Lost and Jungian archetypes
INTRODUCTION More than a treaty, this article is a game. It does not contain certain truths or absolute. It does not explain the plot of the series, and is referred to arguments that only the public can fully understand Lost.
LOST & JUNG What was really lost in
LOST? And what we find across the island of Lost
tackled this issue illuminated by the theory of Jungian archetypes array
The plot that develops along the six seasons, if he lives and brings to life the archetypes of the collective unconscious theorized by Carl
Jung. And in the finale, in particular, "Across The Sea", the archetypes are personified the main protagonists of the episode.
across the island is the process of identifying the individual. The island is therefore not so much the unconscious, as the meeting place of conscious and unconscious forces that determine the maturation and the identification of the IO.
The approach is through the attribution of meaning to the symbols and their interpretation that the individual encounters during his life. The symbol is to be found in the inner world and outer world. Internal training is via regressions and progressions of libido. The synchronicity instead would help the individual to see symbols not only inside but also in the world around him. This path then designate a "spiritual journey" towards greater self-awareness. LOST THE PLOTS AND COMMUNICATION BETWEEN THE CHARACTERS Lost's characters are destined to cross in their lives. For Foulkes
the group matrix is \u200b\u200ba network of relationship and communication between individuals that help create and communication between various individuals occurs at multiple levels. At the primordial level communication about the collective unconscious and archetypes.
Some authors have studied in particular the primordial level of the array. Following the concepts stressed that Jungian archetypes belong the genetic code, it is behavior that is learned but not hereditary. Of particular importance are the archetypes of the Great Mother and Great Father.
THE GREAT MOTHER OF JACOB island and in the lives of the characters, is almost absent or father figure, is dead or if the bearer of doom.
island speaks almost exclusively of the Great Mother archetype. This archetype also appears as one who weaves the web of life, like a spider at the same time develops
It 's very important that where the father figure is deficient or absent, destructive feelings prevail and the mother archetype basis of separation anxiety and lack of fusion od'incompletezza responsible for the sense of identity. The process of identifying individual and group that is hindered or prevented.
The mother on the island and necessary "crazy", possessive. So the mother of Jacob, as Rousseau, so Claire. It is a prey to the demon island, the archetype that wants it that way.
So, in the psychology of Jung
the Great Mother is one of the numinous power of the unconscious, an archetype of great power and ambivalent, destroyer and savior, nurse and devouring.
the script for LOST AND 'the unconscious? Raggiungere il sè significa arrivare a comprendere il "senso" ancora nascosto dell'esperienza.
Ma da dove ci giunge dunque tale "senso", da dove "prendiamo" il significato?
Esso ci giunge dall'inconscio.
Già sappiamo che esso presenta due facce, come la SCENEGGIATURA DI LOST: una volta al passato, all'istinto, al preistorico e preconscio (Flashback); l'altra volta al futuro che esso sa anticipare in virtù della "istintiva preparazione e disponibilità dei fattori che determinano la sorte dell'uomo" (Flashforward). Una conoscenza completa della struttura inconscia presente in ogni individuo fin dalla sua origine permetterebbe di preannunciarne ampiamente il destino.
The island time is NOT the time of reality because
generally think consciousness without taking into account the ancestral preconditions and without considering the influence of this factor in advance on how you configure your destiny. If we think in terms of years, the unconscious thinks and lives in terms of millennia. (...) Processes and psychological functions existed long before there was conscious ego. Having thought it was a reality long before the one in which a man could say I am aware of thinking. "
The unconscious has more data available to the small and young consciousness and it can thus have a more comprehensive and integrated that allows him to suggerire soluzioni sensate. L'inconscio, che esisteva e "funzionava" già prima della coscienza, continua ora accanto ad essa, con o senza il suo appoggio e, come per la coscienza "primitiva", anche per la nostra coscienza "civilizzata" il rischio di "perdere l'anima" in virtù di possessioni, fascinazioni, incantesimi, persiste ed anzi aumenta col crescente impallidire dei simboli trascendenti esteriorizzati che in passato ci salvaguardavano dai movimenti dell'inconscio.
Il bisogno spirituale che quei simboli andavano a realizzare ora non può essere più soddisfatto se non ritrovando quei simboli là dove da sempre risiedono. ANIMA Il Non-Jacob, il ragazzo in nero, è spinto dall'anima, ovvero il fantasma della madre reale, a cercare di staccarsi dalla morbosa pazzia della Grande madre.
"Tutto quel che l'Anima tocca diventa numinoso, cioè assoluto, pericoloso, soggetto a tabù, magico (...)
In quanto vuole la vita, l'Anima vuole il bene e il male (...) crede nel bello e nel buono (...) Nel processo di individuazione, il soggetto è costretto a staccarsi dalla madre e a cercare la sorgente luminosa del SE'
Il primo momento dell'incontro con l'Anima è generalmente segnato dal suo lato elfico irrazionale ove saggezza e follia sono una cosa sola. Essa sospinge la nostra vita in a wave of chaos where all our references, our standards are falling down, where I is the defeat of our total. Jacob I-I-nonJacob takes to blows. I do not jacob-starts to get lost in the multiplicity of human development, from which was all one with the Great Mother. The search itself will proceed through the fatigue and pain.
JACOB AND THE SHADOW The moment of separation will lead to a conflict seemingly negative events. The great mother tells Jacob the source of the SE 'but will not bathe. For this I will throw its shadow, the non-jacob.
The act of reflection about ourselves, together with the aid of the unconscious stimulated, also returns us to what we do not like to see.
Shadow is a carrier then the negative figure of our limitations.
meeting her, a bit 'absurd and a bit' threatening means to accept and acceptance would enable it to offer as valuable in itself contains: Do not forget that each symbol is ambiguous and that every negative is a bridge to positive and vice versa in a constant dialectical play
Non-Jacob burns quickly, it is not ready to face detection, and is relegated to the role of Shadow from I-Jacob becomes the black smoke, the dark side, apparently, on the island to judge the living and the dead
At this point in history, vediamo come i personaggi giunti sull'isola entreranno a far parte delle squadre degli archetipi.
Come si risolverà il conflitto? E' necessaria la conciliazione degli opposti perchè l'individuo raggiunga la fonte del SE'
Questo avverrà nel momento in cui l'IO passerà attraverso una terza fase, l'incontro con il VECCHIO SAGGIO.
Il Vecchio Saggio rappresenta tutto ciò che l'individuo sta per diventare dopo aver attraversato le fasi precedenti, un uomo, un saggio che sa, che ha conosciuto il passato, il presente e il futuro. The Wise Old Man is able to extricate himself from the sticky web of the Soul and the battles raging Animus and as such is represented as a counselor, a philosopher, an expert on the subject. His understanding can not keep his balance in the individual situation which is blocking its development. The wise man can also be understood as a doctor, he can fix things, a shepherd of souls.
Crossing archetypes free, I will come to the SE '. This archetype is the sum of the path of individuation, the end of the individual unfolding before him, like a blossoming flower.
Buddhist philosophy , and even in some places that Taoist and Hindu and directed towards the liberation from dell'indiviuo Samsara to Nirvana the through enlightenment. Jung wrote an essay about a sacred Chinese text translated in "The Secret of the Golden Flower." In that essay he noticed and brought to light the parallels between his psychoanalytic theories and ideas of the identification of spiritual awareness and liberation from the eternal cycle of human life. purpose
If ' is the awareness and unity of opposites that are the basis of human experience: to know them and balance them without wanting to eliminate the charge energetica di opposizione.
Riuscirà Jack Sheperd a riunificare Jacob-nonJacob?