrit language and means " down" in the Hindu religious tradition is the embodiment of a deliberate Deva, or Lord himself, in a physical body in order to perform certain tasks. This term is used mainly to define the various incarnations of Vishnu , among which may include Krishna and Rama .

Brahma to be contained in the egg of the world (Brahmand) to be born as Hiranya garbha, the fetus of gold.

Hiranyagarbha (Devanagari: हिरण्यगर्भः; Literally the 'golden fetus' or 'golden womb', poetically rendered 'universal germ') is the source of the creation of the Universe or the cosmos manifested in Indian philosophy

Gold is the sun of metals, therefore the heart of the world's egg-igneous features, is an essence of immortality and divinity. For the law "as above, so below", we see how this translates in microcosm.

This light, according to the Indian doctrine of the chakras, lies dormant at the base of the spine, and is awakened through a second birth by passing through the heart.

The physical body is therefore an avatar in which resides the seed of divinity.

But around the physical body is manifested the energy of the soul and divinity, in what is defined at the Toltec shamans luminous egg. Let's see in detail the Toltec vision of reality:

1. The universe is an infinite cluster of energy fields-like fibers of light.

2. These fibers of light, called the Eagle's emanations, radiating from a source of unimaginable proportions, metaphorically called the Eagle.

3. Humans are also made to them by an incalculable number of these threadlike energy fields. These emanations of the Eagle form a closed cluster which appears as a ball of light the size corresponding to those of the body della persona con le braccia estese lateralmente, apparendo quindi come un gigantesco uovo luminoso.

4. Solo una parte piccolissima delle fibre di luce all’interno di questo globo luminoso viene illuminata da un punto di intenso splendore situato sulla superficie dell’uovo.

5. La percezione si realizza quando i campi di energia del piccolo gruppo situato intorno al punto d’intenso splendore estendono la propria luce fino ad illuminare identici campi di energia all’esterno dell’uovo.
Siccome solo i campi energetici illuminati dal punto di intenso splendore sono percepibili, questo punto viene chiamato “il punto dove viene assemblata la percezione” o, semplicemente the " Place of assembly" (Point of union).

6. The Place of assembly can be moved from its usual position on the surface of the egg to another location on the surface or inside.
Since the splendor of the Place of assembly shine all the energy fields with which it comes into contact, when it moves is immediately shine new energy fields, making them perceptible. This perception is called seeing.

7. When the assemblage point moves, makes possible the perception of different worlds, as and real targets of those who perceive normally. Sorcerers have access to these other worlds to tap into energy, power, general and specific solutions to problems, or face all'inimmaginabile.

8. The intent is indescribable and immeasurable strength widespread in the universe. It enables us to perceive. We do not acquire awareness because we perceive, but we feel as a result of the intrusion and the weight of Intent.

9. The wizards are intended to achieve a state of total awareness to experience all the possibilities of perception that man has. This state of awareness requires even an alternative death.

Stando al punto 5, l'apparizione dell'uovo luminoso allo sciamano significa, il raggiungimento di un nuovo e più evoluto stato di percezione.

Il punto 7 è la trama di Avatar. Così come l'uomo ha raggiunto il pianeta attraverso un avatar, allo stesso modo esseri inorganici denominati Esploratori Blu (che probabilmente hanno generato la percezione della divinità blu induista) arrivano nel nostro mondo, presumibilmente negli stati di incoscienza generati dal sogno per quale scopo non è lecito conoscerlo.

Chiunque ha sognato questi esseri blu, oltre al sottoscritto, è pregato di segnalarlo nei commenti.

Note the resemblance between the beings of Pandora and the Indian gods


According to this philosophy , when we are young, our luminous cocoon not would still be stiff and the assemblage point flows smoothly. The human egg would be intersected by the "strings of energy", which would produce perceptions, but when people grow up and live in an ordinary existence (ie, focusing only on their "first attention"), implemented only a small portion of these emanations, which would then become their whole reality percettiva, escludendo automaticamente tutti gli altri possibili mondi che invece potrebbero ugualmente essere raggiunti (attraverso le altre attenzioni possibili).

Castaneda afferma che ogni nostra sensazione , sentimento o azione, è determinata dalla posizione di questo punto di unione. Il movimento consapevole del punto di unione permetterebbe la percezione del mondo in maniera differente (realtà non ordinaria), nonché l'entrata in altri mondi veri e propri, diversi dal nostro, ma ugualmente "inglobanti" e "reali".

L'obiettivo di tutto questo sarebbe quello di raggiungere la "totalità di se stessi", ossia la piena percezione e dominio of attention.


1993 - HarperCollins public The Art of Dreaming Castaneda. He began by explaining that he had previously told the first group found for him by Don Juan, but "I never mentioned the second group of apprentices, Don Juan did not allow me to do it." [Although Don Juan was gone in '73, before it was published Tales of Power ?] "He said they were only in my field and that the agreement I had with him was to write on his field, not on mine. The second group of trainees was extremely compact. It consisted only of three members: a dreamer, Florinda Donner-Grau; una cacciatrice all’agguato, Taisha Abelar; e una donna nagual, Carol Tiggs." p. x. Spiega inoltre che "mi ci vollero quindici anni di lavoro ininterrotto, dal 1973 al 1988, per immagazzinare energia sufficiente a sistemare ogni cosa in maniera lineare nella mia mente. Ricordai allora sequenze su sequenze di eventi di sogno, e riuscii infine a colmare alcuni apparenti vuoti di memoria….Essendo in possesso della maggior parte dei tasselli che formano le lezioni di don Juan sull’arte del sognare, mi piacerebbe spiegare, in un lavoro futuro, la posizione e gli interessi attuali dei suoi ultimi quattro studenti: Florinda Donner-Grau, Taisha Abelar, Carol Tiggs e me." p. xi. Carol Tiggs ritorna sulla scena quando Castaneda revisits his rescue from the "world foggy and yellow." This time, explains that he was captured there by the inorganic beings, having voiced his intention to save the Blue Ranger When revives, Don Juan tells him that he had gathered "all those who have managed to recover, especially Carol Tiggs," for rushing into the realm of inorganic beings to save it. p. 138. Responding to questions from the group wondered what to do with the explorer, Don Juan says, "It's a very serious problem that must solve this nagual here. He and Carol Tiggs are the only ones who can free the explorer." p. 140. Following the dreaming emissary gives instructions on what Castaneda that "Carol Tiggs and I had to do to free the explorer." p. 146.

To deepen the discussion egg HERE bright light (in fact, I found a job ended and I found a substantial uniformity of views with the author of this study).

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Famous Manhattan Eateries

L 'Year of the Cheshire Cat

The appearance of the crescent moon in this picture I made it easy to switch to the next speech that has the usual objective is to make him smile (ie controlled folly), the nerve center of our way to deal with life, dream and reality.

There the year of the cat? No, because he was hit by the virus.

"There are several stories about the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac, and how they were chosen. In one legend, the Jade Emperor, former ruler of heaven and earth for several years, decided to personally visit the Earth . If you wondered in admiring the strange creatures on Earth. He decided to take twelve, to take back to heaven, to show the divine beings.

Animals took away were: a mouse, a cat, a bull, a tiger, a rabbit , a dragon, a snake, a horse, a goat, a monkey, a chicken, and a dog.

The Cat, the most beautiful animals, churches the mouse to inform the day when the Jade Emperor would come to pick them up. But the rat, jealous of the beauty of the cat compared to his, not informed him. Consequently, the cat did not show the arrival of the Emperor of Jade, and was replaced by the pig. The Jade Emperor, who was fascinated by the animals, decided to allocate to each calendar year. "

So the rat, a symbol of terror and fear as irrational, repugnant (Topo Gigio is testimonial dell'aberrante campaign for anti-influenza virus vaccine), lose the right to look at the cat from the sky and smile. But over the centuries, art has taken her revenge silently.

"Cheese" is the word we associate with a smile as we are about to be photographed (when posting the reality, we seize the moment in the photographic impression). The reality stops in the smile. Cheese means cheese, the favorite food of the rat. Fear feeds on the smile. But the cat eats the rat. In fact, in this vicious circle of continuous gattochesimordelacoda in the region of Cheshire cheese was produced whose symbol was a cat who became famous as the Cheshire Cat.

The smile of the cat recalls the moon,
the moon is made of cheese ...

But first things first.

Alice in Wonderland, is alone with a child with "swine."

- If I do not take this child away, - said Alice - it is certain that the kill in a few days, would not abandon the murder? - He said the last words aloud, and the poor began to grunt in reply (no sneezing by this time). - Do not grunt, - said Alice - education is not expressed in this latter fashion. The baby grunted again, and Alice looked anxiously to see what was in my face. She had an upturned nose too, and there was no doubt that more like a snout than a real nose, and then his eyes were becoming so small that they looked like a child on the whole aspect did not like Alice. "Maybe she sobbed," she thought, and looked him in the eye again to see if there were any tears. But there were none. - My dear, if you're going to turn into a pig, - said Alice, seriously, - I'll have nothing to do with you. Take care then! - The poor little thing sobbed again (or grunted, who knows, it was hard to tell) and she went on in silence for some time. Alice, meanwhile, began to reflect: "What have I to do with this creature when I get home?" while that creature grunted again and with so much energy, she looked at him in dismay. This time there was no doubt it was a real pig, and she was convinced that it was absurd to take it over. So she set the little creature on earth, and felt relieved to see it trot away quietly into the wood. - If you grew up, would have been a bad boy too, but will become a wonderful pig, I think. - And he remembered other children she knew, who could have been some good pigs, and was about to say: - If you know the real way to transform ... - Trembled with fear when ...

arrives at this point of the story the character that will enable Alice to perform la sua SCELTA: il gatto del Cheshire, appunto, diventato non si sa come Stregatto. Non si tratta di un gatto stregato, come i traduttori disneyani vorrebbero simpaticamente farci intendere (al rogo!) , ma di un GHIGNAGATTO, come orribilmente ma almeno con un po' di buon senso è stato tradotto nei libri italiani.

Vorresti dirmi per dove debbo andare? — Dipende molto dal luogo dove vuoi andare, — rispose il Gatto. — Poco m'importa dove... — disse Alice. — Allora importa poco sapere per dove devi andare, — soggiunse il Gatto. —...purchè giunga in qualche parte, — riprese Alice come per spiegarsi meglio. — Oh certo vi giungerai! — disse il Gatto, non hai che da camminare. Alice sentì che quegli aveva ragione e tentò un'altra domanda. — Che razza di gente c'è in questi dintorni? — Da questa parte, — rispose il Gatto, facendo un cenno con la zampa destra, — abita un Cappellaio; e da questa parte, — indicando con l'altra zampa, — abita una Lepre di Marzo. Visita l'uno o l'altra, sono tutt'e due matti. — Ma io non voglio andare fra i matti, — osservò Alice. — Oh non ne puoi fare a meno, — disse il Gatto, — qui siamo tutti matti. Io sono matto, tu sei matta. — Come sai che io sia matta? — domandò Alice. — Tu sei matta, - Said the Cat - would not have come here. Do not think that proved it to Alice, but she went on: - How do you know that you're mad? - Meanwhile, - said the Cat, - a dog is not crazy. I admit it? - Let's face it, - said Alice. - Well, - the Cat went on, - a dog growls when he is angry, and wags its tail when happy. Now I growl when I'm pleased and wag my tail when I'm sad. So I'm mad. - I call it purring, not growling, - said Alice. - The 'what you like, - said the Cat. - Go to today by the Queen to play croquet? - Yes, I would go, - said Alice - but have not been invited yet. - She'll see me, - said the Cat, and vanished.

The grin of the cat confronts us in our madness. But not the madness of the mad hatter, is madness with logic. A precisely controlled folly :

Now, while any one eighth invests the warrior, in absolute terms this is in direct contact with death and what triggers his fear. A fear that flows directly from the emotional center and that, through a mechanical process and extremely fast, it turns into what Gurdjieff called negative emotion.
fall prey to such negative emotions is made so sudden and inevitable.
This is because the emotional center operates at a speed much higher than that of the intellectual center, it follows that for us, at least initially and for some time, it is impossible to control these emotions. We are too slow.
Drill Across the means to make the intellectual center so fast and so smooth as to master the emotional center, thereby making possible the true "miracle": transforming negative emotions into positive emotions.
This can be done just trying to laugh whenever negative emotions arise. This is a technique that should be implemented immediately, even if at the beginning and who knows for how long, it will seem impossible.
When anxiety and fear erupt in you as a result of external pressure or internal, you have to try and do is right and just that, laughing.

a laugh will bury you ...

Who are you talking? - Asked the King, going up to Alice, and looking at the Cat's head with great curiosity. - With a friend of mine ... the Cheshire Cat - Alice said, - I presentarlo a Vostra Maestà. — Quel suo sguardo non mi piace, — rispose il Re; — però se vuole, può baciarmi la mano. — Non ho questo desiderio, — osservò il Gatto. — Non essere insolente, — disse il Re, — e non mi guardare in quel modo. — E parlando si rifugiò dietro Alice. — Un gatto può guardare in faccia a un re, — osservò Alice, — l'ho letto in qualche libro, ma non ricordo dove.

Arriva a breve la versione di Tim Burton di Alice nel paese delle meraviglie... sarà questo l'anno del gatto del Cheshire?

Il gatto del cheshire,
smile and madness, life

inscrutable gaze of the unseen world
choice of side or top

the reason that leads the soul, showing his teeth

a hidden world in which I gladly lose

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Jeff Hardypaint Comstume

Varchi stellar

"There is no easy way out of the earth to the stars" LA Seneca

"We are children of the stars , great-grandchildren of His Majesty the money "

the old saying of "as above, so below," our "I would land me in a heavenly match.
the psychological level, this means that there are instances of human subjects wearing the ball from low to high instances of instinct of reason, through the discovery process.

That is, the man, born imperfect in a mire of mud, through the intervention of supernal beings (instances superior intellect), return to his real place of origin: the sky.

This path is easily found in the tradition that mankind come from the dust of the "stars" who will return one day ascending to heaven (so as Christ and Mary, just to stay in the Christian tradition).

A symbolic level, therefore, the star is the signal indicating that a focus of this process of transformation of man.

There's a starman waiting in the sky and as
He'd like to meet us But he
Thinks he'd blow
Our minds There's a starman waiting in the sky He
Told us not to blow it
'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile
He told me: Let the children lose it

Let the children use it Let all the children boogie

In the tarot, in fact, we have the paper 17, the stars: Reminder of attention. It represents the rebirth and the possibility of renewal, opportunities concesseci. It represents the sacrifice for the upliftment.

"the guiding star and illuminates the way. His influence is beneficial and inspiring. It's time to see, dream, have big visions. Just as the cosmos above us is limitless, so our thought must fly free and limitless. Our actions must be pure and inspired by lofty ideals. "

The water present in the figure suggests the idea of \u200b\u200bpurification and renewal. You can relax serene certain that the universe is on our side: the stars protect us and help us.
So the star is a powerful symbol of this transformation process and the journey to spiritual renewal.

Since consciousness is always associated with light, Jung suggests that if the unconscious brightness displays multiple you have to do with small phenomena of consciousness, as if the light is monadic: single star or the sun or an eye, it symbolizes the self worth of reassuring because what unifies consciousness lives as messy or broken.

Structure mandala star

So the appearance of the star in the life of the individual case is a sign of a change from level to achieve the unification of consciousness.

to "be able to see the stars", so it is necessary to have a bridge between our inner worlds.

Stargate: this word is used as a metaphor for something that connects the man between two stages of spiritual evolution. "The opening of the stargate" indicates the cosmic lighting.

There is an infinite literature, including fantasy, science fiction, serious and humorous, on stargate, stars of Orion, pyramids, etc. ... but I would not go to the specific.

The appearance of a star is therefore the decisive moment for the transition to a new stage of consciousness. The stars appear to announce the birth of the main deity.

untreated 5-pointed star, but of celestial phenomena. The 5-pointed star or 6 are all representations later, the first archetypal image that ancient man had the stars is always that of a celestial body that rotates around a fixed point and which gives the meaning of a point of arrival for their own spiritual evolution.

The soul comes from heaven is to live on degraded land, and must make its effort to return one day between stars. Just as in the fable of Oscar Wilde: The Son of the stars.

"The love that moves the sun and other stars"