Spring is a time intensively under or every aspect, with very variable weather, wishes and dreams during the long winter months, flows quickly, leaving a trail of commitments, promises and plans for a new season. It 'was a very intense period for us, gratificati dal giardino del Baulino che mai come quest’anno ha regalato bulbi, arbusti, piante da frutto, rose, siepi di ogni genere nella loro massima espressione.
Abbiamo iniziato i nostri impegni ufficiali con la visita della sezione unitrè di Sa n Maurizio, capitanati dall’instancabile Fulvia Valsecchi e con alcuni ospiti del Fateben efratelli, abbiamo cantato con la chitarra di Aio, Angelo Reposio, loro animatore e amico nostro.
Poi sono arrivate le classi del Progetto Scuola in un pomeriggio quanto mia incerto, tra nuvole e sole torrido, terminato stipando a viva forza nel nostro locale di lavoro 45 ragazzini, desiderosi di sgranchirsi legs and forced it to a forced retreat, and a forced and hasty retreat to avoid the rain also that of the grandparents, the afternoon began with their own,

We were in the exhibition market Masino, unmissable, the meeting point between sellers and enthusiasts.
For the first time this year we had the opportunity to participate in the Book Fair in the space granted to groups from the service center VSSP, a moment of encounter and exchange with other associations and the public, the stand has been visited by President of the Regional Council, Dr. Davide Gariglio, with whom we have exchanged opinions and impressions on the world of volunteering, aspirations and disappointments, dreams and reality are often far apart.
And then Sunday, May 17, "Grand Tour" and other related initiatives. G ay positive in every respect, 27 members, we had expected 25, we will be in those associations that have been sold out. We Nurture or path with a photographic exhibition, the paintings of the "Valentino", the poems written and read by Paolo and Renzo of the "Project Culture and Tourism of Carignano, the agricultural school" Screening Rubens " Biella with Professor Alessandro Corbellini and some students. Prof. Constantine

The participants liked the set, and the garden is really seen through all the senses, how he wants his name "the garden variety of senses."
thanks to our directors, of every color and coalition that we have visited, some as participants in the whole route, and we hope they appreciated the efforts made not only in this last period, but in all these years.
The afternoon was dedicated to the guests of Baulino, thanks for this goes to the staff accompanying them and for their stay, we sang and danced together, reviewed the album of memories, our collection of old recipes written just a few with them.
A special thanks to the group of agricultural school "Screening Rubens", despite the saying "Remember to keep holy the parties" have cropped, offer advice, responded to all sorts of questions, and if we are coming leavers, that is diciottenni, non è sicuramente un modo usuale per trascorrere le domeniche, questo fa onore alla loro sc

Grazie anche all’amico Aio, ha fatto cantare e ballare tutti o quasi, ma tutti abbiamo pianto cantando “Mamma” dedicata al ricordo della sua mamma, ma un ricordo da parte di tutti è andato a chi ci era caro e che di recenti ci ha lasciati.
E ora un po’ di riposo e qualche cena estiva, approfittando di giardini ospitali, in particolare il vivaio-giardino di Renato Ronco, luogo ideale, incredibile e magico, sotto la basilica di Superga, sul bordo del laghetto di ninfee, a progettare per l’autunno, oltre alla visita consueta a Masino, un viaggio a Courson, vicino a Parigi, per le “journèes des plantes”.
E’ allo studio un gemellaggio con l’associazione “Progetto Cultura e Turismo” di Carignano, ma al momento ogni sforzo va alla manutenzione del Baulino, con una novità in positivo, l’impianto di irrigazione finalmente in funzione!
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