Questo articolo è un meta-articolo (nel senso sia che parla di se stesso, sia che è in simbiosi con il successivo)... volevo iniziare a sviscerare Parnassus, ma poi vista la difficoltà di inquadrare il nucleo del discorso (anche perchè Parnassus is a mosaic symbolic non-linear), came out a new fruit, which then is the theme of the present.
The letters U, V, Y have much in common. Among other things, the U begins to exist as a letter to himself from the Fifth only in 1600, so in this article we will talk only of V and Y
Letter V
immediately comes to mind V for Vendetta, V for Visitors (TV series from the 80s that night, November 3 in america will be back in vogue thanks to a remake).
Secondo uno dei miei prof del liceo, se V era il 5, per indicare il doppio ovvero 10, i romani raddoppiarono la V per cui indicavano il 10 con la X (V simmetrica).
I cromosomi X e Y determinano il sesso della persona: sono alla base della SCELTA del sesso dunque.
Il cromosoma X è l'8 cromosoma umano per dimensioni; venne denominato X proprio per la (sub)centralità del centromero , in contrapposizione all’Y che è un cromosoma acrocentrico (in cui i due bracci p sembrano uno solo).
Le femmine hanno una doppia X mentre i maschi XY
Dalla V della mano, aggiungiamo il braccio e formeremo una Y
La lettera Y
Y è un simbolo che indica la scelta. E' il simbolo del bivio, dell'opportunità di UNO di discernere il bene dal male e di andare per una delle due strade.
E' simboleggiato spesso dalla forcola, il bastone del pastore errante, del boscaiolo vagante.
Robert Johnson met the devil at a crossroads, the set of two forks, put a cross in the middle of the road (the X is never the point where digging)
The snake has a forked tongue, and places before us a choice. But the choice and the opposition is just a trick because you can include within itself both positions, or dissolve the riddle of choice without excluding one of the two elements, but internalization and overcoming difficulties through the technique of the attack.
Before going any further illustrating this technique, in Parnassus the souls that pass through the mirror of the world must choose between Nick (the devil) and the happy image (Parnassus). The moment of choice is on a river (Y) and nick appears in the guise of a cobra from a forked tongue.
Y is the first letter of the Tetragrammaton YHWH
TAKE THE BULL BY THE HORNS : the art of stalking
Y, U, V, here is the bull with his horns. Remember the crescent and the bull leads the cult of Mithra, the old worship supplanted by the Judeo-Christian-Ram Lamb, then translated in fish (ΙΧΘΥΣ, which stands for Christ). Receding in the Zodiac, we arrived early the next Age of Aquarius, but that's another story. Back to the bull
Universally regarded as a symbol of fertility in ancient times, the head of the bull in ancient Egypt was subject to special treatment during the sacrificial rites for this very symbolic assimilation between the arrangement of the horns and the crescent moon takes the form of sickle during his "fourth". Through the symbolic theriomorphic, the moon or the sun were therefore considered as a symbol of time. In the complicated mythologies of Assyrian and Chaldean are even more obvious relationships between the symbolism of the bull and celestial influences. Risen to divinity, the bull was represented with a human face and with large wings covered with drapery aquiline gems like kings. Mediator between the earth and the heavenly gods, this figure was opposed to the other with a human face but with little wings which represent the Eabani infernal monster, a sort of minotaur mythology Chaldean.
Adapted from
In Greece especially in the Minoan age was widespread Bullfighting (Ah bullfighting!). But we will not divert attention talking about bulls, minotaurs, Knossos, mazes and bestiality porn.
return to the battle with the bull, which was to take the bull by the horns and use them to address its energy challenges without meaning, that allowed the "tauromate" (pass me the term does not exist) to stand up to the warrior hero and winner (V = victory! and Vendetta).

The bullfighting the bull is an ambush, an act of controlled folly, but what is the wait? E 'awareness to break the dilemma of choice, with a gesture crazy and with a smile on his face. Here again the crescent of the SMILE ...
hours I leave the word to those who know more than me, Otar Sprants.
Stalking is a way to turn any situation to our advantage in life, transforming forza dissolvente delle singole ottave in energia e consapevolezza personali.
Il presupposto è che qualsiasi cosa o situazione pensabile vive sui termini di una contraddizione assoluta: bene e male, vero e falso, bello e brutto, facile e difficile, vantaggioso e svantaggioso e via dicendo. (Ritorna il termine della SCELTA, ndr).
Dunque, la prima cosa da fare è individuare tali termini. Ora e ammesso di esserci riusciti, i termini della contraddizione vanno portati entrambi dentro la coscienza e tenuti lì in piena consapevolezza.
In sostanza e per tutto il tempo che durerà la specifica situazione, l’individuo non deve perdere la consapevolezza della loro esistenza e del rapporto contraddittorio che li accomuna, così come del fatto che ciascuna di tali eventualità potrebbe, in fine, avverarsi. Tuttavia, mantenendo profondo distacco sia dall'una, sia dall'altra possibilità.
Questo porta ad un risultato molto interessante, poiché la forza di ciascuno dei due termini è annullata dalla presenza del proprio opposto, permettendo a noi di passare indenni attraverso lo stretto e pericoloso tratto di mare che li separa. In sostanza, è usata la tensione insita nel principio di contraddizione al fine di risolvere la contraddizione stessa.
Pensiamo, ad esempio, alla possibilità di trovarci di fronte ad una scelta importante come il sacrificio di qualcosa di nostro a beneficio di qualcun another without, however, be certain that such sacrifice can lead to an effective aid for this person.
In this case, the terms of the contradiction are: success and failure. Now and if we assume an optimistic attitude, we are magnetized by the first term and this may lead us to proceed too quickly and perhaps unthinkingly. If, conversely, assume a pessimistic attitude to risk is not to move at all since the second term has been to tie us. We
these two freaks in a good light within us and then we will pass each other without problems.
seems a trivial matter, but this attitude alone will guarantee success "internal" infinitely more important than that related to our primary purpose (which, then, do we call minor) it exploits the tension caused by the principle of contradiction to transform consciousness in an ever-increasing energy of the Golem.
Reiterating the use of this technique to indulgence gradually decreases, while the production of increased awareness of equal measure.
However, it is important to understand that just a mere intellectual understanding of the contradiction or even a fleeting acceptance of it. Success and failure should be equally accepted by the whole totality, without a shadow of a mental reservation. Should also be required into the light within us for as long as necessary to "pass through" the eighth.
E 'to make clear that this is necessary to develop detachment and ability to "take the anguish generated by the individual octaves.
Additionally, at the approach should be limited to situations as relatively harmless, as he was fond of saying the venerable Mullah Nassr Eddin, "want to tear down the walls to get there goring other result than to crush the horns."
In essence, the Ambush works on two levels. The first concerns the purpose child. The second, the real purpose. So, in essence, what the warrior does when practice is to use the Ambush minor for the purpose of achieving the real purpose.
Some time ago a friend asked me how to apply in the case of the Ambush did his neighbors play their stereo at full volume. I answered something like this.
In the case of stereo you have them set the terms for yourself: passive acceptance (cry on them) and violent reaction (anger, until the limit of physical confrontation). Well, these are two levers, two poles of energy use to achieve the real purpose. Keep them in you in full awareness and at the same time develops the distance needed to win. Do this with a laugh. If you can laugh in this situation (90 dB while they tremble your coffee service) developments in the gap enough to make your total like a cork. That is to say that the gap (rice) takes you to the surface. The problem is that you need to do this gloss' (as enemy), enough to trigger an ambush with adequate speed and skill. However, you must have clarity winning FEAR (First enemy). Very well, let's say that you are able to laugh while the neighbors were doing their stereo to get the ball .... the eighth hour float generated from these degenerates. What do you think happened? Simple: you have power over that eighth. I should not wonder if maybe the next day, you could not hear the stereo and more for any reason, even seemingly disconnected from your actions. However, this is nothing. E 'lower order, the power, the third enemy. What we really have achieved is an inch more on the Path to Freedom. The goal, with time and practice, is to refine the Ambush so to be able to ride the eighth of gigantic proportions in absolute calm and ease.
In essence, the Ambush practice leads the warrior to lead a double life and this is because the Ambush itself to be effective, must be silent, secret.
Nothing that in fact you are doing now should shine out of your way of being because the only way your progress will be real.
You get to be completely normal people with a life longer than normal and like-minded (at least at first) so fantastically normal.
We should be able to create a model of respectability and made of good quality, so as to be able to seduce (broadly defined) even your pastor, if and when we do this, your Ambush will be very deadly.
Never speak of your progress, even with other warriors. Would not do nothing but spoil this progress in a silly exercise in vanity.
Be fierce and ruthless with yourself and your sweet and understanding with petty tyrants, since it is only through them that you can have any chance of success.
Treat even the smallest things, indeed, especially since it will be smaller and insignificant ones to give you the best and most durable.
control, discipline, patience and timing. Apply them to any situation of life and sooner or later, the intent will come.
Otaria Sprants
In conclusion, this is the expression that will give long life to your struggle toward freedom and toward the reconciliation of opposites.
to read to integrate, smile on
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