I invite you to read and understand this article seems full of misfortunes, but in fact full of hope.
disastrous year (apparently) is ending. Breaking new openings and new possibilities.
This article is dedicated to the memory of two people who are gone, two families have remained, and all the positive energy generated by the sacrifices that have been occurring this year.
"Death is the change and transformation. It is seen as one step in the cycle of life, then that is part of a journey and brings renewal"
Abstract : Synchronicity
U n certain incident happens to a certain person at a certain moment in a way that takes on special meaning for him because it reveals important connections very significant in the life of this person. Any other observer of the same incident would consider it a phenomenon without giving it a chance special significance. For him there is synchronistic connection in the future, and then he says nothing. B rigitte Hamann
No. 9
The year is ending, 2009, from a first superficial interpretation may be one of the most deadly is a subjective level of the writer, is a universal objective level. The crisis, the fever, the attacks and earthquakes, and floods. What happens to the energy level in the world?
It seems that the collective unconscious is brought to light in 2009 9 of the slow end of a period, so you let go and indulge nell'autoconvincimento this is a crisis year. Moreover, the 9 is the last number of decimal number. It almost seems that they do capture the collective consciousness of this negative interpretation and let themselves influence by the end of a cycle.
dell'enantiadromia But according to the old law, the symbol 9 possesses in the double meaning of death and the beginning of the end of a cycle, but also development of new possibilities.
"In every field there is always an evolutionary process that turns raw and refined. Going through the various stages of the process, the raw material loses that weigh down the waste and ends up taking on a more noble .
"We remain in the cabala and practice we now see what significance it attaches to the number 9. In" clavicles of Solomon "it is stated that this is the number of the initiate, the great magic number. Nine, in fact, is the degree initiation which, being a spiritual regeneration, is shrouded in mystery. According to the Kabbalists this number, as the square of three and then three times the Trinity, the sky is reflected in the nine choirs of angels that rule the celestial spheres.
know that with 9 ending the Ennead, which was the basis of the old numbering system and the greek letter that corresponds to q is the , beginning of the word q ò V , che vuol dire Dio. È simbolo di verità totale, completa e immutabile perché il 9, moltiplicato per qualsiasi numero, non muta la sua identità giacché dà un prodotto che riproduce sempre il 9.
Per quanto riguarda quindi il significato da attribuire alla terna superiore del settenario, tutta la letteratura esoterica è concorde nel ravvisare in essa un contenuto di natura mistica, spirituale e divina. "
9=3x3=3^2=IX IX=IV simmetrico 9=6 simmetrico
Il numero 8
In uno degli episodi di Fringe andati in onda nel 2008, uno dei casi viene risolti grazie alla presenza della "sfera magica", ovvero la caduta a billiard ball: the black number 8.
Broyle, head of the Fringe. The same actor plays in the series LOST Abaddon.
Abaddon is a demon mentioned in Revelation and other sacred writings belonging to the Jewish and Christian culture.
Its name comes from Hebrew, meaning destruction. It is the transcription of a Hebrew word used as a proper name to indicate the name of the Angel of the Abyss in the Apocalypse of John (chapter 9, verse 11 and ch. 20, verse 1) symmetrical to the Angel of the Abyss in Job (chapter 33, verses 23 and 24). The Hebrew name Abaddon is the greek name Apollyon (the destroyer), which can also be likened to the god Apollo. As in Job's life is linked to that of the Angel Alef, or the Angel of Joshua (Chapter 5, verses 14 and 15) and Judah (ch. 9), we can deduce that it is the same Archangel Michael, or of Jesus Christ in his pre-human nature [citation needed].
For some it is the head of the demons of the seventh hierarchy, Abbadon is the ruler of the bottomless pit (Jude Thaddeus, VI) and the king of an army of locusts of the Apocalypse.
"The Magic 8-ball , manufactured by Tyco Toys and currently marketed by Mattel, a toy used to predict the luck. It is a plastic ball with the appearance of a large pool of 8 ball, black and white. "
200-8 That same year, the biggest change occurred at the global level is the election a black U.S. president Obama, who in 2009 made a historic visit to China.
The 8-8-08 started the Olympics in China. Furthermore, on 8 placed horizontally is the symbol of infinity, of the cycle (Moebius strip).
"In the Chinese view 8 is clearly seen, as stated above, a positive number." In Indian culture, however, it did not uniquely or unambiguously positive connotation or negative, since it is part of that system of thought that gave rise gradually in the Indus Valley to the concept of karma, which is cyclical concept where each element, "negative" or "positive" that can be you relate to others in a global unity. In this logic, the 8 represents the Indian debts in the present life and / or in previous ones, which must be "paid" in the future through hard "work" on themselves, at the same time represents the lessons learned in this life and / or in previous ones, on the basis of which (whether positive or negative) that can be hard work.
In this area lies in the design Indian, not as a totalizing, research money, the economic success of a high status, but still within a chance of tipping the success and failure into success and failure, however, on the basis of strict observance of criteria of honesty, violation of which the collapse of material and status will be safe. "
06/04/2009: Earthquake L'Aquila
"What drove the builders of this city to build second plant in Jerusalem and mirror the constellation of 'Aquila'?
Fu lo storico Crispomonti- continua Ceccarelli- a parlare per primo della straordinaria somiglianza della città Santa con il disegno delle mura dell'Aquila.
Osservando attentamente le due piante, si evidenziano molti particolari:
Il fiume Cedron scorre nella parte bassa della città, così come l'Aterno per l'Aquila. Le due città sorgono entrambe su colline, l'Aquila a 721 metri sul livello del mare e Gerusalemme a poco più, 750 metri. Verso nord c'è il monte del Tempio di Salomone come da noi c'è Collemaggio. E, infine, la piscina di Siloe (citata nella Bibbia come il luogo dove Gesù compì il miracolo della restituzione della vista) è localizzata esattamente come la Fontana delle 99 Cannelle: both are works of hydraulic engineering, and both are adjacent to a door wall.
The 99 torches are a font of the Cistercians?
Until yesterday, the city has been linked to the combination with the "number 99" (each person tells of 99 castles, 99 churches, 99 squares and 99 fountains and another element gives more color to the legend of the clock tower Palazzo Margherita sounds of 99 bells. "
" The sequence of 9 repeated three times - 9.9.9 - aligns the human, physical, biological, his self-expanded union Galaxy with its multiple, which is part of himself and yet far beyond what che voi considerate voi stessi. E’ l’Uno che diviene 9.
La raggiante esperienza del 9 è multipla e sequenziale. Non usate la logica per un momento. E’ tempo che comprendiate quanti livelli coesistono insieme a quello spettro di esperienza che chiamate la vostra realtà, cioè come può dirsi multidimensionale un aspetto lineare.
La vostra ora segna 9.9.9 e vi dite: “Sono arrivato qui”. Noi invece guardiamo e vediamo che siete immersi nel ciclo infinito del 9, sopra e sotto di voi, cioè immersi nel divenire che si compie - nel 9 come metafora del compimento. Dunque voi siete lì, sul punto interassiale di tutti i vostri compimenti non lineari. Cercate di comprendere: siete nel punto d’intersezione of all your lives, all of your experiences of the self on this dimensional plane (the Earth), and 9 other levels of experience. Complete alignment with the coupling 9 is the reality of galactic self, moving from identification with the material, identification with the Divine in you. It 'an alignment that does not exclude the densest part of your expression, and subjects them to something else, instead leads them to vibrate at the unit level. You are becoming men worldwide, you understand? You're melting the karmic bond with the earth, your logic of performance is over, because everything is done. State your perspective that is melting dimensional linking things in sequence, meaning that you no longer need to settle outstanding issues in the measure of ego, but you can test yourself and you have infinity.
You no longer connected to the source to ask, why are you the source, no longer need to do something as opposed to something else, to balance the energy. You are the One, you have every chance in you - so do not ask yourself if you are able to do so, and do not put us a century to figure it out. Be who you are, and you become your highest model of life on earth. This is the potential you have. This is the fulfillment announced. On 9 brings you to regain that connection lost by galactic human dimension, and also with the size of Angelica. That is the human experience will become much more expanded now. "
8-9 June 2009
And let's go.
Elvis Presley (the sun, the light) was born on January 8, like my father.
Michael Jackson (the moon) died in June 2009, as my father.
Michael Jackson @ Moon
More specifically, my father died on 8 and 6-09. The next day, he 06/09/2009 Mauro goes.
forgot: 8 to 12 to 09, the day of the Immaculate ('a Maronna in the face, as suggested by emilie while the 9 is the offspring), the Smashing Pumpkins released the first of the next 44 new songs.
A song for a son - "Song for a Son"
This is a song for a star
This is a song for a space invader
Who Flew Into The Sun Never
Never to return to return
Coincidence? Meaning? None of that? One word: transformation. This is a song for a space invader
Who Flew Into The Sun Never
Never to return to return
" Abraxas is hard to know God. Its power is greater because no man sees. The sun, he sees the summum bonum, the devil the infimum malum: but by Abraxas LIFE, infinite in all respects, which is the mother of good and evil. ... The power of Abraxas is twofold. But you do not see it because your eyes conflicting opposites of this power will clear ... Everything you ask for supplication to God alone generates an act of the devil. Everything you create with God only gives the devil power to act. That is terrible Abraxas. (from Sermone III - C.G. Jung)
Vi ho mostrato la strada, senza dirvi troppo. Traete le conclusioni, ovvero unificate il disco del sole (vita, luce, circolarità) alla falce della luna (morte, trasformazione, fasi, ciclo)
Buon anno nuovo!
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