Boro Vox and the triumph of bourgeois rock And now tell me about the evil of Elvis and his mannerism Kitsch.
INTRODUCTION The success of a mediocre band is achieved by leveraging enormous ego of frontman, facing the audience and throwing glitter and all that needs to be told (hello roma, roma thanks, long live the Pope, you're beautiful, we think of hunger in the world), rather than a concert, this is a homily.
premise that one should not look gift horse in the mouth, I take the horse and do the ortopanoramica.
Subject: U2 concert STAGE A stage similar to that intimidates to those accustomed to the classic tettatttet with the artist. What is the turn for 360 degrees, so the sound sucks live. What is a track where the artists roam without wires ... The cable is intertwined is the essence of rock! the cable slips off, the amp starts and breaks ... rock and burp the imperfect technology.
The team must play together on stage, does not meet the public, the rock band spits on the public at most.
BORO VOX There was once a singer in a new wave group not bad. Then the ideas are esauricono in inverse proportion to the growth of the Ego.
Boro Vasco Vox on stage looks like a thin, forced most of Totti. The voice is the sound as well, but everything blends with preset backing tracks ... there is no more genuine pure rock and dirt.
The bourgeoisie LUNA PARK
EEEhhh but U2 aohh see that scene, lights that show.
The rock concert is not an amusement park. More lights more distraction from the essence, the music. The large missilone stuck in the ass of a alien spider are the property of a stand of science fiction, with a megamega screen to project images so that even the loser to 200 meters will be able to see what happens on stage.
But then I was at home to see me a DVD, which among other things, the sound would have been better.
ehhh but you always criticize! Eh fuck you want
: clap, pubblicomedio U2!
the good times we went to the concert and magliettaccia jeans, a sweatshirt up over her shoulders, then if you come from outside the backpack.
No, pubblicomedio U2 is made up of these guys in shirt and vest, shirt and sweater, shirt,? or by the tizie straight out of the beauty farm, that can not wait to turn the lock singing ONE, these thirty-forties who have never dirtied with mud, not to spoil the styling.
And Italy loves loves loves Ireland, like Africa, but the Romanians a bit 'on fuck me now eh! And let's gypsies .. unless Boro Vox does not oblige me to love them, then in that case I can make 'a thought.
BORO VOX and ostentation READINGS Boro and his pubblicomedio are the new middle class, summed up in the verses of the high (verses chefs to make):
"Tonight we pray for Aung San Suu Kyi ... and tomorrow we'll walk on Nike shoes and Sabot " YOU ALL THIS BUT ...
The missile sodomizes the giant alien spider
palcogigante, prayers for the Burmese, the Amnesty candle, I ragged at half the price of good feelings, the applause for a black guy who invites us to be one, the megamegaschermo, the rotating stage, the artists who roam the gigioneggiate The missileinculo Ragnoni of alien ...
this whole thing has to do with THE ROCK & ROLL?